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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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So, just curious - do we collectively think Gordo is a good coach? (OK, so he's never won Kona, but most would concur that he's a top tier Pro athlete)
Why is it always about Gordo, why does his name always come up? And how many top tier pros there are?

Paulo, I'm surprised... The answer is simple. His name always comes up because there's probably no other individual in the sport of triathlon who does the following:

1. Participates in the sport at a very high level (time and results)

2. Dedicates as much time as he does to educating the world. He is completely open about everything he has done in the sport (ie the good, the bad and the really ugly). Keep in mind, he does it without ever once insulting anyone. He doesn't even use the slightest bit of sarcasm to make a point because he feels it's completely unnecessary.

One more thing and this is just my opinion... I don't think Gordo is near genetically gifted as most if not all of the other Pros out there. I think he has got as far as he has in the sport because he has this impeccable work ethic. He just reminds me of some normal dude who has an extreme passion for success.

Mitch Gold is another guy who has similar qualities, imho.

Bottom line, people like these qualities in individuals. It's inspiring and refreshing...

Thanks, Chris

I still think it's surprising. For example, if the name of this guy always come up, that wouldn't surprise me


But it never does... I wonder why that is?! And we know the athletes he coaches.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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"Dedicates as much time as he does to educating the world. He is completely open about everything he has done in the sport (ie the good, the bad and the really ugly)"

This is what I like about guys like Gordo and Mitch Gold. They do this, on their own time, and you can get it for free and better yourself. They don't have to offer this, but they do. In a sense, it is excellent marketing, whether they do it purposely or not is another question (the smart money says they are also good at business...) :-).

In fairness to Paulo, he is offering lots of good insights into the sport, especially on this forum. He just does it with a different style, but he'll give you the info that you ask of him, but may not just serve it up like Gordo and Mitch :-)
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [RA] [ In reply to ]
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Dear RA,

It's ok if you don't like me, but to manipulate what I have said is unacceptable. I have met Marty twice now, I know people that know him and his coaching and I've read some things from him. I have the best opinion about him, so for you to come and put words in my mouth is, like I said, unacceptable.

If you want to attack me personally, like you've done countless times, please do it without involving somebody else.

Thank you and good night.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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I think a lot of it has to do with "messaging" or an element of marketing. No doubt, I feel that Gordo has marketed himself quite well. Actually, extremely well. But he definitely has likeable characteristics too and I'm sure he realizes that. Brett, for example, seems to be a bit of a wildcard in that sense. You know, I've heard some "interesting" stories about him and his approach (independent of his success at coaching athletes).

Hey, I don't need to tell you... A certain level of success and notoriety will always be dependent on one's ability to market themselves.

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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When you hire somebody to coach you, do you want somebody to help you get to the next level or do you want a friend?

But your post about Gordo had some interesting points, certainly worth discussing, if only this was The Gordo Thread... IT IS NOT! ;-)))
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Who else would you put at that level (of Sutton)?
Col Stewart must be up there.
Any other additions?

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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Dan3] [ In reply to ]
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At Brett Sutton's level? Well, nobody, of course ;-)

But yes, Col Stewart for sure, Bill Davoren, Siri Lindley, Joel Filliol, Michael Krueger, Molina.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [CCF] [ In reply to ]
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Good point Paulo, but I assume that you are saying that current top athletes don't make great coaches. This is in general true. But there are many former great athletes who are great coaches now. They are still fast now, but now as fast as they were. Is this what you mean?

Would you say a coach who would let a novice athlete race 3 IMs in a single year is a great coach?
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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On myself, I'm training for a marathon in '07.

What marathon?

Are you up for a coaching challenge?
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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No Dave Scott, Lance Watson and Mark Allen :-(.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Didn't know this name before:
Michael Krueger

Anywhere to find more info? With a quick search I see he's Danish and coached Rasmus Henning but who else?

Great list of other names too!
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Tri_yoda] [ In reply to ]
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On myself, I'm training for a marathon in '07.

What marathon?

Are you up for a coaching challenge?
What's that, the athletes I coach against the athletes you coach?
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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On myself, I'm training for a marathon in '07.

What marathon?

Are you up for a coaching challenge?
What's that, the athletes I coach against the athletes you coach?

How about you do my day job and also do my Master's coursework, then I will have the time to coach some athletes;)

Otherwise I just coach myself, you coach yourself and we'll see how much I beat you by.

