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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [mv2005] [ In reply to ]
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I think everyone should avoid the fast lane unless passing but I also think it really mucks up traffic when a holes are driving too fast.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [windywave] [ In reply to ]
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windywave wrote:
Drive in the right lane pass in the left. Fucking Americans do not understand this concept
Some of the US military members (and their spouses) stationed in Germany never pick up on this concept, and it definitely leads to problems there.

"Human existence is based upon two pillars: Compassion and knowledge. Compassion without knowledge is ineffective; Knowledge without compassion is inhuman." Victor Weisskopf.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [RandMart] [ In reply to ]
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RandMart wrote:
Leddy wrote:
The last few years around me the highways with speed limits of 65 seem to have people driving crazy fast. 80 mph and you're steadily getting passed. I've been in a line of cars doing 90 or so and been routinely passed like I was standing still.

That's how it's done on the Jersey Turnpike

Youse got a problem wit' dat?


Seriously though, if I drive home from the shore early on Monday morning it's like the Daytona 500. Which reminds me most people who make that early drive stay right and pass left. Things usually go smoothly.

"I think I've cracked the code. double letters are cheaters except for perfect squares (a, d, i, p and y). So Leddy isn't a cheater... "
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Fleck wrote:
If more motorists rode bikes, raced bikes and/or took part in advanced level group rides with good working echelons the roads would be safer, and we would all get to where ever we are going faster. The thing that a good working group ride and echelon has is, cooperation - that's almost non existent on the road*. For many drivers, it's like their are NO other vehicles on the road - just their's. It's this extraordinary level of selfishness and entitlement that often leads to problems.

Indeed - drive right and pass left. It's pretty straight forward. Also - look well down the road and anticipate things, and traffic movement and patterns so that you can maintain your flow/speed but also of others - let another driver in, so they don't have to jam the brakes on, or massively accelerate to make a gap.

* I do see this level of cooperation among truck drivers, and I'm always on the look out for them, as I am looking out for myself. Again, in terms of flow, I let the truck into the gap - give him a little flash of the lights to let him know, I'm giving him the space to do that . . and so on. Whereas I see so many drivers drive on up right behind a truck on the left and then maybe a truck on the right or long line of cars - that car now has no where to go safely - no safe out! And they will just end up driving along in that dead-end spot for a while.

I think part of driver's ed should be experiencing what it is like to drive a truck. I haven't ever driven a big rig (it's on my bucket list to try it) but I have a 6 speed manual diesel truck and I have towed some very heavy loads with it (north of 15k lbs). Everything is much more difficult and takes a lot longer. Getting up to speed is work, getting the thing stopped is even worse. Adjusting speed on the freeway is a lot more work for the truck. So when some asshole passes then cuts over right in front of a truck and sits there, it really is a pain in the ass. You need more space between you and the car in front because that truck ain't stopping on a dime, but slowing down to create the space then getting back up to the speed you were at is not economical and is a chore for the truck. I always give truckers plenty of room when I pull back over after passing so they can just keep cruising at their speed and not adjust anything. And yeah I will brake to let them in because I know how hard it can be to get a long load into the next lane when people aren't being cooperative.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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You'd not last one junction in germany ;)
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [Andrewmc] [ In reply to ]
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Andrewmc wrote:
You'd not last one junction in germany ;)

I've driven plenty on the autobahns. Here is what I love. People approach you in the fast lane and flick their lights. You move over. Simple and easy and NOT an act of aggression. I love driving in Germany.

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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CaptainCanada wrote:
Andrewmc wrote:
You'd not last one junction in germany ;)

I've driven plenty on the autobahns. Here is what I love. People approach you in the fast lane and flick their lights. You move over. Simple and easy and NOT an act of aggression. I love driving in Germany.

But how are you finding the gong show that is the pat bay highway?

Long Chile was a silly place.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [mv2005] [ In reply to ]
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Keep right but above all don't tailgate. How does a tailgater have enough trust in the person in front of them to tailgate. There aren't many trained nascar racers or jet fighter pilots on the roads. I back off a good distance when this happens in front of me and keep an eye out for my escape,
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [BCtriguy1] [ In reply to ]
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BCtriguy1 wrote:
CaptainCanada wrote:
Andrewmc wrote:
You'd not last one junction in germany ;)

I've driven plenty on the autobahns. Here is what I love. People approach you in the fast lane and flick their lights. You move over. Simple and easy and NOT an act of aggression. I love driving in Germany.

But how are you finding the gong show that is the pat bay highway?

Actually, as a rule not too bad. When the ferries let loose it jams up for a while, but not too bad.

