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So I have this tattoo...
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On the back of my right leg below the calf. It is a little smaller than this, but in all black... (Ironman logo)

The acute angles that define the center of the M have bled together, it looks almost like a black square with a circle on top. I went to see a guy today that has the best rep in town, and he said he cannot fix it without making it large enough to fit the whole thing inside the new one, making it this large (this is the exact size of the drawing he made)

That is HUGE! Almost as big as my calf, not really, but way, way larger than I can accept. I guess I live with it or have it removed. Damn thats huge. I should have had it simply outlined and not filled in, or with a light color. Wonder if they can laser remove just the inside part and leave the outline?
The artist wanted me to track down the guy who did it originally so he could have him shot, shoulda known better even if I didn't. He was at a little shop near the Ironman Florida finish. Still, he gave me what I asked for, I can't complain.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not sure if it works this way....but....

Rather than having it removed by laser, can they touch it up with the laser?

As in just removing the parts that have bled together??

I don't know much about "lasers" (except what I leared from Dr. Evil) but it might be something to check into! :-)

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Re: So I have this tattoo... [m00se] [ In reply to ]
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Rather than having it removed by laser, can they touch it up with the laser?


It is hard to get the edges nice, but you can go back further, then have the edges put back in by your Tatoo guy. Pretty costly eraser though.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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The tattoo artist may be able to put a light background color behind/around the logo (like a sun behind it) and cover over some of the blended lines with the lighter coler, then touchup the black lines.
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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dude. the big one looks sweet. why not get another one the same size on the other calf so you have matching tatoos! that would be f-ing cool to see running down the street!!

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Re: So I have this tattoo... [cidewar] [ In reply to ]
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Dude I am 5'5" tall, that thing is as big as my calf! There is no chance in the world that I'm having a tat that big put on me. I'm going to shop around a bit more I think. I want a stick figure swimmer/cyclist/runner on my left ankle in the fall anyway.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [GeeForces] [ In reply to ]
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I had no idea that happens to tattoos...
I don't have any m-dot ones but have one rather simple one on my neck of my sign of zodiac symbol and a very detailed one, mainly turquoise/light blue on my lower back. Only had them for a couple of years, what timeline are you looking at for things bleeding together...I think I was at a real good shop "Ken Cameron's South Beach Tattoos", and the artist did an AWESOME job on my lower back one; so I figure something like bleeding isn't likely to happen, right?
you sound like you know a lot about tattoos, I'd appreciate any input... thxs...
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [vivie1072] [ In reply to ]
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Have you ever looked at 40 or fifty year old tat? They all change over the years as the body changes, it is going to look real ugly in the nursing home in 50 years or so. My first and only tat is going to be a big DNR right over my heart when I qualify for that race. I hope the medical staff will be able to figure that one out before they hook up the paddles
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [G-man] [ In reply to ]
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Which race, G?

"How bad can it be?" - SimpleS
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [G-man] [ In reply to ]
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yeah, I realize that, but before I hit 90 in 60 yrs or so, it will look cute for hopefully the next ten years...I like it, I know most guys don't but I didn't do it for them ;)
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [GeeForces] [ In reply to ]
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i want my tats removed. the strawberries on my ass were cute at age 16. but, seeing as how i'm 31 now...it's not so cute.

does it hurt to have them removed, is that what you're saying?

what about the technology? is it good, or are there still outlines?

(also have the chinese zodiac symbol of the Tiger for the year i was born. it too is stupid and i'd like it removed, it's all black and filled in.)
Last edited by: kittycat: Mar 28, 06 10:47
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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Can we see a pic of the strawberries?
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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i was just reading about Tat B gone and Tatt off, 2 fading creams that are said to remove tattoos. i may try it but only after doing alot of research. supposedly the ingredients break up the ink and over time the ink will completely fade. that is hard to believe, but who knows. i'll research it...seems hell of alot less painful then getting it cut off, rubbed off, lasered off or whatever else.

ugh. i wish i could go back in time and slap myslef.
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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I haven't personally had it done, but everyone I've heard that's gone through it says it's more painful than the tattoo itself. I've heard it compared to repeatedly snapping a rubber band against your skin. Whether or not there will be complete removal depends on a whole host of things, so your best bet would be to talk to a professional. If nothing else, it should fade enough that it will be easy to cover up with something that you like better. (Of course, coverups are an option even without going through the removal process.)

