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Drinking flat coke in races
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Trying to figure out what I want to do during the run for IMLT. But in talking to some folks, some say they bring nothing with them but drink flat coke during the entire marathon and have done well.
Any thoughts from folks who use flat coke as part or all of their nutrition plan during the run?


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I have done 8 IMs, and at each one I have had only coke/soda (whatever they offer) during the marathon; except my first where I tried a gel and a Red Bull (major energy crash problem). For me, after 5 hours on the bike, I really lose the taste for gels/perform and find the sweetness of cola to be just right, and it seems to really absorb easily when my stomach is fatigued, which is why I think most people rely on it. I never drink soda outside of the marathon, so I am not sure how that impacts my use/taste for it during the race, but it works!


"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." T.S. Elliot | Cycle2Tri.com
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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problem is that 80% of the coke on course will not be flat. bless the volunteers who are out there, but many simply don't know to de-gas it.

its hard to do you know (make flat coke), takes a special kind of knowledge to do it right.

Dave Stark
USAC & USAT level 2 certified coach
Last edited by: karma: Jul 18, 13 16:19
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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When Coke was first introduced into IM feed-stations - many peeps advocated only starting it for the second have of the run - However, I and all my clients start at the first aid station and continue throughout the run --none have had any GI issues - the caffeine really seems to help.

I think the key is once you start you have to keep consuming it for the caffeine.

Hope this helps

Graham Wilson
USAT Level III Elite Coach
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I never trained with it once. I don't even drink soda... but damn that stuff is awesome! I couldn't get my speed up to my goal pace because I was getting tired the second 13.1 & flat coke was like a turbo botton for me (relatively speaking). The chicken broth is awesome too, but it made me burp a little bit.

Just realize that your stomach will be "somewhat weird" and eating lots of different things to try to fix it is a bad idea.

Stay away from the cookies, no matter how good they look & avoid the post race chocolate milks. That post race chocolate milk messed me up!!! That was my biggest regret to the entire day.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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It sounds gross but I know a good number of folks who supplement their coke consumption with chicken broth and find the two rather tasty. Most likely the chicken broth provides sodium for those craving it.



Genetics load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [karma] [ In reply to ]
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karma wrote:
problem is that 80% of the coke on course will not be flat. bless the volunteers who are out there, but many simply don't know to de-gas it.

its hard to do you know (make flat coke), takes a special kind of knowledge to do it right.

Okay I will ask the stupid question, anything other than opening the bottle?

I will be seeing the IMLT RD in a week at Donner, so this might be something I ask him about.

I sure understand the comments about the gel after the bike. I was SO sick of them.

This time I am going to try some solid food with PBJ sandwiches. On a long training day today, I had 2 at the 2 hour point on my 4 hour bike, then had 2 before my 2 hour run. Seemed to settle okay.
Just would like to not carry anything on the run so taking coke, and I hear good things about the chicken broth. Was also thinking of 2 more PBJ sandwiches around the half way point on the run.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [sciguy] [ In reply to ]
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IMOZ served up hot chicken broth on a hot day during the run leg. It tasted great. They also had jelly beans. I passed on them but lots of others consumed a lot of them.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [feman] [ In reply to ]
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At IMF the cola started flowing at the bike aid stations and continued for the rest of the race. I saw only two people with stomach issues -- I'm sure there were more -- but what was left on the road contained more than just cola.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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coke every aid station.

salt tab every other aid station.

water when thirsty.

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
Okay I will ask the stupid question, anything other than opening the bottle? .


c'mon dude, you've been around here long enough to know better

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.”
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [djmsbr] [ In reply to ]
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djmsbr wrote:
IMOZ served up hot chicken broth on a hot day during the run leg. It tasted great. They also had jelly beans. I passed on them but lots of others consumed a lot of them.

There is another.

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [ericM40-44] [ In reply to ]
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You know I am an engineer and always looking for others thoughts. No matter how simple or dumb a question might be, I always learn something from others.

The comment about will the race "do" it right is what has me thinking. If I ask the RD about it, I want to make sure I ask the right question. :o)


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Apparently freezing Coke will also make it flat.

But does it really need to be flat to calm the stomach?

Graham Barron Design: Custom west coast house design http://www.grahambarron.com/
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [rhet0ric] [ In reply to ]
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rhet0ric wrote:
Apparently freezing Coke will also make it flat.

