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race wheels
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of the two, Hed 3C or Hed Stinger 60s, which pair of race wheels would i benefit from better. Plan on doing some long training rides and mostly races, from sprints to HIMs with them in Va. Lots of rolling hills accompany my training. thanks for the input.

"Its not a matter of if you CAN but if you WANT to."

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Re: race wheels [a6rnner] [ In reply to ]
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I would likely go with the Stinger 60 on the front and a 90 on the back (or go with Jets in the same configuration if you wanted a clincher instead of tubular set). I would also only use them for racing and only bring them out for a training ride to make sure everything is set up and working well prior to each race.
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Re: race wheels [a6rnner] [ In reply to ]
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I've been struggling with a similar decision. My LBS suggested either going with the 60/90 combo that Allan described or the Hed3 in front and the 60 (I think, but maybe the 90) in the back. After doing some research, I've almost definitely decided to go with the 60/90 config though.

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Re: race wheels [Spector] [ In reply to ]
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go with a renn disk rear and jet 90 front. i am running that and love it, have raced it in wind up to 25mph so far and had not handling issues at all.

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