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Re: So I have this tattoo... [johnny law] [ In reply to ]
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thanks for the info. the last thing i would do is a cover up. shouldn't have gotten these in the first place. i'll check into the creams, who knows, they might work ? sigh...
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [G-man] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Have you ever looked at 40 or fifty year old tat? They all change over the years as the body changes, it is going to look real ugly in the nursing home in 50 years or [/reply]

Not to steer this too far off-topic, but you can't look at a tattoo that's 40 or 50 years old now and assume that's what a current tattoo will look like in 40 or 50 years. Inks, methods, and aftercare have all improved significantly since the days of battleships and anchors done with india ink.

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woo - jackmott
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [johnny law] [ In reply to ]
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I'm having a hard time believing that any of you guys really cares about the pain! It is only temporary and surely not as long lasting as most of our races. But I did see stars while mine was being applied.

Elivis needs boats.
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [vivie1072] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Only had them for a couple of years, what timeline are you looking at for things bleeding together...I think I was at a real good shop "Ken Cameron's South Beach Tattoos", and the artist did an AWESOME job on my lower back one; so I figure something like bleeding isn't likely to happen, right?

It varies, depending on elasticity/sag of the skin, how well the ink was laid in to begin with, etc. If you had an exceptionally good artist and there's some amount of separation between the lines, you may never notice any bleeding. If you got something with a lot of lines close together, there's a chance they will run together over a period of years. Check out the rec.arts.bodyart tattoo faq at http://www.faqs.org/faqs/bodyart/tattoo-faq/ for more info.

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woo - jackmott
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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it does hurt, but it's not overwhelming. sounds like getting them off is more painful (but i would go through that to get rid of mine)
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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It smarts! even with the topical anesthetic. I volunteer in a tatoo removal clinic for former gang bangers and former prisoners. They say it hurts more that putting it on, but it is less bad with the anesthetic. Anesthetic can be injected (multiple injections) but, especially when they are lighter, it can make it harder for the operator to hit precisely.

BTW, ain't seen any that were gone in 2-3 treatments.


Take everything I say with a grain of salt. I know nothing.
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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the strawberries on my ass were cute at age 16. but, seeing as how i'm 31 now...it's not so cute.

Better than what I have tattooed on my ass!...kj

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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Re: So I have this tattoo... [KEJ] [ In reply to ]
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ok, what is it?

lol--you have to tell now, LOL!
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Re: So I have this tattoo... [Schwingding] [ In reply to ]
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Tattoo removal is a long process that usually requires 3-12 treatments. It uses a certain type of laser that breaks up the pigment granules in the macrophages in your dermis. Many factors of the ink are involved:

1) Type of ink

2) Concentration of ink

3) Color of ink (Black and red are easy, some blues are easy, green can be difficult, metallic inks are extremely difficult to remove)

4) Depth of ink

Unlike FDA controlled procedures (like lasers), there is very little regulation in the tattoo arena. It is very difficult to determine what response you will have to tattoo removal until you have a treatment. Tattoo artists have so much variability in the type of ink they use and their depth.

In addition, each person has a different immune response to the laser treatments. Some patients have very active immune systems that clear away the granules, while others have slower clearance. When you have tattoo removal done by a physician, s/he may also prescribe a topical immune modulator prescription medication that has been shown to improve clearance of the tattoo pigments by stimulating the immune response in the treated area.

Besides having removed thousands of tattoos, I removed my own tattoo with lasers. I can tell you that it does hurt much more than getting the tattoo put on. However, there are adjunctive pain measures, such as using a topical anesthetic, infiltrated anesthetic (injection), or Zimmer Cooling. Most physicians prefer to use the topical medication. Despite these pain relief measures, it still hurts a lot.

Depending on the area, getting repeatedly snapped with a rubber band might be a good approximation.

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Re: So I have this tattoo... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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All I'm saying is that it was heavily influenced by my love of margeritas and one of my former college room mates has one to match....kj

Awww, Katy's not all THAT evil. Only slightly evil. In a good way. - JasoninHalifax

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