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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Dude, give yourself a break. Throwing shit at people is about as uncool as it gets.
People who throw shit at other people should expect a bad result. I think it's important that people who do stupid things should bear unfortunate consequences. If you walk away, the ass hole won't learn that it isn't cool to throw shit at strangers.
If someone throws something at me I immediately guage whether or not I think I can kick his ass. If I'm confident I can, I get waaaayyyy up into his face and demand some form of obeisance. If I'm not sure, I glower and see if he seems intimidated. In either of these cases, I'm ready to have at it.
If I'm pretty sure he can kick my ass, I follow him at a safe distance for several days and then set his house on fire.
Don't fuck with me, I'm not sane...

Cousin Elwood - Team Over-the-hill Racing
Brought to you by the good folks at Metamucil and Geritol...
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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You didn't get hit in the face, did you??

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry, but I can't cut you as much slack as some here. Two things about your story really jar at me. First - you stood up and yelled at the guy to throw at you. In other words you escalated. Yeah, they were being annoying pricks, but you made the decision to draw attention to yourself. So what was it? Did you really want to fight, or was this just you wanting to appear as the alpha male with your friends? I am betting on ego tripping with the latter. Secondly, the guy was throwing something at you. Just how far through the stands did you actually have to go to lay your hands on him? You had time to make a concious decision to de-escalate. I think this has less to do with you being easily provoked, since you have never been in a fight before - and more to do with showboating for your peers and riding that little ego trip. Either that, or your judgement was somewhat chemically impaired (beer and hockey can be a good combination - beer and testosterone not always so good).

That said, you have an opportunity to really think about this and learn. You are young, and we all make mistakes of judgement. And never forget, you were lucky. If you had pulled that stunt at some of the Spitfire games I used to go to, you would have been lunch meat.

"In dog beers, I've only had one"
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Dude, you got into a fight. No need to be a pussy about it ;^)
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Re: the fight. [KEJ] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]You didn't get hit in the face, did you??[/reply]

I lol'd
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Re: the fight. [KEJ] [ In reply to ]
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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did you pull his short over his head, get in a few good rib shots, then stuff an orange down his throat? i think that would have been my response.
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Re: the fight. [OWEN_MEANY] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, it amazing how quickly someone will quite down when you smack them in the nose. And one well placed punch in the gut will drop most people.

But that would be wrong.
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Ted, were you in Verdun? It sounds like it could have been that Semi-Pro league around Montreal......
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Re: the fight. [jriosa] [ In reply to ]
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this happened at the end of the game, it's a small arena, they walked passed and shot oranges at us, I turned to my friend and said "im leaving through the back door" as i was walking out one of the guys' girlfriends called us a bunch of pussies (to quote her a exactly) and then proceeded to grab her crotch, I said fine, I walked to the front door, and honestly with a clint eastwood look in my eye had requested anther orange be thrown. I didnt shout, nor did I throw the first punch, maybe I was just as provocative as the other guy.
This is the first fight I have ever been directly involved with, I have never fought before out of act of anger or defence.
I am not hurt, nor did I recieve any hits. To say the least this fight wasn't even a fair one, they outnumbered us 4 to 2.
I don't think i was trying to impress or prove my alpha maleness to my one friend that I was with.
That being said, you do make strong points.

"The aspect of sport that you learn is that you have your good times and your bad times, but you share it with great people." - George Gregan

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Re: the fight. [YVR Drew] [ In reply to ]
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the verdun dragons don't exist anymore. Ive been to their games before, it's pretty scary. have you ever seen the movie "Les cheifs de laval"? ??

"The aspect of sport that you learn is that you have your good times and your bad times, but you share it with great people." - George Gregan

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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Did you at least get a good punch in?

