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Please help explain "rotate your hips forward"
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In one of the post it is suggested that the person "rotate your hips forward" to get a flatter back.

I am sorta new so how does one rotate their hips forward to get a flatter back? Is this done by some sort of bike adjustment or is it done with body adjustment?

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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [gall1972] [ In reply to ]
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The bike experts may correct me here, but I think it refers to keeping a straighter line from your shoulders down to your hips. You move into more of a "laying flat" position, instead of curling forward from your lower abdomen .

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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [gall1972] [ In reply to ]
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I believe this would be referred to an "anterior pelvic tilt"

"Lemond is cycling's version of Rev Jessie Jackson." -johnnyperu 5/18/07
"Just because I suck doesn't mean my bike has to" -rickn 9/2/08
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [gall1972] [ In reply to ]
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Does anyone have any pictures/reference photos of someone before they roll their hips forward and then a picture after?
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [gall1972] [ In reply to ]
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I would also would like to know although my concern is directed more at time trialing than triathlon. So to put this in more specific terms, to achieve the desired position in which 'rotating the hips forward' is required, is this purely a physical adjustment of the body while riding or are we talking about a combination of adjustments to bike fit such as moving the saddle forward and angling the nose down (say from a neutral 0 degree to -1.5 or -2.0 degrees?

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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [gall1972] [ In reply to ]
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I think the optimum position is such that you are bending from your waist rather than keeping your pelvis vertical and then bending more from the middle of the back. You ability to rotate your pelvis forward will depend on saddle comfort and flexibility. It will probably affect your bike fit in that you're torso will extend further forward and you should be able to get lower on the front.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [ms6073] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, bike fit may change as you'll be extended forward more. Saddle tilt may need to be adjusted to relieve crotch pressure.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [ms6073] [ In reply to ]
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Purely physical adjustment of the body indeed. It's like changing the way your hands grip the bars. You do it on the fly, it's not an "adjustment" of the equipment, though adjustments of the bike might make it easier/more comfortable.

Think of it this way. The next time you're sitting on the bike, your weight nicely supported by your sitbones on the saddle, try to "roll" your hips so that your butt sticks up and your weight rolls "forwards" on your crotch, towards your manbits
(assuming you're male) and not so much on your sitbones.

If you did have before and after pics, the after pic would have a flatter back.



There are obviously lots of fit differences between these two pictures but they illustrate a hip that is "rolled forward" vs. one that isn't.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [tenacious_b] [ In reply to ]
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It will probably affect your bike fit in that you're torso will extend further forward and you should be able to get lower on the front.

Definitely, though it's certainly true that a rider could adopt either position (un-rolled, rounded back vs rolled hip, flat back) in a given, correct fit on a bike.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [I am the walrus] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [gall1972] [ In reply to ]
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to "rote the hips forward" means that you should sit on your pelvic area and not on your sit bones, this way your back will be straight.
Here are some pictures of people that have posted recently about their position. The first is not rotated and the second one is. See how his back is more straight.

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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [I am the walrus] [ In reply to ]
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WOW, those before / after pictures are amazing!
That was one heck of a fitting!
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [MuffinTop] [ In reply to ]
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Think about it this way.....
Put your hips in an angle which would mimic the "deepest point of penetration" when doing the horizontal bop.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [gall1972] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [Jeff Spicoli] [ In reply to ]
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I actually think you have it reversed. Specifically check out the pelvis in the line drawing below your post
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [MuffinTop] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
WOW, those before / after pictures are amazing!
That was one heck of a fitting!

Now you know why people place so much emphasis on rotating the hips!
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [MuffinTop] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I actually think you have it reversed.
He didn't mention which of the two would be at the deepest point of penetration...
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [I am the walrus] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:

There are obviously lots of fit differences between these two pictures but they illustrate a hip that is "rolled forward" vs. one that isn't.

I finally realized that yours is a serious post. Anyway, looks like the girl was fitted using the Demerly school of fitting (extremely high saddle height, very long extensions, not a lot of drop).

You do get major points for the QR Redstone in the background.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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You do get major points for the QR Redstone in the background.[/reply]

I'm not here to flaunt obscure bike/fitter names and I shouldn't get points for anything - as those are just pictures I stole from bike spot michigan's excellent website, out of convenience, to show the difference between an arched back and someone who has rolled their hips forward to flatten out their back.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [I am the walrus] [ In reply to ]
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Is it a coincidence that this Photo was taken in Michigan (BikeSport) and that Dr Kevorkian was from Michigan. I actually didn't know he was a bike rider..........learn something everyday.

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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [gall1972] [ In reply to ]
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King of hip rotation
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [Runless] [ In reply to ]
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What is the key to saving the "boys" with a hip rotation? How to stay un-numb?

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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [ShoMyOFace] [ In reply to ]
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What is the key to saving the "boys" with a hip rotation? How to stay un-numb?

For me, ISM Adamo saddle. Others seem to like riding the nose.

Forget speedwork. Speedwork is the icing on the cake and you don't have a cake yet. - MattinSF

Basically they have 9 tenants, live life to the fullest, do not turn the cheak, and embrace the 7 deadly since. - TheForge (on satanists)
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [ShoMyOFace] [ In reply to ]
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Finding a saddle you can tolerate. I just got the Adamo, but have yet to test it out on a long ride.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [gall1972] [ In reply to ]
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while "rotating the pelvis" is a very common non-practiced methodology (read: most triathletes don't know how to ride their bikes), it is one much easier to demonstrate in person.

However, as t-t-n isn't around to provide his stellar description, I'll see if I can provide some sort of example:

First, think of it as if you were sitting on the edge of a table, counter (or possibly a tall chair). With your legs dangling over the side, simply bend over and see how far down you can reach. You will find that it may become difficult breath and your abdomen simply gets in the way.

Now, go back to the starting position, and this time, push your belt line towards the table/counter/chair top as you begin to lean forward. You SHOULD find that you can reach further down, you can actually breath easier, although you may feel some stress/stretching on your back side.

This is essentially "rotating your pelvis" forward.

It is something that takes a bit of practice getting used to when riding the bike, but once done has benefits. This is also a reason that I have seen that pro roadies (who know how to do this) or long time cyclists who do this actually can use a less forward seat post on their bike (76 degrees or less) because rotating your pelvis also elongates your overall...let's call it torso extension. While they may ride a 76 degree bike, their head is in the location of someone who rides 78-80 degrees (and I'm not including those who ride on the tip of their saddle).

Craig Preston - President / Preston Presentations
Saving the world with more professional, powerful, and persuasive presentations - one audience at a time.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [ShoMyOFace] [ In reply to ]
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move the saddle to one side and let the boys hang off the edge.
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Re: Please help explain "rotate your hips forward" [walnutcreek tri] [ In reply to ]
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i will assist craigster. listen up, now.

sit there at your keyboard, as if the keyboard were the aerobars. hunch down a little, like jon stewart does when he initates george bush.l

now, scoot back to the rear of the chair, and reach WAY down under the chair, as if you are picking up a pencil that rolled down there. you will notice that in order to do this your pelvis in not only gonna scott back some, but more importantly ROTATE forward, like a bowl tipping forward.

NOW - the most important part !! holding that same body position, lift your head backup, and put you hands back on the keyboard ) aeorbars. on the keyboard.

THAT, is pelvic rotation and THAT, is how you are supposed to sit when you ride a bike.
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