But does it really need to be flat to calm the stomach?

No first hand experience, yet, which is why I am asking.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [rhet0ric] [ In reply to ]
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bloat from carbonation

I really don't get why they don't just pour a few dozen bottles into five gallon coolers the night before. THen it would all be good to go by race time.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:

This time I am going to try some solid food with PBJ sandwiches. On a long training day today, I had 2 at the 2 hour point on my 4 hour bike, then had 2 before my 2 hour run. Seemed to settle okay.
Just would like to not carry anything on the run so taking coke, and I hear good things about the chicken broth. Was also thinking of 2 more PBJ sandwiches around the half way point on the run.



Peanut butter is fine food for easy training ,levels but if you intend to actually race this IM I'd steer away from consuming it during the race. It slows gastric emptying, is tough to digest and provides nothing that your body doesn't already have on hand in surplus (fat and a tiny amount of protein). That said, a very small peanut butter treat of some sort might really hit the spot midway on the bike but I'd certainly not build it in as a main component of your nutritional plan. Jelly or jam sandwiches would certainly be very similar to gels and would work if you prefer them.



Genetics load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [sciguy] [ In reply to ]
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Great points. I have a long course race mid August that rather than "racing", I was going to try some of the nutrition ideas. I agree I have never tried at race pace so I think your inputs might be right on. :o(

Any others have experience with some solid foods during the race like PBJ? I just bonked so bad on my first, and got sick of Gel's, I need a better game plan.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [TheBeek] [ In reply to ]
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TheBeek wrote:
bloat from carbonation

Isn't that what burping is for? (Seriously)

Graham Barron Design: Custom west coast house design http://www.grahambarron.com/
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [TheBeek] [ In reply to ]
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TheBeek wrote:
bloat from carbonation

I really don't get why they don't just pour a few dozen bottles into five gallon coolers the night before. THen it would all be good to go by race time.

Well technically....they could just take a large drink dispenser(like those big orange gatorade dispensers with the spigot on bottom and screw on lid) fill it with ice and pour the coke in. Leave the top ajar and it'll fizzle out.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [rhet0ric] [ In reply to ]
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yeah burping is good.
waiting a mile or two to get a good one to clear things up can be rough.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [sciguy] [ In reply to ]
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sciguy wrote:
It sounds gross but I know a good number of folks who supplement their coke consumption with chicken broth and find the two rather tasty. Most likely the chicken broth provides sodium for those craving it.



Yeah that does sound gross, when I'm doing coke I really don't want any food at all.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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It's the magic juice! I still remember Mark Allen on the IMH coverage in the early 90s. "I need Coke......!"

It is better in Europe where there is no corn syrup.

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I did only coke at IMCDA last year for the entire marathon. It was magic.


I *heart* weak, dumb ass people...
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [karma] [ In reply to ]
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It's sooooo easy to defizz coke.

Fill a big esky/cooler with ice. Leave the drain hole open. Dump in coke so you get some proper foam. Drain into a second esky/cooler, also full of ice. Use the drain hole in the lower esky to fill cups.

This works really easy with a picnic table. Upper esky goes on the table, lower esky goes on the seat, and it drains off the end of the seat. this means each aid station and have 4 coke stations on one picnic table, with the space in the middle for cups, mixing the replacement drink or whatever. Ice gets stored under the table, in the shade, so it doesn't melt too fast.

If you're a RD, don't substitute sugar free or caffeine free coke. I know this sounds like common sense, but as common sense come free with every package of hen's teeth, I think it needs mentioning. Especially since I've been in races where both of these mistakes have been made!


"Happiness is a myth. All you can hope for is to get laid once in a while, drunk once in a while and to eat chocolate every day"
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [tridork] [ In reply to ]
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tridork wrote:

If you're a RD, don't substitute sugar free or caffeine free coke. I know this sounds like common sense, but as common sense come free with every package of hen's teeth, I think it needs mentioning. Especially since I've been in races where both of these mistakes have been made!

At the very first IMLP one of the aid stations "down the hill" ran out of Coke early on. Since so many athletes were asking for it and the crew felt bad for them, they made a quick run to the closest convenience store and cleaned them out of Coke using their own money. The funny thing is that they only bought "Diet Coke" because they just knew those skinny athletes wouldn't possibly want the calories in regular Coke to cause them to gain weight.


