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Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM
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I did both the races 3 weeks apart. and ended up with very similar wattage outputs.

231watts for St. Anthonys at 24.2mph and 225 watts for memphis in may at 23.9mph.

My run time at ST.A however sucked as i did something along the lines of 8 min miles, and on a much harder course in memphis i ran 7min/ mile avg.

Would that small of a difference in watts make that big of a difference in my run or should i just chalk the SA run time off as having a bad race?


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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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MIM run is also short.
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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they changed it like two years ago its not anymore. The bike is way short.


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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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Just out of curiosity, what is your FTP? Were your swims similarly paced and/or what were the times? As much as I love the power data, it isn't like you just start exerting yourself once you exit the water.

Dig It Triathlon and Multisport
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Dig It Tri] [ In reply to ]
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270ish. Beginning of may i did a 7.45mile TT in just under 17 mins at 286 so it should be right around there.

St anthonys the swim was 25:30 i think and MIM was 23:23. I changed up my stroke a little bit between the two so that i pulled harder but not as often to keep my HR down and to keep my form a little bit better.

Either way even with the hamstring cramp i had at MIM, i felt a lot better coming out of the water then ST. A. When i got off the bike in ST.A i felt fine but i just wasn't going anywhere.


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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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My Allen/Coggan book says your riding too pokey as you should be at 95-100% at Olympic distance....
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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From the info you've given, I'd guess your FTP to be below 270. I'll grant that I'm conservative on FTPs but I would still likely place yours in the neighborhood of 260, maybe even a bit below. That would place the IFs for these two rides a few percentage points apart, which can make a lot of difference. How much that matters in the end, I don't feel like I have enough info to say, but my unsolicited advice would be to ride my next Olympic at the lower IF to see if the run is as successful as MIM.


Dig It Triathlon and Multisport
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Diesel] [ In reply to ]
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I did 258 at collegiate nationals but it was on a lot hillier course. I ran 6:47's at that race it was a bit easier of a run then MIM. I do think i went conservative from the standpoint of MIM because of cramping up after the swim.


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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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I would seek answers to additional questions. You might have left something on the bike if you threshold watts are really 270ish. Maybe they are less. Maybe FTP is 270 but you rode smart and legally behind others. Even if 270 is correct, plugging in a percentage and assuming you rode light may not be accurate. It assumes you were not carrying significant fatigue, that you were properly fueled and well hydrated, that you paced the first half well, etc. How did watts compliment PE and HR? Power distribution? Did you show fading watts and efforts over the second half? Were there increasing watts and efforts? Probably a few other variables as well.

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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Kevin P.] [ In reply to ]
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Isn't FTP 20 min - 5 percent give or take? I don't think i'd drop off 10 watts from 17-20 mins on avg to put my FTP down to 260. But i also rode that time trial very hard. My avg hr was 202.

PE for the MIM and Collegiate nationals was about the same, i relaxed a lot on the hills at collegiate nationals because my legs didn't feel ready to climb hard. St. Anthonys felt like i was hammering as soon as i warmed up from the swim.

St.A first half was 233 second half was 229
MIM first half was 225 second half was 225
Collegiate nationals First half was 263 second half was 253


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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Diesel] [ In reply to ]
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While I generally agree with the guidelines of the Allen/Coggan table for half and full IMs, the Olympic figures always struck me as a bit optimistic. As FTP is how much you can do in an hour, I don't see how you can do FTP in an Olympic after a real 1500m swim and still run a decent 10K. Even if you drop to 95%, that's still a lot of work on the bike after a moderate to hard swim with a 10K still to run.

