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Re: Drills vs. PC's [TooSlow]
TooSlow wrote: When will they realize that the engines (the subjects) were not the same, and therefore you cannot accurately compare the "cycling economy" numbers as it relates to which pedalling style is more O2 efficient?

Oops. I forgot to address this...I think this is a common mistake many "scientists" used to make (maybe some still do) about cycling. "Most O2 efficient" isn't what produces the best cycling results, expecially in endurance cycling.

For example, it is more O2 efficient to pedal at 50-60 rpms...problem is, glycogen is depleted too fast, if by pedalling at these rpms you are generating enough power to be going at a relatively fast pace...let's say 25 mph. Pedalling at 90 rpms at 25 mph uses more oxygen (is less O2 efficient), but, it consumes less glycogen, because the peak forces required on each pedal stroke are less than going 25 mph at 55 rpms.

SO, the less oxygen efficient, higher rpm choice will give the cyclist better performance in an event that lasts longer than the glycogen will hold out at 55 rpm. The key is to find out where an individual's physiological charateristics dictate the best rpm/peak force for the task at hand...and, to train the individual's power production/oxygen delivery/fuel availability systems to their optimal levels based upon the task.

Like I've said so many times, this isn't a PC/RC battle, it's a thread about physiology and effects different training/racing tools may address. I think we'll all learn more if it is kept in this light....

Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur
(That which is said in Latin sounds profound)
Last edited by: yaquicarbo: May 21, 04 10:28

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  • Post edited by Titan (Dawson Saddle) on May 21, 04 10:28: addition