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [mv2005] [ In reply to ]
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mv2005 wrote:
Seen a few FB links to articles bitching about people who hog the 'fast' lane. The responses are as typical as a bikes vs cars new story. People boasting about tail gaiting, flashing lights etc General intimidation. The degree that people try and justify it is amusing. Many hang their hat on it coming down to inaccurate speedos with both people actually within the limit but one being more inaccurate (thus slower) than another.

My younger brother and older sister, both docs (so possibly with God complexes), are most definitely in the keep right (well keep left here) camp. Yet I know that both are compulsive speeders. I love stirring them up that if everyone just did the speed limit there would be no reason to pass. Thought I've most definitely found myself frustrated at being blocked in, I personally despise speeding much more. But then I've grown up driving big old heavy (slow) cars.

So which camp are you in? Is this the worst road behaviour in your eyes?

Keep right unless you're overtaking. How f'ing hard is that? It takes a glance in the mirror and one over your shoulder and 4 seconds to safely change lanes. Do it! It's also the law in many states (29 I believe). Driving in the left or middle lane at the speed limit and getting annoyed at those who want to overtake you is not only selfish, but ultimately dangerous, leading to more cars feeling the need to overtake to the right of you. And if you get annoyed by cars (safely) going 10 or so mph over the speed limit you need to get a life.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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I find I'm always stuck behind some old lady in the left lane doing 75. Drives me crazy.

Long Chile was a silly place.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [mv2005] [ In reply to ]
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Keep right when I'm not doing 80 (which is 99% of the time), which seems to be the commonly accepted speed for the No. 1 lane here in Southern California. If I'm doing 80 in the No. 1 lane then I'm not going to get out of your way if you want to go faster than that; in such case it's up to you to work to attain your desired speed. Have fun passing me!

War is god
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [Crank] [ In reply to ]
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Crank wrote:
If I'm doing 80 in the No. 1 lane then I'm not going to get out of your way if you want to go faster than that

Why not if there is space to your right and you're not overtaking?
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [mv2005] [ In reply to ]
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mv2005 wrote:
ThisIsIt wrote:
Definitely keep right, but don't be asshole if someone is in the passing lane.

I think it was on FB recently where I saw a public service announcement or something along those lines about people blocking the passing lane causing accidents. That's generally been my view of it. You're making things way more dangerous sitting in the left lane than the speeders are.

There's not a chance in hell that the person blocking a lane is more dangerous than the person speeding. It's a choice of an individual to illegally tailgate, or swerve to pass on the inside etc, and cause the accident. Once they make that choice then it's their fault and theirs alone. It's like saying women that dress provactively are the cause of rape. The two distinct acts might invoke a series of emotions but it's the person acting out on those who is at fault.

You sure about that?

Why people drive slow in the left lane is one of the most vexing problems of the road since the invention of the automobile.

Blocking the left lane isn’t only illegal — every state has some type of law restricting use of the left lane on multi-lane roads and highways — but keeping it open for passing causes fewer accidents than speeding because traffic flows more smoothly and there’s less tailgating and less weaving in and out of traffic.

Other benefits of not being a left lane hog include reduced road rage, better gas mileage and getting to your destination faster.

“Any time you get a disruption in the normal flow of traffic, you are apt to increase the chance of an accident to occur,” says Lt. Gary Megge of the Michigan State Police.


STROMBERG: There is, you know, strong research showing that just a small amount of congestion can ripple outwards and make a really big traffic jam. And a lot of times that's because of just a few cars that are going slower than the speed limit or just at it and blocking up both lanes. And that causes, you know, layers and layers of people trying to pass just backed up behind them. And so it's annoying, but it also really can cause legitimate congestion.


The Dangers Caused by Slow Driving
Milwaukee car rental drivers should note the evidence that shows slowing down and changing lanes is more dangerous than speeding. According to statistics, lane changes account for about four percent of all car accidents in the US. This includes close to 10 percent of highway accidents. Interestingly enough, research has found that the strongest predictor of an accident isn’t actually speeding, as many Milwaukee car rental travelers might think, but actually variance in the average speed of traffic. Data has found that a car moving five miles slower per hour than the rest of traffic has a greater chance of causing an accident than one that is moving five miles per hour faster.

Now, imagine that those slow drivers are scattered among the right and left lanes. Suddenly, the road is full of obstacles and drivers that are traveling at a consistent speed will be required to weave in and out of traffic, executing a great many number of lane changes, in order to arrive at the destination. If the slower drivers kept to the slower right lane, these faster drivers could pass several at a time, cutting down on risky lane changes and further eliminating slowdowns.


If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [Crank] [ In reply to ]
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Crank wrote:
Keep right when I'm not doing 80 (which is 99% of the time), which seems to be the commonly accepted speed for the No. 1 lane here in Southern California. If I'm doing 80 in the No. 1 lane then I'm not going to get out of your way if you want to go faster than that; in such case it's up to you to work to attain your desired speed. Have fun passing me!

