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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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One question, why is it always assumed that the woman is wronged?
Amen! Here's to a slow painful death for the lying, cheating, ex-Ms. Cyclopath!
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [Haondotri] [ In reply to ]
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$5 says there's a book deal in the works, reply]

Surprise, surprise, surprise.....
Publisher: Warner Faith (January 3, 2007) Availability: This item has not yet been released. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives.
Happily Ever After : Walking with Peace and Courage Through a Year of Divorce (Hardcover)
by Kristin Armstrong

Nashville, TN
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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David Blaine is an amazing magician......he also does some "stunts" like being buried alive for a week and more recently, he lived underwater for a week then tried to break the world record for holding his breath underwater.....(WR is 8:58...Blaine ONLY went 7:08) none-the-less....his stunts are just that....media frenzied stunts but he is a very good showman and his close up magic is amazing....he garners alot of respect amongst the "magic community".

"I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it. "
Steve Irwin
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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I'm surprised she wasn't up for the open "The View" spot.

Seems kinda strange to me that people would detail (if that's what she's doing) intimate aspects of a private relationship for all of us voyeurs to read.

Anyway, we can all wait for her to crap out of another marriage so there can be a sequel, I guess.
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [k-factorfan] [ In reply to ]
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Ah, that guy. Didn't he sit up on top of some tower thing in NYC for a long time?

Nashville, TN
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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I think he set the record for most hours sitting on the toilet underwater while blindfolded and having nothing but Celine Dion music piped in 24/7?

I might be mistaken, though...
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [TonyV] [ In reply to ]
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the Run-Tex Hummer was strategically placed by the underpass on a hot day to give her a cold drinlk on those long runs.

The RunTex people put water out EVERY day for EVERYONE. At two locations, mind you. One of the lovely things about Austin and RunTex. :)

One particularly hot summer night a while back, they even had a guy riding around with a little trailer behind the bike with an ice chest and cool water. Totally sweet!
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [bt] [ In reply to ]
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i love the Hummer part...hleps those multimillionaire harpy wives with their "running".

Tony Verow MD
Durango, CO 81301
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [TonyV] [ In reply to ]
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Dude, we all need the water. Even the non-millionaire, non-wife runners. It's hot out there!
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [Wolfwood] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]I bet every time she's on Oprah, thousands of cd's get purchased. A lot of concert tickets probably get bought as well.[/reply]

That's Sheryl, the last Mrs. lance to be. Seems Lance just needs one who doesn't mind his control freak side.

Gary Geiger
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [trailbait] [ In reply to ]
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I went to Ask Jeeves and asked if any of you had lives for giving a rats' ass about any of this nonsense and guess what he said?


Dan DeMaio
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance you must keep moving.
- Albert Einstein
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [k-factorfan] [ In reply to ]
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David Blaine had signs of both kidney and liver failure as a result of his idiotic stunt and despite the cold hard facts that his kidney and liver failure could be permanent, he decided to leave the hospital AMA (against medical advice). Makes absolutely no sense to me. I work in an Emergency Room and every now and again I am faced with a patient of mine wanting to sign out AMA. Most times I am successful in convincing them to stay. These patients usually have very difficult personalities right from the start of my initial encounter with them. He might be an "amazing magician" but he made a very poor choice leaving the hospital AMA. I hope for his sake his liver function and kidney function continues to improve. It'll be interesting to see what transpires in the upcoming days.

Team Endurance Nation
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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>>Lance had a great woman.<<

Yeah, one who cheated on him. What a peach.
eh..they're both cheaters. Plus they're both boring as shi*. No wonder they got divorced.
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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A little over 10 years ago my 1st wife cheated on me. I blamed her for ruining our marriage, at first. It took several years of being bitter before I realized that part of the fault was my own. Cheating is an unacceptable way to deal with marital issues, but make no mistake it takes two to have marital strife. Once I got over my bitterness, I came to realize what a horrible husband I had been.
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [Frank Black] [ In reply to ]
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but make no mistake it takes two to have marital strife.

Be careful with that truth. If you blame Lance for anything you will be attacked.


You sir, are my new hero! - Trifan 11/13/2008

Casey, you are a wise man - blueraider_mike 11/13/2008

Casey, This is an astute observation. - Slowbern 11/17/2008
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [Frank Black] [ In reply to ]
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Kinda heavy for a triathlon message board... but okay.
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [SlayerHatebreed] [ In reply to ]
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no it's not, hell half of us spill our guts on here.
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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One question, why is it always assumed that the woman is wronged? I'd like to try the hard life of living in Europe with shit loads of money, private planes, house staff and my every need taken care of. Give me a break.

