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Suggestiong/Link to simple crunch free core work out
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Title pretty much says it all. I need to improve my core and flexibility. So much stuff out there and I have been trying to make sense of it all but I would like one source and just run with that. I cannot do crunches due to back pain. That is the only constraint. I am thinking a 20 minute program, maybe 30 and would like to use some kettle balls, etc.

Thank you for any info directing me to links and resources.

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Re: Suggestiong/Link to simple crunch free core work out [rinconryder] [ In reply to ]
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I just do 50 "floor wipers" twice per week. That's a total of maybe 15 minutes per week. It's a pretty complete core workout, IMO.
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Re: Suggestiong/Link to simple crunch free core work out [rinconryder] [ In reply to ]
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Sportin Tony Hortin. P90x ab ripper x is pretty good. Although you have to pay for the real version, you can find Youtube videos of people Doing the workout with the real (paid for) video. So you'll have to use a middleman, but it should do the trick until you can memorize it.

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