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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [cooterbrown96] [ In reply to ]
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One thing I don't get in all this: if it's about having fun, and not taking things too seriously, why does the call matter? Why would the 4min penalty matter?

The ref didn't do anything to alter your race, or the fun you were having. Even if he had disqualified you, so what, it's after the event and you've already had your fun. Seems like we have the perfect system, those that want to have fun can. The rules don't apply, they are free to do what ever they want. Those that are also stickler for rules can also be happy that justice was swift and brutal. Someone got moved up in the rankings as a result.

But you can't have it both ways. If you want to finish 2nd, that means having a timing system, rules, and race officials. If you just want to have fun, ignore all that.
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [flyingirish] [ In reply to ]
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I am surprised it hasn't come up until now.

I think we have a concensus that the head official over rules the Race Director.

So how does USAT handle this?? Can a sanctioned race overrule a standard USAT rule?


Family & Friends are welcome to cross the finish line with you. We understand this is a big accomplishment for our participants and sharing this moment with those that have supported you through all of the hours, days, and months of training; should be acknowledged. Be consideration of others, as the finish line can become crowded with these additional people.

  • Continue to move forward after you cross the finish line, allowing others to finish.
  • Remove timing chip
  • Receive REV3 Finisher Medal
  • Pickup Finisher Long Sleeve Tech Shirt
  • Medical Support on hand if needed
Courtesy of REV3.com

I don't have a dog in this fight either way.. Just interesting discussion point.

Austin Hardy -

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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [Aust1227] [ In reply to ]
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I think that this has already been covered. You're not the first to bring this up.

The cliffnote answer is that the head official didn't overrule the RD. The RD has no authority in the matter. The RD does not impose the rule or give out penalties, so he can't overrule for a decision he can't make in the first place. USAT officials have the absolute authority to enforce USAT rules, without any mingling from RDs. You don't want the RD to have any part of the decision making process. I think it was Jackmott in this thread that brought up the fact that if the RD can mingle in rule enforcements, you will have a Lance-type situation where a RD can say something like ... your EPO test is invalid and it's a b.s test, I'm going to let racer x, race. I

Aust1227 wrote:
I am surprised it hasn't come up until now.

I think we have a concensus that the head official over rules the Race Director.

So how does USAT handle this?? Can a sanctioned race overrule a standard USAT rule?


Family & Friends are welcome to cross the finish line with you. We understand this is a big accomplishment for our participants and sharing this moment with those that have supported you through all of the hours, days, and months of training; should be acknowledged. Be consideration of others, as the finish line can become crowded with these additional people.

  • Continue to move forward after you cross the finish line, allowing others to finish.
  • Remove timing chip
  • Receive REV3 Finisher Medal
  • Pickup Finisher Long Sleeve Tech Shirt
  • Medical Support on hand if needed
Courtesy of REV3.com

I don't have a dog in this fight either way.. Just interesting discussion point.

My marathon PR is "under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something."
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [flyingirish] [ In reply to ]
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For the scientist in you, given what others have said or I've heard, I'd call this a step function. If the non-athlete is not moving on the course, and the athlete stops to say hi or hug their kid, all would be OK. If the athlete keeps moving, and the non-athlete is moving along with them, then distance is not a factor, only time is. So 15 seconds of movement appears to be the trigger.
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [zoom] [ In reply to ]
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zoom wrote:
I think that this has already been covered. You're not the first to bring this up.

Aust1227 wrote:
I am surprised it hasn't come up until now.

I think we have a concensus that the head official over rules the Race Director.

So how does USAT handle this?? Can a sanctioned race overrule a standard USAT rule?


Family & Friends are welcome to cross the finish line with you. We understand this is a big accomplishment for our participants and sharing this moment with those that have supported you through all of the hours, days, and months of training; should be acknowledged. Be consideration of others, as the finish line can become crowded with these additional people.

  • Continue to move forward after you cross the finish line, allowing others to finish.
  • Remove timing chip
  • Receive REV3 Finisher Medal
  • Pickup Finisher Long Sleeve Tech Shirt
  • Medical Support on hand if needed
Courtesy of REV3.com

I don't have a dog in this fight either way.. Just interesting discussion point.

You missed the emphasis of my post. I have read every single post! We have a consensus that Officials overrule RD, we all agree about that one..

What I was trying to bring up, was the PUBLISHED INVITE from a major race organizor to accompany their athlete to the finish line. Will a ref ever ding a REV3 finisher for doing something they were invited to do?

Austin Hardy -

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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [Aust1227] [ In reply to ]
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yes, my reading comprehension sucks :)

My marathon PR is "under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something."
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [flyingirish] [ In reply to ]
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flyingirish wrote:
Nothing was meant to be rude in my post, standing up for the OP or advocating for the trial by internet of the ref but it seems you have taken offense to my inquiry and have lumped me with all those things inaccurately. My post was just that: an inquiry. I would like to pose that inquiry again since I truly am curious what is the distance (length and time) by which one is to have been judged to receive outside assitance via pacing on the run. Again, it seems like many on this thread interpret that within 100 yards its okay. For you it seems like its10 yards. But the question I am ultimately trying to pose is that from your knowledge in the industry and also relationship with highly regarded USAT refs is there a standard that is applied? In other words, for family and friends that cheer us on at races should we be concerned about getting a penatly if they take one step in the same direction as us, run alongside of us for 10 yards, 100 yards or any X distance or time?

