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Re: Claudia [ In reply to ]
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A chillpill (a big expensive one) is clearly in order. But, on the up side, I think we've found the woman for Tom D!
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Re: Claudia [Cyborg42] [ In reply to ]
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"I think we've found the woman for Tom D! "

.....and the bike fitter for her!
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Re: Does anyone have any idea...? [johnt] [ In reply to ]
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How really unwelcome a newbie feels on this board. I came over from TNO to look around after the link to Slowtwitch was posted on TNO. The level of malice seems so high here, not to mention that about 30 to 40 percent of the posters on this thread have such elitest attitudes as to be a real turnoff.
Maybe it's because people are coming over from another board and attacking one of our own. I think that people are getting the wrong impression of Cerveloguy. He's aces w/ me.
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Freddy says relax! [ In reply to ]
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Everyone fucking chill! Goddamn who let my kids on this board?

Team Secondhand Racing is on the cutting edge of working to bring the new together with the old. We will be covering this topic indepth in the next newsletter. So sign up now to get it tomorrow.

Get your newsletter at customerjon@hotmail.com

By the way cerveloguy is super groovy and fantastic.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Does anyone have any idea...? [LarryCalifornia] [ In reply to ]
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That seems to be the reason why the Slowtwitch community is so small. Very few people actually post here, while at TNO you see dozens of new names every day. I come here to grab technical info and not friends.


I disagree. To me, this place definitely feels like a community and I feel like I've made many friends here even though I haven't met most of them. I've seen lots of people get serious help and support here, and on much more serious topics than triathlon.

Sure, we fight from time to time, but we always(usually) make up in the end.
Last edited by: jaylew: Mar 2, 04 16:10
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Re: Does anyone have any idea...? [jaylew] [ In reply to ]
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"Maybe it's because people are coming over from another board and attacking one of our own. I think that people are getting the wrong impression of Cerveloguy. He's aces w/ me."

I agree but I also think that the TNO croud felt equally attacked.

"your horse is too high" - tigerchik
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Re: Does anyone have any idea...? [Hid] [ In reply to ]
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Good point.
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Re: Since you will not go to TNO--from a newbie and Cervelo owner [Burns] [ In reply to ]
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I will second the idea that 'Claudia' is the product of an aspiring fiction writer's imagination. A writer who's been watching too many Melrose Place re-runs.
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Re: Does anyone have any idea...? [jaylew] [ In reply to ]
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This thread is hilarious. I love the need for people to classify things into an "us vs. them".

Roadies vs Triathletes

TNO vs Slowtwitch

USA vs France

USA vs Canada

Decent, upstanding people vs New Jersey (Kidding, I loved my time in New Brunswick)

Roe vs Wade (What the???)

The fact of the matter is that both the TNO and Slowtwitch boards are great, and both are very newbie friendly. But both are certainly NOT for everybody or every newbie. When I was starting out at tri I hung out exclusively on the slowtwitch board. For a while I was on both, but I'm back to this one exclusively. Many prefer TNO. I don't care, good for them. Yes, the boards are different which is why I prefer one over the other. Many deride slowtwitch as being overly technical. Great!! That's the stuff I like. I want to read about technical crap and absurd gear debates, it's what I'm into. Some people hate that stuff. Good for them. Personally, I found TNO a little too, er, "friendly" for my taste, and quite frankly, the amount of posts was a little more than I wanted to handle. It's a great community where people really support and encourage each other. But that's not what I'm looking for in a forum, so I don't go there much anymore. But I would not be suprised if I'm in the minority and that most people are actually looking for that sort of atmosphere. Isn't it a nice thing that we have a choice???

As for the whole thing that started this thread... In every sport I've ever participated in there have always been those "veterans" (for lack of a better term, and yes, often vets in their own mind) who were concerned about others who were just starting out doing things in a way that was different from their own experience or beliefs. Most often, and I believe in this case too, this concern is rooted in a genuine desire for the experience of the newcomer to be safe and enjoyable. To a lesser extent, the concern is also for those who will be competing with the newcomer. Is this a bad thing?? I don't think so, but who am I?? In all honesty, I think the risk we're talking about here is relatively low, but certainly not insignificant. (If you want to read about real newbie safety and gear related bitch fests, check out some skydiving forums) But this "complaint" can be heard in cycling, triathlon, skiing, football, soccer (ever see a newbie slidetackle without training), auto/horse/boat/motorcycle racing. It's nothing new, and I think it's rarely malicious. People just let their feathers get ruffled by what is often times a less then stellar delivery. What's so bad about a desire for triathletes as a community to improve their cycling skills?? I know I need to. For shame!!!

I've f-ed up at races and had an off balance swerve that I know pissed some people off. Total bicycle-handling brain fart. Don't be that guy. It sucks.
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [Tri2HaveFun] [ In reply to ]
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From Tri2HaveFun's Post:

I hate when they try to draft me too and all it takes to get rid of them is to weave around a little.

Dude. Why do you think triathletes get a bad name? Pulling a stunt like that is dangerous and reeks of stupidity. If you know someone is on your wheel, here's an idea: Try sprinting to get rid of them, ride them off your wheel, or... and this is just a thought ... let them pull through, and meet a potential friend, training partner and bridge the cultural gap between roadies and triathletes.


No sidewindin bushwackin, hornswaglin, cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter!
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [3Sport] [ In reply to ]
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what's wrong with you people???

Cerveloguy post was just "I think some newbies are not fitted on appropriate bikes"...