Dig It Triathlon and Multisport
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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Hi Grant. In my opinion, 20min is a bit short. I prefer 30min. As well, I don't know if this applies, but many triathletes can generate higher sustained power sitting up and climbing than they can on flats while down and aero. Often, significantly more. For that reason, I ask athletes to test on flats and in aero position. You are closest to the situation and would know best; I am just raising questions that might be entertained by you. Good luck!
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Dig It Tri] [ In reply to ]
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I agree -- for all but the most fit -- I suggest slightly less than 95% to give yourself the best chance to run to potential.
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Dig It Tri] [ In reply to ]
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You might say optimistic, I'll say it's not realistic. But, that's why it's a guideline.

Meaning, it's a race and there are too many factors involved "up the road" to gauge your pace: race traffic, other racer's positioning, corners, etc. It would take a lot of good luck to get within this zone.

I ended up riding 60 watts below 100% simply due to above scenarios. Oh well.
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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Keep up the good work queer boy. I put out 231 watts when I roll over in my bed.
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [saul] [ In reply to ]
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Oh you're cool...

Proudly sponsored by Desoto Sports
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Diesel] [ In reply to ]
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60 below??? Sheesh - that's my IM pace. There'd have to be a lot going on up the road to slow me down that much. You must have FTP welll into 300's???

My #'s were very similar to Grant's. NP 224 with bike time 59:57. This does seem to be a tough course to really ride on the rivet wattage wise due to the factors you mentioned. I generally ride other similar length courses 10-15 W higher, but they're shorter swims.

I do seem to notice a consistent drop in power by about 10-15W when I look at my race files and compare last third of bike to first third. Not sure what that means.

Coach at KonaCoach Multisport
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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MIM run is also short.

How long is it then?

Coach at KonaCoach Multisport
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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Are those your AP numbers or your NP numbers? If they're your AP numbers then you just did SA above an IF of .86 (assuming your FTP is correct). What was your bike time too or just throw me your TSS numbers for both rides.

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Terra-Man] [ In reply to ]
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I don't buy that it is short anymore, at least not the last 2 years. Times of people I know (including myself) that have raced there don't reflect a short run and I've heard the turnaround was extended up the hill from where it used to be.

FWIW, Macca ran a 35:XX there this year. He better hope it isn't short!

Also, as a data point, Greg Rouault, who was the first AGer at both MIM and St. Anthony's this year had same run split to the second on both courses. 32:15!

In Reply To:
MIM run is also short.

How long is it then?

Justin in Austin, get it? :)

Cool races:
- Redman
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [lakerfan] [ In reply to ]
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NP wand TSS were...

Collegiate nationals - 267, and .971 for tss
SA was - 235 and .856
MIM was - 237 and .863

Collegiate nationals was hilly, the other two were very close to flat courses.


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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:

NP wand TSS were...

Collegiate nationals - 267, and .971 for tss
SA was - 235 and .856
MIM was - 237 and .863

Collegiate nationals was hilly, the other two were very close to flat courses.


Those aren't the TSS's. TSS should be something like 127, not .856. The .856 is your IF.
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [IAMike] [ In reply to ]
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oh then they were, 97.6, 73.9 and 71.6, respectively.


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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [Dig It Tri] [ In reply to ]
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that's still a lot of work on the bike after a moderate to hard swim with a 10K still to run.

Excellent point. As people often do here and elsewhere, they are putting the individual sports in silos and not realizing the one impacts the other both in training and on race day. It's how you put the swim-bike-run together on race day and where the clock stops when you cross the finish line that matters.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Wattage Vs. Run times for St. Anthonys and MIM [cyclonehockey21] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, something doesn't add up. Collegiate Nationals is about what I'd expect for an IF in an Oly. SA and MIM are around what I'd expect to see for a HIM (depending on bike time). Btw, those were IFs you gave me, not TSSes, but it's actually not important.

Out of curiosity, you do a lot training in the hills and not much on the flats? I'm going to speculate that your VI was highest at Collegiate Nationals, given that it was "hilly," so note the higher your VI the higher your IF. Just seems like you have a harder time getting your power up to sustainable levels on flat courses. MIM seems to be more hilly than SA if I was to base it on your VI.

Thanks, Chris
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