"When I first had the opportunity to compete in triathlon, it was the chicks and their skimpy race clothing that drew me in. Everyone was so welcoming and the lifestyle so obviously narcissistic. I fed off of that vain energy. To me it is what the sport is all about."
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Tri_yoda] [ In reply to ]
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Ever since I started coaching people, I've completed a Masters degree and a PhD, but I understand others might have difficulty ;-)

Now seriously, we can settle this now. You're a faster runner than me from the times you posted before. It's really a no-brainer.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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I don't have anything to add, but it tickles me pink to listen to coaches talk about coaching.....

I'd definately agree that the best coaches don't necessarily need to be the greatest athletes of their time...although some rare ones are able to get down off their throne and do a great job.

On a sidenote, I'm quite surprised more triathletes (esp IM distance) don't use sports shrinks.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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Ever since I started coaching people, I've completed a Masters degree and a PhD, but I understand others might have difficulty ;-)

Now seriously, we can settle this now. You're a faster runner than me from the times you posted before. It's really a no-brainer.

Yes, but with your superior coaching knowledge and my complete ignorance of modern training principles and general pea brain I would think I barely stand a chance.

Surely you aren't suggesting that talent may be equally (or more) important than coaching?

I figured without your expert guidance Sergio would be washing dishes (No slam intended do not know Sergio other than his triathlon palmares) or something, not getting on the podium at IMs.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Tri_yoda] [ In reply to ]
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my complete ignorance of modern training principles and general pea brain

I wouldn't have put it any better, thank you.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Tri_yoda] [ In reply to ]
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Good point Paulo, but I assume that you are saying that current top athletes don't make great coaches. This is in general true. But there are many former great athletes who are great coaches now. They are still fast now, but now as fast as they were. Is this what you mean?

Would you say a coach who would let a novice athlete race 3 IMs in a single year is a great coach?

12 months from now that number will hopefully be 8 IMs in 26 months. :)

And, actually, yes, I do consider my coach to be a great one. There was nothing about "letting" me do all these IMs. We had several long and very frank discussions about my goals, my abilities, and my experience, and we are following a plan to hopefully get the most out of those abilities. These races are part of that plan, and we both think it's a good one. I am continually surprised at the big picutre view my coach has for me. I can only assume that he has a similar view for all of his clients.

Also, just because I have only been a runner for just over three years in no way makes me a "novice" athlete.


Any run that doesn't include pooping in someone's front yard is a win.
Last edited by: CCF: Oct 9, 06 20:01
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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When you hire somebody to coach you, do you want somebody to help you get to the next level or do you want a friend?

But your post about Gordo had some interesting points, certainly worth discussing, if only this was The Gordo Thread... IT IS NOT! ;-)))

The answer to your question seems obvious but I don't think it is. I think a lot of us want a little or a lot of both at times (consciously or even subconsciously). Sometimes I feel I need a coach just because I need someone to believe in me. Often that comes better from someone who's behaving like a friend and not as a "classic" coach.

Gordo is just an example. I think the points are applicable in general. Don't you think?

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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No John Hellemans?

Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy- Sir Isaac Newton.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [wakeman] [ In reply to ]
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No John Hellemans?
I am sure I forgot a lot of people, he is one of them.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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I have followed this thread over the last few days, and just now went back and reread the initial post.

There has been some good debate and some interesting perspectives put forth on a topic that a lot of people feel they know a lot about. Whether they do or not is another question, but nonetheless it has been a healthy discussion.

What is not so healthy is how folks quickly resort to anger or put downs if someone holds a different opinion to them. IMHO that sort of thing degrades the quality of the whole forum. And compared to some threads the tone of this one is quite mild!

It is a real shame.


per ardua ad astra
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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People can't get over Brett's past... that's why his name doesn't come up.

I had the privilege of attending a lecture by Sutto... learned more in 3 hours, than 3 years on the internet forums. ;-)
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Dan3] [ In reply to ]
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Sindballe... and pretty much most of top Danish athletes...

Damn fine athlete himself.
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Re: Flavor of the day coaching [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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>But it never does... I wonder why that is?! And we know the athletes he coaches.

Maybe he should read my post on how to become popular on the internet, then devote some of his time away from real life to post on slowtwitch?
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