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new bike on the way, plus a "new to me, but used" one
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Ordered my Kestrel Talon yesterday- should get in late this coming week! Helluva deal, full Ultegra, compact crank. I also bought used c'dale cyclocross frame to build into a commuter- 19 miles to the train station from my house. My wife will flip when 2 bikes show up... she thinks I'm a nut with bikes anyhow (might be right, but hey, its better than video games)

After its all said and done, there will be 4 complete bikes and one cannibalized MTB around the house, not including her lightly used MTB

New bikes are cool, but I really like the art of picking up parts on the cheap and building one up as well.

If I don't, who will? -Me
It's like being bipolar in opinion is a requirement around here. -TripleThreat
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