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Recovering from a knock to the knee
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So, a couple of weeks ago I took a weekend off from serious training and went for a weekend away for some light mountain biking. The weather on this particular weekend was absolutely horrendous, the trails were a mud-fest and this, coupled with my over-competitiveness and less-than-stellar bike handling skills, led to a few spills from the bike. On one of these crashes my left knee took a bit of a side-on impact on a rock and it’s been hampering my training ever since.

Getting around day-to-day has been largely fine (a few twinges here and there) but running is proving especially troublesome. The week immediately afterwards, I ditched the schedule and just did a couple of easy 10 km runs to keep things ticking over and didn’t have any major issues. Last weekend I tried to stick with my scheduled long run (planned 20 miles), got 16 miles in and the knee went from being a very dull ache to crippling pain over the course of about a mile and had to stop right there and catch a ride home. In hindsight that was obviously a stupid idea, but now I’m worried about how to build things up again.

The start of this week was a bit painful walking around again, but it’s back to occasional twinge/dull ache now. It feels as though it’s healing quickly but obviously I don’t want it to be a recurring long term disruption. I've not done any training at all so far this week and was wondering what/if I should try at the weekend. Or should I give it another week or until it feels completely normal again until I start to ramp back up to the usual volume (10-12 hours total swim-bike-run per week)?

I know this is probably incredibly banal for most of you and I certainly sympathise with those of you with more serious injury worries, but thankfully I’ve not suffered many training injuries in the past so any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Last edited by: aw3: May 14, 15 5:54
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