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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [Eileen] [ In reply to ]
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"it's really not his job to watch me race"

I assume he's not a triathlete? Most triathletes don't realize how unexciting IM is to watch. I watched my wife race an IM, was there rooting at the finish line and pretended that I had a really exciting day seeing her enter/leave T1, and then go by once on the bike course and a couple of times on the run over a 13 hr period. Another time she was racing a half but I decided to just do the sprint. There was a nice pub with an outdoor cafe along the 1/2 bike course. I went to the outdoor cafe for lunch after the sprint and as she rode by I lifted my pint of beer and rooted for her. She told me later she should have done the sprint. LOL!!
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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I introduced him to triathlons. He had finished his first Oly that morning (swim was canceled) and finished 2nd (there were only 3 ppl in his age group) Asshole

And thanks! Bathroom stop at every porta potty. Leg muscles were seizing up bc of it too

Susan Harrell

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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [seh] [ In reply to ]
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seh wrote:
I introduced him to triathlons. He had finished his first Oly that morning (swim was canceled) and finished 2nd (there were only 3 ppl in his age group) Asshole

And thanks! Bathroom stop at every porta potty. Leg muscles were seizing up bc of it too

Oh fucking hell, that is the worst! Super impressive that you toughed it out and finished. That's some strong work right there sista.

Trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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A guy told me last night that I was well preserved for my age. He was 33, I'm 32.
32? WTF? Is that "old" by anyone's standards? Seh, you have a target rich environment for douchebags. What is the deal?

Mens, age--don't touch that one with a ten foot pole, unless you want to go home alone or perpetually chase 22 year olds, cause I'm sure they'll dig you forever.

You have no idea... My friends inform me a book should be written. At least it leads to funny conversations over wine

And yes guys - stay away from age

Susan Harrell

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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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I'm beginning to have a girl crush on you

Susan Harrell

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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [seh] [ In reply to ]
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It's mutual ;)

Trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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luckytotri wrote:
It's mutual ;)

ok, keep it going :) My story is regarding my ex-wife . Years ago I asked here to ride her bike (she doesn't run) whilst I ran along beside her. It was a flat stretch of road and needless to say I was pretty much out of air trying to keep up with her when all of a sudden she says" well, if your not going to talk I'll just turn around and go home" and she did, too!
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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No, he's not a triathlete. He'll occasionally come out on bike rides with me (he'll turn around after a certain point; I will keep going), but he's not a swimmer or a runner. We do, however, have a good understanding of each other, developed over many years. He understands how much working out and competing means to me, and he lets me do my thing without bitching about (for example) my being out on the bike all day or our laundry room being full of wet lycra. I, in turn, do not expect him to be my cheerleader, sports psychologist, or tri sherpa. He is welcome, but not obligated, to come to my races. If he comes, he is encouraged, but not expected, to spectate. I totally get how unexciting it is to spectate a tri.

I will occasionally ask him for favors related to my racing, but they are always couched as favors, not as expectations. He has never refused. He will occasionally ask me to refrain from signing up for a certain race, because he wants me to do something with him, instead. That's fine. I've never refused.

I know that a lot of people who are really into tri or other sports want spouses or significant others who are into the same types of sports. I, frankly, am happy I'm with someone who has other interests. It's also worked out well, as I've been battling a series of injuries that have sidelined me from any real racing for over a year. It's tough enough not being able to properly train or race; it would be almost unbearable if I were living with a triathlete, who was happily doing the things I'd give almost anything to be able to do.
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [Eileen] [ In reply to ]
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'it would be almost unbearable if I were living with a triathlete, who was happily doing the things I'd give almost anything to be able to do."

I hear you. I "retired" at the end of 2011 and didn't race at all in 2012 but my wife is still racing local sprints/olys and I'm starting to get the bug again. Triathlon is something my wife and I started together close to 15 years ago. For many years we mostly did local area sprints/olys. What we liked about that was that every weekend if not a near by short course tri there was a 5/10 km run or a century roadie ride available. On other weekends we'd scuba dive together. My wife took it to a different level however. She started to get into longer course doing the occassional 1/2 while I stuck to short (and posting on ST:-). It's nice to have the same interests but that's certainly not a deal maker in any relationship. We're a bit older, both been divorced and my kids from my 1st marriage have grown up (almost) so we don't have the young family stresses that many triathletes would have. She would never have done IM if not winning a lottery spot at Kona. I'll never forget the first reaction - "oh shit, now I have to actually train for this damn thing". That was the year that we both qualified for the ITU world's AG short course and the plan was to go together, but with winning the Kona lottery it was a no brainer.

Back to the OP. When you think about it, an IM is also a long day for the supporters. You're there two hours before the race starts with your sig other and stay until the very end but don't get the adrenaline rush that the competitors have. It really is a long tiring day for those watching, but for different reasons. I understand why the boyfriends were tired and wanted to go home because that's how I felt, but saying so would have been raining on the parade, so it was a "dumb shit" thing for them to say.
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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I have raced 2 ironmans and spectated 4. I can 100% honestly say that I was more exhausted after spectating every one.

