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Vas Deferens
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Supposing I have a friend who recently had both of his intentionally severed, how soon can you actually jam a bike seat in the region for a normal workout? The doctor at issue mentioned a couple of days. Advice from the gender that actually has such parts, and has had such a procedure, would likely be more beneficial.

Also, similar timelines for running and swimming would make my friend really happy :)
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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I laid off (no pun intended) for a week. Was no problem at all thereafter. I was told some guys need less, some extreme cases a month.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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It does seem to vary. For me, 2 days on a bag of ice and 2 additional days taking it easy yielded no problems. I somehow think that it would be easier to bike than to run though. I also think that if it is too soon, his body will let him know. It is sort of self-limiting that way.


"Slowbern has always made astute observations."-Casey 03/10/2009
2013-2014 Detroit Lions---13-3 until proved otherwise.
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Supposing I have a friend who recently had both of his intentionally severed, how soon can you actually jam a bike seat in the region for a normal workout? The doctor at issue mentioned a couple of days. Advice from the gender that actually has such parts, and has had such a procedure, would likely be more beneficial.

Also, similar timelines for running and swimming would make my friend really happy :)
I know three people (a cyclist, a swimmer/cyclist and a triathlete) who've undergone this. The cyclist had no issues with returning to cycling in a bit under a week; the swimmer/cyclist had some real discomfort (and this is a guy who is really tough) for longer than that. The triathlete managed to feebly ride indoors about a week later, but it was not comfortable (had to sit up the whole time: forget aerobars); he swam less than a week after the Big V (which is not very bright, considering the risk of infection). The doctor told the triathlete not to exercise for three weeks. Hah. Running was easier than biking, given a very supportive "environment". He suggests wearing a snug-fitting Speedo-type swim suit under your preferred running wear, and running carefully (avoid bouncing as much as possible).

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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I laid off a week from any athletic endeavors. You could probably begin earlier since, after about three or four days, most of my hesitation was mental. There is a certain amount of "phantom pain" that goes along with the procedure.

On a side note, just throw out the frozen peas afterward. Don't be cheap like my buddy and refreeze them to eat later.
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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How's this for coincidence. Just had mine done last week (Tuesday). Merry X-Mas to the Mrs.

Boys are doing fine . . . Doc told me to hold off for a week. I did some light stretching last night and feel fine. My first run will be Thursday morning. I haven't tried the bike thing yet and will probably wait until this weekend. Doc had pictures of a guy who tried cycling too soon. That looked painful. Ok, according to him he did it within 72 hours . . . As for swimming, I was advised to wait until the wounds completely healed -- i.e. the sutures dissolving (approx. 2 weeks).
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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Had mine done on a Monday AM and I was back on the bike on Friday. I waited until the end of the following week before I started to run again. For me the keys to recovery were very supportive undergarments to hold everything in place (I wore my bike shorts), lots of ice and almost compete rest for 24 hours after I got home. I had a dull ache for two or three weeks that eventually went away, but never any major pain.

While the procedure was taking place all I could think was: I sure am glad I can't feel what they are doing, because it would have to HURT!!!
Last edited by: burgerdp: Dec 6, 05 9:39
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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Q: What's the difference between men and women?
A: There's a "Vas Deferens" between us...;-)


Holden Cain, ObGyn..."People pulling people out of people"
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Re: Vas Deferens [holdencain] [ In reply to ]
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(ok, that did make me laugh)
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Re: Vas Deferens [miami79] [ In reply to ]
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With respect to your sig line, I now have titanium parts too!!! :-)
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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As one who has a bit of titanium in that region due to the procedure you mentioned.........give it a week and then go easy.
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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One week was sufficient. I took two off only because of other commitments.
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Vas Deferens [Trianthes] [ In reply to ]
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