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The Man Returns!
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... to his spinning class. Yes, Dave Scott's spinning class began today for the fall/winter season. References were made to Lance (whose posters adorn the room), Mark Allen (whose posters used to adorn the room), and lots of teaching about LT levels, aging, and such. If you got up early enough, you could also have joined Wolfgang Dittrich's swim class just preceding --- not a bad twosome of instructors!
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Re: The Man Returns! [5430tri] [ In reply to ]
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The question is, "Did Dave close Wolfgang's swim lead by the end of spin class or did Wolfgang win first to T2?"
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Re: The Man Returns! [5430tri] [ In reply to ]
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We need pics!

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Re: The Man Returns! [5430tri] [ In reply to ]
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tell me about the set-up and format of each?

are you at a club?

swim class - a workout? stroke instruction?

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Re: The Man Returns! [Mac] [ In reply to ]
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It all takes place at Flatiron Athletic Club in Boulder. Wolfgang runs 3 or 4 Masters classes there a week, Jane Scott (Dave's sister) runs 3 or 4, and Dave does one spin class and, also, does a running group once a week on the track. It's all free and open to members (small charge for the run group). The spin class is a major 1:15 workout - today's main set had 6 sets of 5 minutes with the first 3 minutes in a different setting (tension) and the last 2 all out at time trial effort. The Masters classes are your standard deal with as much - or little - personal instruction you can get from the instructors.

Dave doesn't spin - just instructs - he then went for a run with Simon L. after class. BTW, Simon looks super fit! Saw him on a ride this weekend up to Ward (a very popular ride with a steady climb gaining 3,500 feet on one side) - looked like he was doing the loop twice! Jo Lawn also looks great heading into Kona - she was doing the Ward ride, as was Tyler H. - serioulsy, all in one morning. Boulder.
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Re: The Man Returns! [5430tri] [ In reply to ]
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Please, you're killing me! Stop it!

Here I am stuck in Texas of all places.........not quite over missing the 5430 this year and you start with this............cruel, I tell you........just cruel.


It's a little like wrestling a gorilla.........you don't stop when you're tired.........you stop when the gorilla is tired.
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