Genetics load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.
Last edited by: sciguy: Jul 19, 13 4:55
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [rhet0ric] [ In reply to ]
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I like the carbonation. It promotes burping which is good for my tummy.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [rhet0ric] [ In reply to ]
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rhet0ric wrote:
Apparently freezing Coke will also make it flat.

But does it really need to be flat to calm the stomach?

not in my experience, never bothered me in several decades of drinking fizzy coke on marathons/ultras..
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [sciguy] [ In reply to ]
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Interesting, I just talked to my swimming buddy this morning after practice. At her IMCDA last year, she did the PBJ during the race and yep, it locked her stomach up. So, I guess I need to forget that idea.
She also is now doing hammer liquids only, which I am hearing from others liquids only. Oh well, I have 9 weeks to figure out what to do and start trying it.

I am amazed how many are doing the 100% coke on the run. I have never read about this in any Tri article anywhere I can remember. And such a critical basic need.

So, how much coke per aid station are folks drinking? My goal will be to not do another IM and keep trying to learn from my mistakes, but, ....


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I generally have a bar or two in the first couple of hours on the bike (along with gels, water and perform), then switch to only gels/perform for the remainder of the bike. It seems to me that as the body and stomach fatigue, it's harder to digest solid foods and by the time the marathon arrives, coke works just perfectly.


"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." T.S. Elliot | Cycle2Tri.com
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [tridork] [ In reply to ]
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tridork wrote:
It's sooooo easy to defizz coke.

Fill a big esky/cooler with ice. Leave the drain hole open. Dump in coke so you get some proper foam. Drain into a second esky/cooler, also full of ice. Use the drain hole in the lower esky to fill cups.

This works really easy with a picnic table. Upper esky goes on the table, lower esky goes on the seat, and it drains off the end of the seat. this means each aid station and have 4 coke stations on one picnic table, with the space in the middle for cups, mixing the replacement drink or whatever. Ice gets stored under the table, in the shade, so it doesn't melt too fast.

If you're a RD, don't substitute sugar free or caffeine free coke. I know this sounds like common sense, but as common sense come free with every package of hen's teeth, I think it needs mentioning. Especially since I've been in races where both of these mistakes have been made!

I don't understand why people defizz coke. why not just by the Premix boxes and mix it with water without adding the carbonation?
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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This thread is definitely lacking this:

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [bufordt] [ In reply to ]
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Call me crazy but I feel like the carbonation helped in my account. When I did Lousiville last year, by the run my stomach was a cement mixer of all kind of gel and gu nastiness and just felt gross. When I had the coke (poured out of the bottles) the carbonation seemed to settle my stomach down a bit.

I did almost shart a few times though so I could be way off base :-)
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [Tryda33] [ In reply to ]
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Tryda33 wrote:
Call me crazy but I feel like the carbonation helped in my account. When I did Lousiville last year, by the run my stomach was a cement mixer of all kind of gel and gu nastiness and just felt gross. When I had the coke (poured out of the bottles) the carbonation seemed to settle my stomach down a bit.

I did almost shart a few times though so I could be way off base :-)

Great, now we'll have a "Does carbonated coke make you shart?" thread. :)
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I am also in the Coke camp during marathons and towards the end of long or ultra-distance events. Two weeks ago I relied on nothing but Coke for the last 3 hours of a 200km ride in hot weather, as my stomach seemed to be digging the simple sugars. No de-fizzing, just stop into the 7-11 grab & go. The Infinit blend I use on the bike does well for about 4-6 hours, but after that I ratchet down the number of calories ingested and keep it simple. There is nothing simpler than drinking Coke and water on the run.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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The only solid food I can tolerate for the first part of the run (first hour or so) are gels and gummies. If your mouth is very dry the gummies can become a choke hazard! After that it is liquid only. I certainly wouldn't want to start the run with a peanut butter jelly sandwich in my gut because that would almost insure a visit to a porta john at some point in the run.

As to gel fatigue, if you have a favorite flavor- keep those in reserve for the run. I also mix and match different flavors so that I am never quite sure what flavor I'll be ingesting next. Variety seems to help me choke them down.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [bufordt] [ In reply to ]
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bufordt wrote:
Tryda33 wrote:
Call me crazy but I feel like the carbonation helped in my account. When I did Lousiville last year, by the run my stomach was a cement mixer of all kind of gel and gu nastiness and just felt gross. When I had the coke (poured out of the bottles) the carbonation seemed to settle my stomach down a bit.

