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Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [53x12] [ In reply to ]
Where is the picture of Jens with Motorman when we need it?
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [pick6] [ In reply to ]
more so, his coach for returning to triathlon was Ferrari. once a doper, always a doper.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [53x12] [ In reply to ]
Clean riders do always tell the truth.

Thanks to Euro-Sports for my H3Cs.

Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [SWoo] [ In reply to ]
The moment USADA got sworn testimony that each rider doped, and didnt immediately place a ban on said athlete, yes they allowed results from that point forward to be tainted in my eyes.

I'll agree with your statement that the athletes tainted the results, but if an governing doping body fails to act in a timely manner as they usually do, that shows some blood on their hands as well.

Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Ahillock] [ In reply to ]
Presumably as a result of the 8-year statute of limitations for doping violations. Usada determined it didn't apply to LA based on actions taken to avoid detection. I guess the same rule could've applied to the other riders, but it was likely not pursued as a compromise in exchange cooperation. The latter is admittedly just speculation on my part.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
BDoughtie wrote:
The moment USADA got sworn testimony that each rider doped, and didnt immediately place a ban on said athlete, yes they allowed results from that point forward to be tainted in my eyes.

I'll agree with your statement that the athletes tainted the results, but if an governing doping body fails to act in a timely manner as they usually do, that shows some blood on their hands as well.

Exactly not to mention that this is Levi's 2nd doping offense as he was previously suspended.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [boney] [ In reply to ]
The thing is, Lance could come clean and say....

Everyone was doing it...and I mean everyone...
I had to prove Cancer survivors could so anything...
I am deeply sorry, but stand by Livestrong and beating Cancer...
I am fully committed to cleaning up cycling...

He would be a hero again, Livestrong would explode, the haters would all just shrug and say "well....we knew alll along...", the lovers would have a group spank and that would be it, done.

I doubt his disturbingly large ego will allow this, but as someone who has shown to be counselled by very smart, informed people, I don't see how it can't happen. (as the final and ultimate PR move in the world of Lance)

Thanks to Euro-Sports for my H3Cs.

Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [boney] [ In reply to ]
I think the time for that type of apology has passed. He has said he has moved on and does want to live in the past. But more importantly, now, after his opportunity to go before USADA and after the Reasoned Decision has been released, it would be too little to too late.

Suffer Well.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [53x12] [ In reply to ]
Actually I'm not a LA fanboy. It doesn't fade me one bit.

Odd then that you would make so many posts on this thread.

Most of us do care about cycling here and that is why this is such a big story. I know many people put Lance up above the sport but I am worried about the entire sport beyond Lance. That is why I support the report and the search for answers. I think the other riders should be banned for life and a full investigation into the UCI and everyone involved.

I still cling to the hope that the sport can get clean but it seems to be a pipe dream right now.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Francois] [ In reply to ]
Francois wrote:
I love how pathetic fanboys try to steer the conversation away from the biggest cheat of all time in cycling...

Who's is talking about Eddie Merckx? I thought this was about LA.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [boney] [ In reply to ]
The thing is, Lance could come clean and say....

Everyone was doing it...and I mean everyone...
I had to prove Cancer survivors could so anything...
I am deeply sorry, but stand by Livestrong and beating Cancer...
I am fully committed to cleaning up cycling...

He would be a hero again, Livestrong would explode, the haters would all just shrug and say "well....we knew alll along...", the lovers would have a group spank and that would be it, done.


I agree. In fact, if the American public (because that is all that matters here truth be told) forgive Tiger so easily for audultry with porn stars, well shit this is small potatoes given the output of his doing what he did is Livestrong.

I agree, get on 60 Minutes and apologize. Own it. Tell why. done.

won't happen though. ego.

Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
FJB, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure you'll be able to do your slowass bike touring no matter how it all shakes out.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Robert] [ In reply to ]
Robert wrote:
I haven't read all of the USADA's brief in support of its conclusions, but I'd say the evidence looks, on first reading, stronger than I suspected. Nonetheless, we have been unable to hear an opposing argument. And LA can't bribe witnesses the way USADA has done. So, I remain cautious about drawing firm conclusions. We need BOTH sides of this story.

Can we just take a second and look at this in the context of the FACT that LA had a chance to go to arbitration and face this evidence head-on, and tell HIS side of the story. HE DECLINED.

That wasn't the USADA's decision. The decision not to contest was made by LA and his lawyers. You're not about to get the 'other side of the story' because the only one that can come from is Lance and he very clearly said he's not interested in sharing.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [jmh] [ In reply to ]
Oh, I wouldn't accept the apology, not for a second. But that doesn't change the fact that millions would. Don't forget that the vast majority of people that have heard of Lance, know VERY little about cycling, doping, etc. and thus him apologizing about doing something everyone else was doing would seem very reasonable, perhaps even chivalrous.

Thanks to Euro-Sports for my H3Cs.

Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [xtremrun] [ In reply to ]
xtremrun wrote:
Francois wrote:
I love how pathetic fanboys try to steer the conversation away from the biggest cheat of all time in cycling...

Who's is talking about Eddie Merckx? I thought this was about LA.