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Well that paints a different picture than your first description. Definitely you were goaded, and definitely you rose to the bait. You almost walked out of there without a fight, but you turned back. Only you can answer what particular line was crossed that casued you to do that. It could be a one off type of situation, you were just having a bad day etc. Main thing is to be aware of the potential in you to make this type of decision. I sounds like you learned that most fights just ain't worth it. Unless your life or property are being threatened, or that of those you care for, I have never found it worth while to engage.

That said, if we are ever at an event together, I can show you a few tricks on how to level those types of odds. Teaching martial arts in Detroit for 10 years gives you a few tricks.

"In dog beers, I've only had one"
Creating custom made furnishing to your requirements
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Coming to Canada from England I had a very strong cockney accent. We moved into a rough part of Montreal. Being different, I was picked on & ended up in a lot of street fights. I still have the scars on the nuckles to prove it. I happened to take up boxing & the fights stopped. Not because I fought any differently on the street, I feel it was because I could turn my back & walk away. The meds & shock therapy helped as well. Not that any of this has anything to do with your situation.

Paul "Speedy" Gonsalves

Canadian distributor for HED Cycling, Blue Competition, Akona Biospeed & Aerus Composites

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Re: the fight. [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Dont feel bad Ted, you can really hurt someone trowing a orange(if it land on your nose) so you did the right thing. were you in Laval?

Formely stef32
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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...one of the guys' girlfriends called us a bunch of pussies (to quote her a exactly) and then proceeded to grab her crotch.

That's my kind of girl!


Good athletes train when they want to, great athletes train when they don't......

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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Don't be such a WUSS!!!! You got into a good old fashioned throw-down, so what. You were at a hockey game...I do believe it's still "5 for fighting" right?

It is the off-season (which isn't as bad as a taper) so you have some pent up aggression. GET RID OF IT!!! Go get laid, or go to another hockey game...you choose...but for God's sake, be a man. You got in a fight...I say good on 'ya!!
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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You were in a "fight" outnumbered 4 against 2 & you didn't "receive any hits" who was your friend Chuck Norris?
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Uh.... still not clear. You were not injured but were outnumbered. Did you win? They definitly had it coming. Sorry I was not there to help even it out.
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Re: the fight. [mileader] [ In reply to ]
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I hope our man Ted whupped their asses then slept with the crotch grabbing girlfirend.

No worries Ted, shit happens.
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Sounds like you OD'd on Christmas spirit.
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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F%^k all these nay-sayers. If someone is provoking you and throwing stuff at you, you have to take care of business. There is zero wrong with going to fist-a-cuffs on the very rare occasion. People try to stifle their primordial instincts but it smply does not work in the long haul. If nothing else, you have a nice story to tell your grandkids and something to bring up at the next poker party. Your posting this on ST with regrets but I'll bet while having a beer after the game, you were high-fiving and pounding your chest. (and thats not a bad thing).

Now for the death threat PMs I am sure to get, I do not advocate fighting in any way, shape or form unless, I am sure I am going to win. Some of my best stories are where I thought I was going to win but got my ass kicked. (BTW, I haven't been in a scrap in about 7 or 8 years)

"I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it. "
Steve Irwin
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Re: the fight. [Ted McGregor] [ In reply to ]
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Some people just need a sharp blow to the head to wake them up. Reality and the internet are VERY diffrent, people who will poke eachother in the eye cyber space style are VERY nice easy going folks when they are face to face with another human.

You shoulda hit them with hockey sticks.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: the fight. [mileader] [ In reply to ]
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...one of the guys' girlfriends called us a bunch of pussies (to quote her a exactly) and then proceeded to grab her crotch.[/reply]

That's my kind of girl!

I dunno... sounds like a case of feminine itching to me. They have products for that nowadays.

Behold the turtle! He makes progess only when he sticks his neck out. (James Bryant Conant)
GET OFF THE F*%KING WALL!!!!!!! (Doug Stern)
Brevity is the soul of wit. (William Shakespeare)
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Re: the fight. [parkito] [ In reply to ]
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I think that Ted misunderstood her...she was showing him where she wanted him to touch.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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