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Seattle Half Marathon race report
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I ran as fast as I felt I could sustain for 13.1 miles (based on perceived effort).

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Re: Seattle Half Marathon race report [sestivers] [ In reply to ]
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What'd you think of the course? I did it too, and despite missing my goal by a minute and a half, I was satisfied. Second half was pretty brutal; way more hills than I remember from last year.
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Re: Seattle Half Marathon race report [sestivers] [ In reply to ]
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one of the best reports ever!
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Re: Seattle Half Marathon race report [sestivers] [ In reply to ]
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and... how was the weather? What was your goal? What was your finish time?

I didn't do it this year, but it's one of my favorite 1/2 marathons.
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Re: Seattle Half Marathon race report [sestivers] [ In reply to ]
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dude that was fast
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Re: Seattle Half Marathon race report [QRgirl] [ In reply to ]
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I can tell you the weather was great. About 48-52 for the balance of the race. No issue with slow marathon walkers like I've experienced in the past, and the 1:30 pacer ran through the halfway point at 45:02 (though he probably should've been faster, as the first half of the course is a lot easier than the second). Great aid/support throughout, everything was marked clearly.

To steal the subject and talk about my own race, I definitely had a goal in mind (1:30), and definitely did not hit it (somewhere from 1:31:30-40, don't remember my official chip time). The half mile uphill on Galer (at around mile 7.5, for those unaware of it) killed me, and I lost more than a minute from 7.5 to 8.5. Lost about another minute and half from 8.5 to 10.5, until I said HTFU and killed the last 2.6 (which were mostly downhill anyways, I guess).

I'm slightly disappointed, as I was confident in my goal, but I clearly didn't taper well enough (I have fragile legs and was stiff from the first stride), and I haven't slept well in a month (studying for law exams and fear of failing them have alternatively given me 4 hour nights of sleep 5 at least 5 days a week). Thankfully, I've got a bigger picture, and this is just the first step in 7 month plan culminating in June. All-in-all, a positive result that'll keep me motivated for the future!
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Re: Seattle Half Marathon race report [QRgirl] [ In reply to ]
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Okay, okay, I'll give some details too. The weather was in fact perfect. This was my second time on the course (previous time 6 years ago) and I was able to take advantage of living near the course to train on the parts that gave the other guy trouble. My goal was 1:26:XX, which I hoped would get me in the top 50 overall. I ran 1:26:58 (1:27:00 official) but it was only good enough for 73rd amongst the men and I think 83rd overall. I would have needed to run 1:24:XX to make the top 50... maybe everyone else was having a good day too? There sure were some great looking women who run just a little faster than I do...

And I beat my time from 6 years ago by over two minutes. That was great.

They were blaring some great rock music at about 10.5 miles. That was a great pick-me-up.

I did learn that I should get new racing flats. My strides felt "dead" instead of "springy". And my calves are pretty tight because of it. I have no idea how my ice hockey game is going to turn out tonight.

Last edited by: sestivers: Nov 29, 09 17:43
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Re: Seattle Half Marathon race report [sestivers] [ In reply to ]
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A 1:12 won last year, and I think a ton of people swooped in to try take the win. There were a lot of 1:11-1:13s this year.
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Re: Seattle Half Marathon race report [cdViking] [ In reply to ]
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That was an amazing half marathon course! I am sure I have never done so many hills in a half. Of course what goes up also goes down so there were opportunities for free speed.

I didn't look into the course before I ran it because I am just visiting and figured it would be more fun to see Seattle during the race but each time I hit one of those short but steep hills I just laughed to myself and thought, man am I glad I am not doing the marathon when those hills would have hurt even more!

I respect the heck out of that course, now I wanna come back fit enough to race it.
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