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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [J_R] [ In reply to ]
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J_R wrote:
Lance Armstrong banned from bike racing. In other news, Lance Armstrong is bike racing this weekend.

and running a marathon the following day

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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [mrtrik] [ In reply to ]
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mrtrik wrote:
J_R wrote:
Lance Armstrong banned from bike racing. In other news, Lance Armstrong is bike racing this weekend.

and running a marathon the following day

He must be in dire need of some ego boosting this weekend.

Serious question, is there a formal sanctioning body for ultrarunning? Do they fall under USATF?

Suffer Well.
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [desert dude] [ In reply to ]
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As a coach aren't you concerned for your athletes: They get tested, pass, but they can still be accused of doping years down the road?
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [mrtrik] [ In reply to ]
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mrtrik wrote:
J_R wrote:
Lance Armstrong banned from bike racing. In other news, Lance Armstrong is bike racing this weekend.

and running a marathon the following day

Sounds like finman.....
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [jmh] [ In reply to ]
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im sure its been suggested, but How about the Lance Armstrong invitational, Tiger does it in golf. He only invites the top 20 pros from Kona and they race a different course every year. Winner gets more than Kona, just to stick it to Tygart.
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [TeamBarenaked] [ In reply to ]
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TeamBarenaked wrote:
I saw someone else make this analogy:

Mr. Armstrong, we see that you blew a 0.0on this breathalyzer, you are free to go.
Couple months later, cops knock on the door "We have ten people who say they saw you drinking that night, so we are arresting you"


Analogy needs to be modified for this case.

It's as if one dirty cop takes the breathalyzer, sees. 0.10, takes $100 from Armstrong and puts away the machine.

Then a few months later a different cop is looking through the log, sees the result, and goes and knocks on Lance's door.

A core part of USADA's case is the blood values from '09 and '10 which show clear evidence of blood doping. Lance wants to keep repeating that there's no physical evidence in hope that if he says it loudly enough, people will believe it. Unfortunately it seems like he's right and people will believe it, but that doesn't mean there's no smoking gun.

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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [saltman] [ In reply to ]
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saltman wrote:
Would it change your mind if those great things involved asking his team mates to dope, possibly compromising their health to help him and them win?

Hey desert dude, I appreciate your thoughts, but have to say to the above. Fuck that x 100! :) If teammates cannot man up and just say no to drugs, they are just as guilty as Lance. If you are going to give them an out, you better give Lance one also, because the incentives to succeed were there for all of them. Just because he outperformed doesn't mean he felt any less "pressure", perhaps even more since it was really his success that was lining the pockets of his teammates. George, Levi, et al made a shit load of money over their careers and they had their chances to be "the man" on teams as well. This logic just doesn't work for me.

Like the great Chris Rock said: "Nobody has ever sold me drugs" you don't sell drugs, drugs sell themselves... "Encyclopedias on the other hand"....

All these guys were adults, professional athletes not a bunch of 4th graders

"Bros b4 Hos, man" House MD

Team Aquaphor 06-08
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [stevej] [ In reply to ]
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Why should I pay a school tax when I don't have kids? Why should I pay taxes that go to wheat subsidies when I don't eat bread? Why should I contribute to congressional salaries for them to vote on changing the name of French fries? I don't like it but it's better than living most anywhere else (other than Italy, that country is awesome even with the waterfall of shortcomings).
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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CP78 wrote:
im sure its been suggested, but How about the Lance Armstrong invitational, Tiger does it in golf. He only invites the top 20 pros from Kona and they race a different course every year. Winner gets more than Kona, just to stick it to Tygart.

Freaking genius! And it's no holds barred on the St George Utah course. Dope em if you got em!
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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
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BLeP wrote:

The problem is that the same people that say the Lance can't be clean if he beat dopers don't want to hear the same said about Lemond.

I buy into your argument. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it's likely a duck.

I think Lemond is quite different, actually.

First, if he doped, he would be best off to just remain quiet in retirement and not raise the issue (this is what just about every other former TdF winner does) rather than bring attention to himself with his anti-doping stance. He would have to have a set of really big stones to have doped and then speak out the way he does.

Second, as many enemies as Lemond has made over the years, whether during his career or after by those who view his stance as "attacking the sport" (if you don't think this is prevalent, just look at the Simeoni affair), NO ONE has ever come out and said, "Lemond doped." The USADA had 10 (not one, not two, but ten) former teammates who said Lance did.

I would really like to see the evidence in order to come to a conclusion re: Lance (I'll admit I am leaning in one direction, but I still would like to see the evidence), but the Lance situation is NOT the same as Lemond.

Amateur recreational hobbyist cyclist
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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [ In reply to ]
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I find this hard, as I both admire and dislike LA.

Do I think he doped? Almost certainly. It was too endemic in the cycling culture, and there are way too many people around him that have admitted, and that he beat. For that, I dislike him. Doping is idiotic and anathema to everything I've ever admired about sport in general.

However, I admire him for his efforts against cancer. You can say what you want about the foundation, how it spends its money, etc., but at the end of the day Lance is out there shaking the word in everyone's faces and making them aware of the fight and the necessity to cure a ravaging, pernicious disease. Plus, I have seen a side of him that offered a free ride on his private jet to and from a Livestrong event, based on a single tweet from a stranger.