What a fucked up attitude. If there is space to the right, then you should be in the right hand lane. It's not up to you to determine the speed of everyone else.

Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [mv2005] [ In reply to ]
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Drive right/pass left breaks down when the majority of the drivers want to go faster than the traffic flow. Everyone queues up in the left lane and stays there, until they see a big gap on the right and then they pass on the right until they catch the semi everyone is queued to go past, and then squeeze into the left, to the annoyance of everyone behind. So, to prevent that, everyone tries to stay 20ft off the bumper ahead of them at 75mph..super stressful driving.

I like to drive with cruise as much as possible, so in that situation I usually set the cruise at about 70 (75mph speed limit), stay right, and avoid having to pass too often. When I do need to pass then, it's always a pain because of the never ending stream of cars in the left lane...you just have to pull in and let them deal with it. They will catch the car they were previously behind as soon as I complete the pass pull back right anyway. This is my Land Rover driving mode (get's lousy mileage above 70mph). When I drive my wife's car I'm more likely one of the cars in the left lane queue.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [Dapper Dan] [ In reply to ]
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One of the main contributors to the problem you describe is the reluctance of people to move to the right when there is not an enormous gap to do so. People tend to over-estimate how much space they need to move to the right, and are afraid of not being able to get back into the left lane when they get to the next car. So they say, f'k it, I'll just hold my place in the queue in the left lane. It all comes back to this weird fear many people have of changing lanes. Basically they can't be bothered to give their driving the attention it needs to do so.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
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Kay Serrar wrote:
One of the main contributors to the problem you describe is the reluctance of people to move to the right when there is not an enormous gap to do so. People tend to over-estimate how much space they need to move to the right, and are afraid of not being able to get back into the left lane when they get to the next car. So they say, f'k it, I'll just hold my place in the queue in the left lane. It all comes back to this weird fear many people have of changing lanes. Basically they can't be bothered to give their driving the attention it needs to do so.

Not to mention the special idiots that drive slow with cars on their right, and then gas it as soon as the right is clear.

Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [mck414] [ In reply to ]
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mck414 wrote:
Pretty simple, the left lane is for passing. If you're not passing someone, move the hell over. I guess that puts me in the keep right camp.

This. In some states it's even a law.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [spot] [ In reply to ]
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spot wrote:
Crank wrote:
Keep right when I'm not doing 80 (which is 99% of the time), which seems to be the commonly accepted speed for the No. 1 lane here in Southern California. If I'm doing 80 in the No. 1 lane then I'm not going to get out of your way if you want to go faster than that; in such case it's up to you to work to attain your desired speed. Have fun passing me!

What a fucked up attitude. If there is space to the right, then you should be in the right hand lane. It's not up to you to determine the speed of everyone else.

My writing was unclear. If there's safe room on the right then I travel on the right and/or I'd move aside for faster traffic behind me in the No. 1 lane (and then I'd slide back into the No. 1 lane after they passed me); but if there's no safe room on the right then I'm not going to cut off someone in the No. 2 lane to let the (other) speeder through just so the (other) speeder can tailgate the person in front of me in the No. 1 lane. Let me know if that doesn't make sense. The person behind me can go F themselves* and deal with the fact that traffic's heavy that day - I'm not going to endanger slower traffic in the No. 2 lane just so the person behind me can move up 50 feet or whatever my following distance is.

*As can you, Sally.

War is god
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [Crank] [ In reply to ]
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Crank wrote:
spot wrote:
Crank wrote:
Keep right when I'm not doing 80 (which is 99% of the time), which seems to be the commonly accepted speed for the No. 1 lane here in Southern California. If I'm doing 80 in the No. 1 lane then I'm not going to get out of your way if you want to go faster than that; in such case it's up to you to work to attain your desired speed. Have fun passing me!

What a fucked up attitude. If there is space to the right, then you should be in the right hand lane. It's not up to you to determine the speed of everyone else.

My writing was unclear. If there's safe room on the right then I travel on the right and/or I'd move aside for faster traffic behind me in the No. 1 lane (and then I'd slide back into the No. 1 lane after they passed me); but if there's no safe room on the right then I'm not going to cut off someone in the No. 2 lane to let the (other) speeder through just so the (other) speeder can tailgate the person in front of me in the No. 1 lane. Let me know if that doesn't make sense. The person behind me can go F themselves* and deal with the fact that traffic's heavy that day - I'm not going to endanger slower traffic in the No. 2 lane just so the person behind me can move up 50 feet or whatever my following distance is.

*As can you, Sally.

So you admit you're writing was unclear, and then tell me to F myself? Wow, you are an asshole. And, you just pretty much admitted to being the problem....if there is room in the right lane, WTF are you doing sliding back into the left lane after somebody has passed you? WTF do you NOT understand about staying right except to pass? Is that your special lane or something?

