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Restricting Wet Suit
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I recently bought a Blueseventy Reaction full length wetsuit: my first wetsuit. I have swam 3 times with it including a 70.3 race last weekend. Each time I have used it, my arms and shoulders feel like they are going to fall off (as if I just did 100 pullups) after just 1/4 mile or so. For the race, I even had a friend help me pull all the "slack" possible to the shoulders and the same thing happened. It seems I am fighting the wetsuit causing a lot of wasted energy and completely destroying my swim time.

I read countless reviews on all the wetsuits and landed on this wetsuit because of how unrestricting it is said to be.

It is a size MT and I am just under 6'2" and 160lbs. So sizing should be just about perfect. It fits me quite well other than this issue.

I was thinking about stretching out the wetsuit by hanging it up by the "wrists" and maybe even adding weight to the "ankles".
If that still didn't work I am to the point of just cutting the sleeves to where it will basically be like a sleeveless wet suit and I can just wear the sleeves if its colder.

Is there any successful technique to help with this or did I just buy a wetsuit that doesn't fit me like it should? Any help with how to "break it in" or if that is even possible would be appreciated. Thanks
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [zilla] [ In reply to ]
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I have never heard of a wetsuit needing a break in. I am also skeptical of hanging it in any way to get a better fit. While I don't wish to offend anyone capable of doing 100 pull-ups, I suspect the issues are related to your limited experience with wetsuits. There are some posts on this site about the proper way to put the suit on but part of it may be just that you need to swim in it more to get used to the feeling. Learning to relax in it may fix the feeling that you are fighting the wetsuit.

If all else fails, perhaps you did buy the wrong suit. Try some different suits. Rather than hacking off the sleeves you should consider selling your suit and applying the proceeds to a suit that you like.
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [zilla] [ In reply to ]
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Do you have a long torso or broad shoulders? You might to try going a size up to see if that helps.

Don't think trying to "stretch" the suit is going to accomplish anything other than possibly damaging it.

Most wetsuit manufacturers will let you return/exchange a suit for sizing issues within 30 days as long as you haven't modified it (like cutting off the sleeves...).

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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [Redcorvette] [ In reply to ]
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This is the problem I have. Short legs, long torso, largish chest. The legs on my wetsuit come all the down to the bottom of my ankles! But the chest is soooo tight and I can't pull it up any higher. I've learned to live with it, but some of the designs are not good. Get one with thin rubber on the chest and arms, or as Emilio Desoto. He'll get you straight....


"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ~Anne Frank
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [Robert] [ In reply to ]
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Robert wrote:
This is the problem I have. Short legs, long torso, largish chest. The legs on my wetsuit come all the down to the bottom of my ankles! But the chest is soooo tight and I can't pull it up any higher. I've learned to live with it, but some of the designs are not good. Get one with thin rubber on the chest and arms, or as Emilio Desoto. He'll get you straight....


I have the same issue. 5'-7" with a long torso and 46" chest. I've got a Xterra Vortex XL that fits my torso, with the arms & legs being a bit long. It takes me some time to the shoulders in place when I put it on, but once I do it's fine.

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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [zilla] [ In reply to ]
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Two things going on here. First thing is it is your first wetsuit, has anyone told you it is supposed to feel tight? They are not supposed to be comfortable, they should feel tight as compared to what you are used to, nothing at all. And with your height and weight, that sounds like the right size for you, in many brands would be on the big side. Not sure about this particular brand.

2nd thing is that torso length in suits can make them pull on the shoulders too much. If you have a long torso like you say, then a short torso pattern will be bad for you. I have no idea if that is the case with this suit, just know that all same size suits are not created equal. Try pulling the crotch area of the suit as high as it will go, sometimes folks just put on the suit and let it sit where it sticks on their skin. This will give a couple cm's to the body and loosen the shoulder pull.

If it persists and someone other than you that knows wetsuits and fit says it is just the wrong suit, then time to research( try on) some other brands..
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [Rambler] [ In reply to ]
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Rambler wrote:
There are some posts on this site about the proper way to put the suit on but part of it may be just that you need to swim in it more to get used to the feeling

I suck apparently and am having a hard time finding this, any help would be appreciated.

I'm not sure if I have a long torso or broad shoulders as that seems pretty relative. The wet suit fits me snug and the lengths seem ideal in the arms and legs.
I live in south Louisiana and I couldn't find anyone anywhere near me that sold wetsuits so that I may try some on to compare.

I hope its just an adjustment thing like mentioned because I spent more money than I wanted to on this wet suit hoping to not lose time to poor quality arm restricting material.
If it isn't, then stretching it out sounds like a waste of time and my only alternative is to drive somewhere one weekend and hope for a skilled fitter.

Thanks for the help all
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [zilla] [ In reply to ]
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pull it up more, you need to have loose material under your armpits when it is on properly
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [zilla] [ In reply to ]
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It may take 15-20 minutes to get into your suit properly. Use your palms and or pull on the inside of the suit to avoid tearing it.

You want to pull as much material up towards your crotch as you can, so that you are using all of the lower part of the suit and not stretching the torso part. You should be able to run in it without feeling like your pants are sagging. Getting into the lower part of the suit is the most time consuming, for me.

Once you have the "pants" part on, then you start on the upper part. Gently push material of the arm part up towards your armpit in a similar fashion as you did the legs. Once on and zipped up, windmill your arms and adjust as necessary.

Try putting your wetsuit on at home, unhurried like while watching TV. Move around in it until you get too hot. Do that a few times and see how it feels. Once you start feeling more comfortable, go to the pool and swim in it. Rinse the chlorine out after.
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [zilla] [ In reply to ]
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I used to have the exact same feeling, and then somebody told me something that dramatically solved my issue. Spend A LOT of time pulling up the arms and getting the wetsuit over your shoulders. Once I started doing this, that fatigue feeling went away, and I could focus on actually swimming.

I start at the wrist and make sure to pull the sleeve up north of my wrist bone. Sometimes I'll do this inside-out, pulling on the inside of the suit. I work my way up my forearm and past the elbow getting out all the wrinkles. You get the picture. Make sure that sucker is pulled up tight. Good luck.
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [zilla] [ In reply to ]
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Besides the pulling up people are telling you, are letting water in the wetsuit and in the water getting it to fit?
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure if this will help or not, but the "trick" I found was once the suit is pulled all the way up as much as can be, grab the top of you shoulder and pull the top inward toward your peck. Do with both sides. This develops a little bit of extra material in the shoulder and arm pit. It has helped me with shoulder fatigue.

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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [Kenney] [ In reply to ]
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Kenney wrote:
Besides the pulling up people are telling you, are letting water in the wetsuit and in the water getting it to fit?

I don't intentionally let water in the wetsuit, but I get some in for sure within the first couple seconds of getting into the water. I can see how this would relieve some of the restriction if it was caused by the suit sticking to my skin, but I don't think that's the case. Thanks for the help.
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Re: Restricting Wet Suit [abbottj123] [ In reply to ]
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abbottj123 wrote:
Not sure if this will help or not, but the "trick" I found was once the suit is pulled all the way up as much as can be, grab the top of you shoulder and pull the top inward toward your peck. Do with both sides. This develops a little bit of extra material in the shoulder and arm pit. It has helped me with shoulder fatigue.

Thanks, I'll give this a try.
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