Well, he is damn right! I wish there was a forum when I started biking where people would have told me: dude if you are 5'7'' don't ride a 58cm frame!
I wish there would be people telling me how to train etc...etc...
I don't think the attitude on this forum is elitist at all. Just have to see the range of times for most...one thing though is that most people enjoy the sport and this is why we come here...

now you all chill, have a drink, come back when you are relax and enjoy.
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [3Sport] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
From Tri2HaveFun's Post:

I hate when they try to draft me too and all it takes to get rid of them is to weave around a little.

Dude. Why do you think triathletes get a bad name? Pulling a stunt like that is dangerous and reeks of stupidity. If you know someone is on your wheel, here's an idea: Try sprinting to get rid of them, ride them off your wheel, or... and this is just a thought ... let them pull through, and meet a potential friend, training partner and bridge the cultural gap between roadies and triathletes.
I agree. I've had more than one roadie jump on my wheel and we proceed to trade pulls. After a while you introduce yourselves and everything's cool. If you want them to take a pull, flick an elbow or move out. If you don't want to draft just stay in front or let them go if they pass you. I've met everything from weekend warriors to Cat1's this way. I don't mind roadies hopping on my wheel at all. There's definitely been times at the end of rides when I just wanted to get off the bike as soon as possible and I jumped on the train of a few roadies.
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [gleveq] [ In reply to ]
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....."(got platinum, don't need to play that anymore). "..... G

couldn't pass up a chance at a plug for yourself eh?
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [KDM] [ In reply to ]
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Just wanted to make it clear that I, despite my love for TNO, I am not a rank newbie. If I was trying to "plug" myself, I would have chosen a more impressive achievement.

Sorry if it rankled.


It's a little like wrestling a gorilla.........you don't stop when you're tired.........you stop when the gorilla is tired.
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [gleveq] [ In reply to ]
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I once ate 22 slices of pizza in one sitting at a buffet in Oregon. The people I was with said it was an impressive achievment, maybe even a record for that particular establishment.
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [sevans] [ In reply to ]
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Now that is impressive! ;-) But did you have salad and breadsticks too?


It's a little like wrestling a gorilla.........you don't stop when you're tired.........you stop when the gorilla is tired.
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [gleveq] [ In reply to ]
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I was on Atkins, 22 slices of pizza was fine but the breadstick would have made me fat.
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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My mom can kick your moms ass!!!
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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... your right Francois... Cervelo just made an observation... I just don't get some of the posts... ah well, life of a forum - I guess.

I like it when a post (on another forum) who put this way..

..."I was lucky enough to be young and poor..." and "forced by economics..." to ride within his level of experience.


Joe Moya
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [Joe M] [ In reply to ]
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joeM says: "Cervelo just made an observation... I just don't get some of the posts... ah well, life of a forum - I guess."

Actually some of it stems from peoples lack of reading comprehension skills and prejudices. Most of the inane posts however come from people who bounced between TNO and Slowtwitch posts (Claudia commenting to t-t-n's post at TNO but thinking she was commenting to Cerveloguy here at ST is certainly an all-time classic). I recommend to everyone to check out a smattering from both boards for some amusement.

Last edited by: Burns: Mar 3, 04 5:36
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [Tri2HaveFun] [ In reply to ]
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To directly answer your question - I am not sure. It was during a race and I was not asking people as I passed them what their experience was. I can only sat that from my anectdotal observations in this race, the bike riding/handling skills and observance of the rules, both written and unwritten, on the part of most participants that I saw, was poor.

All roadies tend to get painted with the arrorgant-asshole brush. Like most things, there is always bad apples out there and I have come across my fair share of roadies who fall into that group - met one on my ride on Sunday, as a matter of fact( But then later on in the same ride ran into a perfectly nice group) Perhaps, I have been lucky, but I have always found good groups of people to ride with.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [beatnic_tx] [ In reply to ]
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[b]All the newbies are gunning for you Cervelo Guy. Better train hard for all those grueling sprints you have lined up this summer........ [/b]

So lets see - Cerveloguy is attacked for being elitist. Buts it ok to attack him for choosing to do sprints over ironman distances races?

Training to excel in any distance is hard if your trying to excel at it. Training to be able to race a sprint at 100% is much more intense then training for an ironman. And training for an ironman requires a doing more distance work. But that does not make training for one or another easy or harder, if your really trying to excel at them.

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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [triall3] [ In reply to ]
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[b]Spoken like a true POSER.....I call BULLSHIT [/b]

Some people train to train and some people train to race.

I like to race, which is why I'm not planning on racing an Ironman this year. I was training for one race for the whole winter and then I got hit by a car 3 weeks before the race. I was at a personal best interms of endurance and LT fitness, but had nothing to show for it. So this summer I'm going shorter and racing almost every weekend. Maybe I'll get lucky and get some results.

So is a 1500m runner a poseur since they don't do marathons?

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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Watched the Cat 5 racers this week-end and they were bad also. When you watch the newbies you will see some poor skills . It doesn't matter what the sport : )
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Re: read any of the tri-newbie posts lately... [mbeaugard] [ In reply to ]
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Absolutely agree. IM's aren't for everyone. A good friend of mine has never done anything over olympic distance, and until last year had only ever done sprint distance. Of course, his sprint distance (750/20/5) pb is around the 1:02 mark, so he's definitely quick. Another buddy of mine, who's in Australia now, medalled at the junior world's in 2002 (again, sprint distance, and --gasp-- draft legal). Doing 56 minutes for a sprint distance race is nothing to sneeze at, and you really need to be a stud / studette to do it.

I've done every distance from sprint to half-ironman, and I would say that the sprint races are tougher than a half, if you're really going for it. The half is all about pacing. In a sprint, you're just going as hard as you can for an hour or so. Ouch.

Swimming Workout of the Day:

Favourite Swim Sets:

2020 National Masters Champion - M50-54 - 50m Butterfly
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