Your designating yourself "Crank" was fairly prescient, as it is fairly obvious you are indeed a tool.

Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [spot] [ In reply to ]
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spot wrote:
Crank wrote:
spot wrote:
Crank wrote:
Keep right when I'm not doing 80 (which is 99% of the time), which seems to be the commonly accepted speed for the No. 1 lane here in Southern California. If I'm doing 80 in the No. 1 lane then I'm not going to get out of your way if you want to go faster than that; in such case it's up to you to work to attain your desired speed. Have fun passing me!

What a fucked up attitude. If there is space to the right, then you should be in the right hand lane. It's not up to you to determine the speed of everyone else.

My writing was unclear. If there's safe room on the right then I travel on the right and/or I'd move aside for faster traffic behind me in the No. 1 lane (and then I'd slide back into the No. 1 lane after they passed me); but if there's no safe room on the right then I'm not going to cut off someone in the No. 2 lane to let the (other) speeder through just so the (other) speeder can tailgate the person in front of me in the No. 1 lane. Let me know if that doesn't make sense. The person behind me can go F themselves* and deal with the fact that traffic's heavy that day - I'm not going to endanger slower traffic in the No. 2 lane just so the person behind me can move up 50 feet or whatever my following distance is.

*As can you, Sally.

So you admit you're writing was unclear, and then tell me to F myself? Wow, you are an asshole. And, you just pretty much admitted to being the problem....if there is room in the right lane, WTF are you doing sliding back into the left lane after somebody has passed you? WTF do you NOT understand about staying right except to pass? Is that your special lane or something?

Your designating yourself "Crank" was fairly prescient, as it is fairly obvious you are indeed a tool.

LOL. You must be one who road rages. I laugh at people like you.

War is god
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [Crank] [ In reply to ]
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Crank wrote:
spot wrote:
Crank wrote:
spot wrote:
Crank wrote:
Keep right when I'm not doing 80 (which is 99% of the time), which seems to be the commonly accepted speed for the No. 1 lane here in Southern California. If I'm doing 80 in the No. 1 lane then I'm not going to get out of your way if you want to go faster than that; in such case it's up to you to work to attain your desired speed. Have fun passing me!

What a fucked up attitude. If there is space to the right, then you should be in the right hand lane. It's not up to you to determine the speed of everyone else.

My writing was unclear. If there's safe room on the right then I travel on the right and/or I'd move aside for faster traffic behind me in the No. 1 lane (and then I'd slide back into the No. 1 lane after they passed me); but if there's no safe room on the right then I'm not going to cut off someone in the No. 2 lane to let the (other) speeder through just so the (other) speeder can tailgate the person in front of me in the No. 1 lane. Let me know if that doesn't make sense. The person behind me can go F themselves* and deal with the fact that traffic's heavy that day - I'm not going to endanger slower traffic in the No. 2 lane just so the person behind me can move up 50 feet or whatever my following distance is.

*As can you, Sally.

So you admit you're writing was unclear, and then tell me to F myself? Wow, you are an asshole. And, you just pretty much admitted to being the problem....if there is room in the right lane, WTF are you doing sliding back into the left lane after somebody has passed you? WTF do you NOT understand about staying right except to pass? Is that your special lane or something?

Your designating yourself "Crank" was fairly prescient, as it is fairly obvious you are indeed a tool.

LOL. You must be one who road rages. I laugh at people like you.

Nope. I just shake my head at idiots like you who can't seemingly understand a very simple concept like "stay right except to pass." It's not hard, maybe somebody you'll get it. Keep trying Sparky!

Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [mv2005] [ In reply to ]
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mv2005 wrote:
I should have pointed out that I'm not one to sit there as though it's my right.

I'm guessing someone has pointed this out already, but in many, if not most cases, it's really not your right to occupy the passing lane if you're not actively passing. It's an explicit violation of law.

Edit: somehow misread your sentence.

Crank mentioned not moving out of the way for someone riding their tail if he's already in passing mode. I agree and disagree. No, you shouldn't ever move into a space if it's not safe to do so, so that tailgater sometimes may just have to wait. But if I'm doing 80 and the guy behind me wants to do 90, I'm not going to sit there and enforce my own arbitrary speed limit, primarily because someone who drives to those excessive speeds is also likely to execute even more dangerous passes at the first opportunity, on the non-passing side. It's just safer to open up the passing lane at all times, whenever possible.

The devil made me do it the first time, second time I done it on my own - W
Last edited by: sphere: May 3, 17 15:00
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Re: Keep right or don't speed: which camp are you in? [spot] [ In reply to ]
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spot wrote:
maybe somebody you'll get it. Keep trying Sparky!


War is god
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