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Triathlon Posters
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Anybody know where to get cool triathlon posters? Search on Google turned up nothing good. Especially looking for some of the old TYR posters featuring Chrissie Wellington.
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Re: Triathlon Posters [ak_piper] [ In reply to ]
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I had a little success over the years contacting individual sporting companies and/or individual athletes and they would mail them to me.

If I recall correctly, I got stuff from Dave Scott, Scott Tinley, and Cam Widoff (all autographed, too) and some other stuff from tri specific companies. I would contact their marketing department via email, tell them what you are looking for, provide your mailing address, and let them know you are a dedicated triathlete and will support their companies and spread the word about their products -- then follow-up on that commitment.

Focus on the smaller, grass roots companies and the athletes that particularly motivate you.

Best wishes!
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