I have a cousin that survived, a grandfather that didn't, fraternity brothers that have lost both parents to cancer. I support anyone that stands up against the disease, I just can't support his athletic endeavors.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
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WCP just put all the LA dvds on sale...not sure if it's a tribute or a dig.

ECMGN Therapy Silicon Valley:
Depression, Neurocognitive problems, Dementias (Testing and Evaluation), Trauma and PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [refthimos] [ In reply to ]
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refthimos wrote:
BLeP wrote:

The problem is that the same people that say the Lance can't be clean if he beat dopers don't want to hear the same said about Lemond.

I buy into your argument. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it's likely a duck.

I think Lemond is quite different, actually.

First, if he doped, he would be best off to just remain quiet in retirement and not raise the issue (this is what just about every other former TdF winner does) rather than bring attention to himself with his anti-doping stance. He would have to have a set of really big stones to have doped and then speak out the way he does.

Second, as many enemies as Lemond has made over the years, whether during his career or after by those who view his stance as "attacking the sport" (if you don't think this is prevalent, just look at the Simeoni affair), NO ONE has ever come out and said, "Lemond doped." The USADA had 10 (not one, not two, but ten) former teammates who said Lance did.

I would really like to see the evidence in order to come to a conclusion re: Lance (I'll admit I am leaning in one direction, but I still would like to see the evidence), but the Lance situation is NOT the same as Lemond.

I for one think it's entirely possible that Lemond DID dope. But regardless - it was the pre-EPO era when doping wasn't nearly as effective. As well, Lemond was arguably more of a physical freak than even Lance was. If anyone could do it just based on genetics and raw talent, it was GL even more than LA.
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [Robert] [ In reply to ]
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" . . .zero is still zero"

The article is a zero. It says nothing new or original. I think the reporter likes his catchy little title though. ST'ers are better writers than this guy.
Last edited by: TriBeer: Aug 26, 12 10:52
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [Carl Spackler] [ In reply to ]
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Carl Spackler wrote:
Why should I pay a school tax when I don't have kids? Why should I pay taxes that go to wheat subsidies when I don't eat bread? Why should I contribute to congressional salaries for them to vote on changing the name of French fries? I don't like it but it's better than living most anywhere else (other than Italy, that country is awesome even with the waterfall of shortcomings).

Carl....I'm looking forward to war stories from your next vacation of riding in the Dolomites. I agree, that country is awesome if you are a cyclist.

OK, back to the regular programming on this thread.
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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [Titanflexr] [ In reply to ]
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I'm loving these pics.
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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [bobloblaw] [ In reply to ]
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I'm just glad they can be friends again :)

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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [CP78] [ In reply to ]
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If this doesn't scream the arrogance of USADA I don't know what does.

The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency today banned Armstrong from the sport for his alleged use of illegal performance enhancing drugs and said it expects cycling's governing body, the International Cycling Union, to strip Armstrong of his titles. USADA said they could require Armstrong to return millions of dollars in cash prizes that he has won since 1998.

However, a source close to Armstrong said it remains to be seen whether Armstrong will lose his titles.
"The status of various titles, and financial awards, is really not up to USADA. The governing bodies of each of the respective races will have to decide whether they are going to respect USADA's rulings. So all of that remains to be seen at this point," the source said.
Last edited by: Runguy: Aug 24, 12 15:06
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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [Runguy] [ In reply to ]
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Today, CNN was on in the gym, and the news flashes said, "USADA stripped Armstrong of his titles." The news media is wrong to make that statement.
Last edited by: TriBeer: Aug 24, 12 15:15
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [Roughster] [ In reply to ]
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What if I proceeded to push for legal cases against you going into double, triple, quaternary jeopardy

USADA has filed against LA before? No case filed, no double jeopardy.

For everyone saying "fanboys", I would challenge you to think about "innocent until proven guilty". Lance has never been given a fair shake during this and that can not be denied.

Innocent until proven guilty doesn't mean investigators don't keep investigating. It means one isn't sanctioned until the process is complete. In a court of law, one can plead no contest, never be PROVEN guilty and still be sentenced.

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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [TriBeer] [ In reply to ]
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True. In a "technicality" sorta way.

If it said "USADA decision will lead to Armstrong being stripped of his titles" that would be more factually accurate.

Alas - the general public doesn't have the attention span to discern the difference, nor care about it.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [TriBeer] [ In reply to ]
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suicide watch anyone!!!
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [Peter Karvelis] [ In reply to ]
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My kids tried that when they were about 4 years old. Cross their arms across their chest and say "I'm not listening to you." I think it will have similar results for LA.
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Re: Cheater banned from sport for cheating [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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"Alas - the general public doesn't have the attention span to discern the difference, nor care about it."

This is what concerns me.

CNN did flash that UCI is still making a decision about the titles.

Have a good weekend!
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Re: Lance accepts lifetime ban - See ya [bobloblaw] [ In reply to ]
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Those samples don't show clear evidence of doping. They are suggestive of doping and the lab guy will not testify it's evidence of doping. This has been mentioned 5,000 times here....


"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ~Anne Frank
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