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Re: Drills vs. PC's [Ric_Stern]
well i have to say that the below reset post is the best thing EVER to be posted on this subject on the s-twitch board. so good, i will post it again. :)

but first i wanna thank r stern for his advice concerning a fellow's willingness to always remain open for seeking help with one's issues. always a good idea, that. tell you what tho, while i give a call to the insurance company for a prior authorization and all that stuff, perhaps you or one of your compradres could remind us all at home again:

just WHY was it we are supposed to listen to guys with MS's or whatever in exercise who-ha who perhaps run internet coaching services for hobbyist participatory athlete's ( what else does that qualify you for, btw - could you be, like - madonna's trainer?) and in any case have zero experience with PC's of any significance over the word of , say, dr testa - a man of absolute legendary stature as a coach and mentor in the sport/science of cycling who has worked with them (PC's), at the utter highest level of performance - again?

i mean to say, we all know that YOU guys figure you are smarter than dr testa, despite not . . . . . . er . . . . . . . . . . well that is . . . . . . . . . . . . . possessing ANYthing to match his smallest acheivement in the sport. but let's just say i lost why it is you should possibly think that anybody ELSE ( save maybe your dog) should feel that way too.

in the meantime - wanna know about PC's as revealed by the s-twitch board, here ya go.

"I've been avoiding this thread for several days, but this morning I took my punishment and went through it. My summary:

- 301 posts and I would guess Frank and Rip contributed 70% of them (~210 posts)

- ~90 posts by other people weighing in on everything from red shoes to diarrhea.

- Lots of reasons why PCs can’t work, the majority, of course by Rip. Reasons why they do mostly by Frank.

- Absolutely no posts from anyone who has bought PCs and either found them not to work, or were totally disgusted with PCs, or even merely mildly unhappy, let alone comments that they weren’t worth the money. Similar (identical) pattern in other PC threads. For this forum, I think that speaks volumes.

- Not to say that there weren’t comments that PCs don’t work, weren’t worth the money, and weren’t happy with them. However, it appears that every individual who made these comments has never ridden PCs. The possible exception is the rather enigmatic Ken Willet who won’t clearly acknowledge or deny he has rode/bought/fondled PCs and won’t state experience of said riding (or fondling). One feels that there is considerable underlying politics going on, but being relatively new to the forum (March of this year), I haven’t got a clue. Mr. Day does have a tendency, as evident in other threads, of excessive handwaving and shooting from the hip. I could be gracious and chalk it up to the symptoms of a busy individual, not an uncommon trait in this population (i.e. triathlete culture). However, it is a trait that can and readily does annoy some people

- I get the impression there are people who bought the PCs but didn’t stay with them. Nothing really new there. Any idea of the number of people who buy health club memberships and never go after the first three months (as an example, please don’t debate the specifics e.g. 2 months vs 4 months, yada yada yada.)

- Good science and good scientists repeat other people’s work to verify and validate for themselves. Rip seems to have ample opportunity to borrow PCs and evaluate for himself. Not evaluating the cranks considerably weakens his argument for me. I appreciate the time available to invest argument, however, for someone who has spent this much time arguing against PCs in this and other threads, that argument does not hold a microliter of water."
Last edited by: t-t-n: May 16, 04 17:14

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  • Post edited by t-t-n (Dawson Saddle) on May 16, 04 17:14