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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [smtyrrell99] [ In reply to ]
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So when do we get to see SRM data where you ride the rear wheel at say 200 watts on a closed loop course with and without the extra weight so we can see speed/HR data?


Sorry. That data's only available on a need-to-know basis. Actually, I made the wheel to make the Computrainer feel more realistic. Turns out it barely made a difference. I subsequently replaced the CT flywheel (which spins about 30 times as fast) with an 18lber.
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [jens] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, add my Zipp wheels and Zipp carbon bottle cage holder to Jens' bike and we have a winner. (The SRM is super nice, but I personally like the look of of the black FSA crank)

The P3C is hot! I don't understand the rankings, Kuota Kalibur (plain black), The black Talon (more plain black). The Roark is ok, plain ti, but I don't care for the graphics. The P3C is unique from any other bike. Don't get me wrong, black is pretty cool, but the red pops. If you are going to vote for a straight black bike, NYSLIM should win hands down. The all carbon weave is sweet!

I guess "that's why there are menus in restaurants, I like steak, some people like spaghetti.."
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [caleb] [ In reply to ]
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"It's my experimental flywheel -- it's actually stuffed with 7 lbs of lead shot. Seriously."

I'm assuming this isn't a joke. Where did you put the shot? Between the rimstrip and the tube?

It's a medium-deep rim. I used a little paper funnel and poured the shot into the spoke holes; taped the holes; shook it; then topped each hole off. The rim tape holds the shot in. Although, they're wedged in so tight, it's not really needed.

-- jens
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [jens] [ In reply to ]
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Did you make the 18lber? Just a steel disc I'm assuming.

Jens, what is your background that you are so into the technical side of all this? The tons of SRM's, the wind-tunnel time, etc. You are a man after my own heart (but with a bigger wallet).

Just curious... PM me if you don't like to post such info...

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Did you make the 18lber? Just a steel disc I'm assuming.

Jens, what is your background that you are so into the technical side of all this? The tons of SRM's, the wind-tunnel time, etc. You are a man after my own heart (but with a bigger wallet).

Just curious... PM me if you don't like to post such info...

I had a machine shop make the flywheel out of steel. I just approach cycling the way I do everything else: determine who's best at it; model them; look for things they might have missed; then try to optimize every single thing, down to the tiniest detail. The world is just one huge constrained optimization problem......

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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [jens] [ In reply to ]
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you're serious about the 7lb flywheel?


"Anyone can work hard when they want to; Champions do it when they don't."
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [reggiedog] [ In reply to ]
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aero bottle mount is home made from a 0.10" thick piece of carbon fiber plate. Made the plate in our lab but you can buy it online from several sources. Google "composite store" or something like that. I swear the site was called the compositestore.com but it doesn't seem to come up. I used a fine tooth hacksaw (fast) to rough it out and then a dremel tool and finally wet dry sandpaper to finish it up. Make sure not to breath the dust in, wear a mask, do it outside and wetsand the final steps. I'd sen a template but it'd be useless as it's dependent on the width of your aerobars. For the aero bottle cutout, do it with paper first and then when you get it right transfer it to the carbon sheet. The whole thing is secured down with 1/16" 4-40 button head screws going into tapped holes in the aerobar extension mounts. Works great, super light and took less than an hour to make (excluding making the carbon sheet)

good luck:)
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Re: I'm not above begging: [t-t-n] [ In reply to ]
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caleb is absolutely correct.

you cannot even put those chinese molded bikes in the same ballpark as that pegoretti. those things are not even in the same zip code of cool/hot. for God's sake people.

putting a kuota, or P3C in the same PARKING lot as that pegoretti would be like parking a gsxr 750 with a freaking blue windscreen or a dime-a-dozen cbr600rr next to a bevel drive 900SS ducati in the courtyard at Siebken's outside of road america during superbike weekend. the crowd would boo and hiss and mutter low threats under it collective breath until you got that blight outta there, and rightly so.

last time - molded chinese plastic rules you out of any legitimate hot bike competition. all the more so if it is the bike-flavour-of-the-month like either of the two boring bikes noted above. show some imagination, or failing that at least some pride. sheesh.

is it just me or does the pic being referred to here look ugly and like it was made in the 70s?
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Re: I'm not above begging: [fulla] [ In reply to ]
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It's not just you, I was confused too. It looks like a mish mash of parts from different eras to my eye, but then what do I know?

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [aerojunkie2] [ In reply to ]
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Can't beat the Lotus --- sorry, this is the best I can do. There should be a separate vote for Tri bikes and Road bikes. In today's world, this could be considered old-school.

[Campy should offset the clinchers and tufos and fingerprints]

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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [pezdoctor] [ In reply to ]
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I like the bike, not sure about the red, but good attempt with the pedals, bar tape, cages and zipp stickers.

It also almost matches that speaker wire coming out from under that door. What's that all about? Tape that down before someone trips over it.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [pezdoctor] [ In reply to ]
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Wow ! Thats sweet. Regular Zipps weren't carbon weave I thought. I wonder what regular Twitcher 'Zipp' thinks of this....
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [UK Gear Muncher] [ In reply to ]
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Still, waiting for a beater???

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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I have a couple of ideas in the pipeline.....
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [UK Gear Muncher] [ In reply to ]
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Hopefully legal!

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [pezdoctor] [ In reply to ]
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WOW that is a good looking chariot...

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: I'm not above begging: [fulla] [ In reply to ]
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yeah, there were lots od ada wheels and chainstays that big in the seventies. you sound like your iq is in the seventies.


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Re: I'm not above begging: [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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all the parts on that bike are thouroughly modern with the exception of older chorus shifters, because the jerk likes aluminum blades, chainrings, because the jerk likes a 52/42 and he couldn't find the new record rings in that size, and the crappy 10 dollar seatpost which is there because the bike takes a 31.0 and the jerk couldn't find a 31.0 in time for the photo.....it is a far more "modern" bike than almost anything else; certainly more modern than that mad painful lotus.


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Re: I'm not above begging: [jerk] [ In reply to ]
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Hmm, why does the jerk talk about himself in the third person?

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: I'm not above begging: [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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because the jerk is the jerk.


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Re: I'm not above begging: [jerk] [ In reply to ]
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I guess that's an end to that.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: I'm not above begging: [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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24 hrs or less till I get my steed up here
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Re: Second attempt : No hijacking! HOTTEST BIKE [caleb] [ In reply to ]
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"Pegoretti frame, Record kit, ADA wheels, Dugast tires, Brooks saddle - how do you top that? The only thing that could be better is a silver stem and clean white bar tape."

I was with you on this being a clear winner, but the Time carbon stem and fok are nails on a chalkboard for this bad-boy. Needs a quill and steel fork and its a shoe-in. Eddie would be proud of it that way.
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Re: I'm not above begging: [AndrewJ] [ In reply to ]
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Tell all, Andrew.

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: I'm not above begging: [JulianInEngland] [ In reply to ]
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I'll PM you - but would rather post the pic here before sharing what it is - maybe I am making more of it than what it really is - but I don't think so.

There will be those that like it, those that don't and that remains to be seen - but all feedback on it to date - from those that know what it is - has been positive.

There was a delay in the build this week - waiting on a few special order components to come in.

Check your PM - the pic will go up tomorrow afternoon!
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