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Re: Lemond drops bomb on Landis hearing [DC Pattie]
The guy who made the call to Lemond is in some deep trouble. He will do some time for that. Witness tampering is a big deal. Sure it is just a private arbitration but it is being followed world wide so the local prosecutor won't let it slide.

Also, this little stunt may have ended whatever slim chance Floyd had of getting off. There whole case was based on "we are the good guys and the doping agencies are incompetent and maybe evil." Now Floyd is threatening witnesses. The arbitrators can impute the actions of his manager to Floyd if they want to.

A general rule of thumb in the legal biz is that any time you have to ask your client to deny under oath that he had one of his posse threaten a witness it means your case is toast ;-)
Last edited by: STP: May 17, 07 18:11

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  • Post edited by STP (Dawson Saddle) on May 17, 07 18:11