I remember a few years ago Tom Demberly (sp?) posted something about how Eddie Merckx was caught doping back in the day.
There was not one reply to his post. Nobody wanted to see it.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Last edited by: pattersonpaul: Oct 11, 12 9:07
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [boney] [ In reply to ]
I think the issue Lance will face is that he's basically backed himself into a corner with his actions against anyone that called him a doper. Plus I think he's actually done a very good PR move of basically throwing up his hands and giving up but also still controlling some of the power. So I think he's going to go with , "I've moved on, I'm abidding by your rules, I'm out of Kona, and just doing my Livestrong thing". Now the thing that I think sucks for him the most is that I certainly think he wants/need to race a Kona, a 70.3 Vegas to see where he stands. That's probaly eating him alive, not being able to race against the best.

Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [53x12] [ In reply to ]
Only a "quasi-government agency", hence the "quasi-legal procedures".
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [boney] [ In reply to ]
Guy's chill, Lance is clean, Samuel Sanchez told me so:

Samuel Sanchez, the 2008 Olympic road race champion, said "until the contrary is proved, he remains innocent."

"Lance has overcome many controls and even until today he has never been found positive in any of them," the Euskaltel-Euskadi rider said in Spanish in a television interview with The Associated Press before Thursday's third stage of the Tour of Beijing.

"So about all the accusations that have been poured against him, we have to see what is the goal of all of them, whether it is an economic motive or they want to harm his image."

"We still need to wait to see what's the final decision taken by the UCI (cycling's governing body), and see what it rules," he added. "The UCI has said all the time that it works on today's cycling and not in the cycling of the past."

"I really wish you would post more often. You always have some good stuff to say. I copied it below just in case someone missed it." BarryP to Chainpin on 10/21/06

Last edited by: chainpin: Oct 11, 12 9:10
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
BDoughtie wrote:
. Now the thing that I think sucks for him the most is that I certainly think he wants/need to race a Kona, a 70.3 Vegas to see where he stands. That's probaly eating him alive, not being able to race against the best.

You know, I'm ok with that.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
Good points, and I thought his "I'm done/tired of the fighting" defence was his best card at the time. Interesting that the (likely) need to fuel his ego by racing triathlon, is blocked by his inability to admit cheating, which is as a result of his ego.

Thanks to Euro-Sports for my H3Cs.

Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
Devlin wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
. Now the thing that I think sucks for him the most is that I certainly think he wants/need to race a Kona, a 70.3 Vegas to see where he stands. That's probaly eating him alive, not being able to race against the best.

You know, I'm ok with that.


Yeah, the top pros are also ok with that.

Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, then don't
do that thing.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [pattersonpaul] [ In reply to ]
pattersonpaul wrote:
xtremrun wrote:
Francois wrote:
I love how pathetic fanboys try to steer the conversation away from the biggest cheat of all time in cycling...

Who's is talking about Eddie Merckx? I thought this was about LA.

I remember a few years ago Tom Demberly (sp?) posted something about how Eddie Merckx was caught doping back in the day.
There was not one reply to his post. Nobody wanted to see it.

I wasn't a member then, but it's public knowledge he got popped 3 times. Twice he fought the 3rd time, he said "yep, I was doping". Merckx is Lance's idol, and he did the one thing Lance doesn't seem to be capable of doing, tell the truth about his cheating. To me, that puts merckx above Lance, even if he said he was forced to cheat because it was the only way to win.
Last edited by: pick6: Oct 11, 12 9:14
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [FJB] [ In reply to ]
FJB wrote:

Odd then that you would make so many posts on this thread.

Most of us do care about cycling here and that is why this is such a big story. I know many people put Lance up above the sport but I am worried about the entire sport beyond Lance. That is why I support the report and the search for answers. I think the other riders should be banned for life and a full investigation into the UCI and everyone involved.

I still cling to the hope that the sport can get clean but it seems to be a pipe dream right now.

I don't care as LA is just 1 out of hundreds of others professional cyclists that doped to increase their performance. Nothing new about that. It doesn't matter to me because he isn't the first nor the last. This will happen again with future cyclists. I was there for the Telekom Affair, Festina doping scandal, Oil for Drugs case, Operacion Puerto doping case and now the USPS team doping scandal. I was there for Pantani, Fignon, Kelly, Pate, Roche, Riis, Zabel, Ullrich, Simeoni, Rasmussen, Hamilton, Landis, Millar, Basso, Contador, Vino, Valverde, Ricco, Dekker.... Guess what, I am still here. I don't let doping get to me like some on here. It is water off my back. Doping is part of cycling's history. I can still watch and enjoy the races and enjoy the time I am out on my own bike. This doesn't bother me.

I haven't really posted more than others on here. I just find the discussion interesting and enjoy talking about it. No harm in that. At the end of the day I will still love being on my road bike. I will still love watching racing on TV.
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
BDoughtie wrote:
That's probaly eating him alive, not being able to race against the best.

And if anything he needs it is to feed it is ego- so perhaps the lifetime ban from competition the greatest punishment. It wasn't good enough to "win" 7, he had to come back to cycling, then come back to triathlon. He'll figure out a way to compete against the best even if he has to start his own race (or series) and pay folks to compete against him.

But ultimately is ego and need to compete and to prove something to someone was his downfall and what got the ball rolling with USADA.

Suffer Well.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Francois] [ In reply to ]
Is this the kind of money you coaches make?:)
Total $1,029,754.31

Kerry Classen


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