I did almost shart a few times though so I could be way off base :-)

Great, now we'll have a "Does carbonated coke make you shart?"

thread. :)

Still wont hold a candle to the "I got DQ'd by a guy in a gorilla suit thread"!
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [rhet0ric] [ In reply to ]
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I never trust a burp or fart while running, leads to chunks!

Try Not To Puke on the Finish Line!
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I've heard its best to fill a drink dispenser, then use a hand held mixer.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [bnation] [ In reply to ]
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Coke, bananas, and Fig Newtons... That is so 45 years ago technology and to this day I don't think anything has improved upon those items nutrition wise. And for the rest of you people who claim to be poor. I used to boil small red potatoes in really salty water and carry a few in a baggie on long rides. They are like 10lbs for $4 in the store sometimes. Pretty soon someone is going to try and tell me that wool is the next miracle fabric, and sewups are better than clinchers.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [ElGordo] [ In reply to ]
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I don't recall coke being available, for the bike, at IMWI in '11 but I was thinking of having a bottle in bike SN to switch to late in the ride. I use Infinit for the ride also and it does seem to lack something after a few hours.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [Skyhawk] [ In reply to ]
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I do not drink carbonated drinks. So the idea of a "de-fizzed" or "flat" coke is intriguing to me. I might try it on a long run and see how I handle it.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [Skyhawk] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not sure if it was last year either but I put one of those little cans in SN along with some PB M&Ms and it hit the spot. Well hit the spot because I was having the worst day in the history of bike riding.

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Coke is the nectar of the gods for long course racing. Bananas worked well for me during IMNY to give my stomach a little texture in the context of so many liquid/gel calories.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [jrielley] [ In reply to ]
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jrielley, I totally understand what you are talking about. After I hit the bike SN, in '11, I totally fell apart. I wish I had put a bottle of coke in my bike SN bag back then. I will usually stop at a store on any ride over 4 hours and pick up some junk food just for something other than Infinit. I always drink about half a small bottle of coke then and have never had any issues with the carbonation. If I put a bottle in my SN bag, I will let it defizz just to keep it simple. My Infinit also fizzes up quite a bit when shaken. I put a drop or two of some gas relief stuff in every bottle I fix just to keep it stable. So far, gas accumulation in the gut has not been a problem. Not sure if the anti-gas stuff affects nutrient intake but, IMO, it doesn't seem to. Wonder if those drops would work to knock coke fizz down too?
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [Skyhawk] [ In reply to ]
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I actually like a little bit of carbonation. It is different than all the water, gels, and Perform I've been drinking before that. It's a nice change of pace. And I always stop for some ho hos, pop tart, butterfinger, and some sort of pop on long rides too usually. That's why I figured I might as well do the same on race day!

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [denali2001] [ In reply to ]
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Going for a 2.5 hour run tomorrow, so I just opened a coke bottle and will give it a try. My loop is 30 minutes, so will take some each loop and see what happens. Interesting some IM folks I have talked to say they are pretty shocked
to hear some use nothing but coke the entire run. I just have no desire and do the try and learn and try again if possible.

Now I need to decide what to use on the bike. Something like Hammer perpetuem and substained energy, or make my own with something with Maltodextrin Maltrin QD500.

Decisions, choices. :o(


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I would say coke is probably much better 7hrs into an IM than just a training run. After racing that long, I think you get pretty sick of Perform, gels.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [denali2001] [ In reply to ]
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I agree. Just thought I would take the first step and see what it feels like in a long training run. I have a long course race in 3 weeks but does not look like they have coke on the run aid stations. Would love to try this is a run before the big game, but, not sure it will happen.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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The other difference is Coke in small amounts every 7-8 mins (ie every aid station) is probably different than 8oz every 30 mins or however else you do it in training.
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [denali2001] [ In reply to ]
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Yep I agree but sure is hard to try exactly what one will use in a race in training. Trying to get as close as I can but ....
As I said, I have no desire to have to try and be one of those folks who say it took them like 10 races to finally get their nutrition correct. :o(


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Drinking flat coke in races [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
Trying to figure out what I want to do during the run for IMLT. But in talking to some folks, some say they bring nothing with them but drink flat coke during the entire marathon and have done well.
Any thoughts from folks who use flat coke as part or all of their nutrition plan during the run?


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