Although I'm not married to any "Lance", I can relate to this thread. Sorry, Cathy, that's one statement I disagree with. If you are married to a successful person you should put up with any relationship problems and just be grateful for the lifestyle? You've got a lot more dignity than that!

I'll tell you one thing about having money, when you got it, it suddenly doesn't seem so important. Women who stay with men who treat them badly just because of the lifestyle, get what they deserve. Men who treat women badly because they have money or fame, get what they deserve too.

I've been married to the same man for 30+ years, from struggliing newlyweds to comfortable empty nesters. Our relationship dynamics has had very little to do with our lifestyle.

Disclaimer - This is not to imply anything personal to Lance/Kristen's relationship, of which I have No Knowledge other than gossip.

Support Crew
This information contained herein has been assembled for your assistance and convenience. It is believed to be reliable, however, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. All opinions shown are subject to change without notice.
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [runbikerun] [ In reply to ]
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Most interviews like Kristin's SUCK. The reason is b/c people like Oprah throw softballs at the people being interviewed, & shows like Oprah's are geared towards bored housewives who want to feel good about themselves & share in others misery. You want to feel good about yourself then get off your fat ass & exercise, get a job, or do something challenging w/your life.

I would love to have seen Oprah ask her
  1. Besides you losing yourself what else went wrong w/your marriage (there had to be more)?
  2. What type of life did you actually think you were getting into when you married a pro cyclist?.....etc.....

Interviews like this are about as exciting as seeing a celebrity in Playboy (the pictorials usually SUCK)!
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [support crew] [ In reply to ]
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Sue, my point is that you (the universal "you") are about as happy as YOU YOURSELF make it. I'll bet KA wouldn't have been happy no matter what.

Me, I could put up with quite a bit to have all my bills, paid, time to train and not work and have someone cook and clean. A stable of bikes and that might seal the deal. And where did the "treated badly" thing vis a vis the Armstrongs come up? I don't believe that was ever an issue. I remember when KA had her Tour diary online and she was lamenting the fact that she had four different houses in four different countries and what a burden that was. Oh FO! Try working four different jobs to make ends meet for your family or being a single month WITHOUT all the cash and the help.

Anyway, I go back to my original question....why is it always assumed that the woman is wronged?


Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [Frank Black] [ In reply to ]
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Cheating is an unacceptable way to deal with marital issues,


but make no mistake it takes two to have marital strife.

Not true.

Sometimes one person in the marriage can decide that it is done and that is that, with no contribution from the other person.
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Sue, my point is that you (the universal "you") are about as happy as YOU YOURSELF make it. I'll bet KA wouldn't have been happy no matter what.

Me, I could put up with quite a bit to have all my bills, paid, time to train and not work and have someone cook and clean. A stable of bikes and that might seal the deal. And where did the "treated badly" thing vis a vis the Armstrongs come up? I don't believe that was ever an issue. I remember when KA had her Tour diary online and she was lamenting the fact that she had four different houses in four different countries and what a burden that was. Oh FO! Try working four different jobs to make ends meet for your family or being a single month WITHOUT all the cash and the help.

Anyway, I go back to my original question....why is it always assumed that the woman is wronged?


Another way to put it --- Why is it always the Man's fault???

Wife cheats on Husband -- what did he do wrong that caused her to cheat....

Wife does not feel "fullfilled" - Husband is doing something wrong.....

etc. etc. etc.
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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While we're talking about balance, has there ever been a thread about Lance where you didn't attack him in one way or another?
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [Tri N OC] [ In reply to ]
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Sometimes one person in the marriage can decide that it is done and that is that, with no contribution from the other person


Contrary to Frank, I'll never realize "what a bad husband" I was, because frankly (no pun intended) I was pretty good. I wasn't perfect, and I could have done some things better, but I was a good husband . . . probably too forgiving.
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Re: Lance Ex-Wife On Oprah - Today [AlanShearer] [ In reply to ]
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While we're talking about balance, has there ever been a thread about Lance where you didn't attack him in one way or another?

In most threads I have attacked him because I do not think highly of him and think he gets a free pass because he survived cancer. That is admirable but it doesn't make him a God.

I have always admired his cycling ability and think that regardless of drugs or any other form of PED, he was the best Tour de France cyclist out there. If people left it at that without making him out to someone who walks on water I would have no problem. I don't even think Lance is comfortable with the celebrity status others throw on him. He just rides a bike better than anyone else, that's it.


You sir, are my new hero! - Trifan 11/13/2008

Casey, you are a wise man - blueraider_mike 11/13/2008

Casey, This is an astute observation. - Slowbern 11/17/2008
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