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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [seh] [ In reply to ]
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Haha...so hilarious that we have a live example of this in the main forum right now. That guy is a gem!

Trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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Here's a 1st date contribution:
"Can I stay over tonight? I think I'm too drunk to drive home, nothing has to happen, we can just cuddle..."
Angry Response:
"Um, I think you'll be fine. You just drove ME home. Bye!"
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [determination] [ In reply to ]
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My last date, I had broken up a couple of times with this girl, she asked why I came back, my response "because you are the only one who will take me back...", and that is why I am alone, what a dumbass!

"You do what you have to do , so can do what you want to do."
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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luckytotri wrote:
travelmama wrote:
After knowing I have done triathlons, some stupid ass clown asked if I rode a bike? The same stupid ass clown told me I am skinny. Shit, what a dumb thing to say.
One thing that really gets me that both sexes (especially men) say is "How are you GUYS doing?" When I am with my girlfriends and no males are present.

See, Mens, do not comment on a woman's weight to that woman. Never. Many people would think that calling a woman "skinny" would be a compliment, but many triathletes do not think so. Of course, this dude asked if you rode a bike after talking about tris, so he's probably not firing on all cylinders.
You are right, this stupid ass clown is not firing on all cylinders. He was looking to come up on something more than a bike ride. I cannot be bothered with such crap. As for my size and weight, I am just as skinny as an obese person 20 pounds lighter calling his/herself "skinny." I just don't look like most people wandering around a county fair.

DISH is how we do it.
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [determination] [ In reply to ]
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determination wrote:
Here's a 1st date contribution:
"Can I stay over tonight? I think I'm too drunk to drive home, nothing has to happen, we can just cuddle..."
Angry Response:
"Um, I think you'll be fine. You just drove ME home. Bye!"


Trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [duron43] [ In reply to ]
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duron43 wrote:
My last date, I had broken up a couple of times with this girl, she asked why I came back, my response "because you are the only one who will take me back...", and that is why I am alone, what a dumbass!

Duron, good job owning the dumbness of this, but why would you want to be with someone "because [they're] the only one who will take [you] back..."? Wouldn't you rather just be alone?

Trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [travelmama] [ In reply to ]
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travelmama wrote:
luckytotri wrote:
travelmama wrote:
You are right, this stupid ass clown is not firing on all cylinders. He was looking to come up on something more than a bike ride. I cannot be bothered with such crap..

This, my friend, is the heart of the dumb-shit-guys-say problem.

Trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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"This, my friend, is the heart of the dumb-shit-guys-say problem."

May I suggest a new thread called "Nice shit that guys say (sometimes)"

Would be interesting to see if the same posters would respond. :-)
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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So my "ex" had too many to even think of...by my favorite by far -

a (male) friend in college had his girlfriend in the car with him. They pull up to a red light. He looks from the driver side across his girlfriend to the car next to him. It is an attractive female. He then leans over his girlfriend and says..."how you doin'?".

Still love it!

Don't Just Live, Thrive!
Thrive Kinematics Physical Therapy - http://www.facebook.com/...8178667572974?ref=hl
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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cerveloguy wrote:
"This, my friend, is the heart of the dumb-shit-guys-say problem."

May I suggest a new thread called "Nice shit that guys say (sometimes)"

Would be interesting to see if the same posters would respond. :-)

Yes, that is a great idea for a thread. Damn it, Cerveloguy! ;)

Trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [tridana] [ In reply to ]
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I know the term "LOL" is overused, but really, I am laughing so hard thinking about that. Oy!

Trying to fight gravity on a planet that insists
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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The best part about this....we are from the West Coast...he said: "how you doin?" in the worst fake NY/NJ accent! Just hilarious!

Don't Just Live, Thrive!
Thrive Kinematics Physical Therapy - http://www.facebook.com/...8178667572974?ref=hl
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [luckytotri] [ In reply to ]
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My name is Victoria and every so often when I meet a guy they will say "What's your secret!" Every guy says it as if they just came up with something super creative and it is the first time I have ever heard it......
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [JRabbit] [ In reply to ]
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if i had a nickel for every time i'd heard "hey k, whaddya say?" accompanied by a look-how-clever-i-am grin, i'd be able to buy my pick of superbikes.


-mistress k

ill advised racing inc.
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Re: Dumb shit that guys say... [mistressk] [ In reply to ]
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It wasn't a pick up line but the woman had clearly heard it many times before and wasn't amused. I was walking down the street in Washington DC where there was a women standing in front of fortune teller/palm reader store. She was handing out coupons for some sort of discount. As she handed me one, I said "I knew that you were going to give me this." She gave me a "I've only heard that line a hundred times today" look. LOL, I thought I was being very clever.
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