Personally, if they aren't in the race, I don't think our friends and family belong on the course at all. Being on the course takes up space that is for those competing (or at least participating). That friend at your side for 100 yards could be blocking your competition from passing you at that point in time. If you were trying to pass someone to take their podium slot away, would you want their friends in your way? Imagine someone with a lot of friends, each pacing that person for the "allowed" distance before veering off, it would be within the rules...
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [Aqua Man] [ In reply to ]
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Aqua Man wrote:
One thing I don't get in all this: if it's about having fun, and not taking things too seriously, why does the call matter? Why would the 4min penalty matter?

The ref didn't do anything to alter your race, or the fun you were having. Even if he had disqualified you, so what, it's after the event and you've already had your fun. Seems like we have the perfect system, those that want to have fun can. The rules don't apply, they are free to do what ever they want. Those that are also stickler for rules can also be happy that justice was swift and brutal. Someone got moved up in the rankings as a result.

But you can't have it both ways. If you want to finish 2nd, that means having a timing system, rules, and race officials. If you just want to have fun, ignore all that.

Fantastic observation!!
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [ In reply to ]
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Can we still let the Gorillas play drums?


"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [randymar] [ In reply to ]
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randymar wrote:
Can we still let the Gorillas play drums?

NOTE: Not to be confuzed with Gorillaz



"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [randymar] [ In reply to ]
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A+ thread. Would read again.

(...but it's no T3)

VDOT O2 Run Coaching
Team INFINIT Discount Code: RowanJones
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [jmaenpaa] [ In reply to ]
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I agree that non-competitors shouldn't on the course but we see it all the time. But the bigger question is what if they aren't on the technical course but still providing pacing? Take IMCDA for example; a course that I am very familiar with that I raced on and also train on regularly. Once out of town the run course is the paved running trail but on either side of it is grass for almost the entire distance to the TA. A family/friend could be running next you and could theoretically be pacing you but never actually step foot onto the course. This will be the same for USAT Age-Group nationals this year in Milwaukee which is where I am from. Since they are not on the course are they still providing assistance? A question that has a lot of different answers to and reasoning that in posing my inquiry some clarity could possibly be provided. As you see in my reply to Peanut I point out that the vicinity of the non-competitor to the athlete isn't spell out.

Train to race. Race to win.
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [flyingirish] [ In reply to ]
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Can someone summarize what is going on? No way I'm going to get through over 400 comments?!
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [Bryancd] [ In reply to ]
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Bryancd wrote:
AndresLD wrote:
Herbert wrote:

Plus imagine if you wanted to grab a picture of a loved one (or a superstar in a big race) and then some jerk in a silly outfit (who should not be on the course) blocks your shot. Good times.

I don't know... I'd say 9/10 people reading and commenting on this thread would wish it was them in the picture running next to the primate. I know I would!

If the WTC is reading... maybe this is the next great business idea for your on-course photos. $80 for a cd of race pictures $160 for a cd of race pictures with a gorilla running alongside. Who's buying?

Yeah, some of us need to put the "A" back in amateur or Age Grouper. :)

Couldn't agree more. Sometimes it's important to put things in perspective. Penalties like this are always a bummer, but I'll take a great story over a top finish any day! Especially if it comes with a sweet picture like this! There will always be more races for top finishes.

-Bryan Journey
Travel Blog | Training Blog | Facebook Page
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [jxj] [ In reply to ]
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jxj wrote:
Can someone summarize what is going on? No way I'm going to get through over 400 comments?!

Then no soup for you, ya lazy bastard! If you truly want to experience all that is Gorilla-Gate, you must read each comment in its entirety!

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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [JourneyToGoPro] [ In reply to ]
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Easy for you to say when it not your race. How about when it's a Kona slot on the line and some power tripping official decides to give you a penalty for a spectator in costume running along beside you. The thing everyone is forgetting is that although info might have come out later that the OP knew the gorilla the official had no clue as to that fact when he gave the penalty. for all he knew it was just some random guy. Another poster on the thread also said he was giving out penalties for shoes being a few inches outside whatever ever line they were supposed to be in transition. None of these events warranted a penalty. At the most a warning to move shoes or stop running next to athletes. This joke of an official has no business ever being involved in a triathlon again.
Last edited by: exstyle: Jun 5, 13 13:48
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [exstyle] [ In reply to ]
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exstyle wrote:
Easy for you to say when it not your race. How about when it's a Kona slot on the line and some power tripping official decides to give you a penalty for a spectator in costume running along beside you....This joke of an official has no business ever being involved in a triathlon again.

All this whining about Kona slots on the line, and why Kona makes this SUCH SERIOUS BUSINESS. I argue that the amateur Kona race is still far less important than the Little League World Series. And they even have a code of conduct:

During the Game:
1. Fill your children's "Emotional Tanks."
2. Don't yell instructions during the game. Let coaches coach.
3. Cheer good plays by both teams.
4. Mention good calls by the umpires to other parents.
5. If an umpire makes a "bad" call against your team, Honor the Game -- be silent!
6. If other parents yell at the umpires, gently remind them to Honor the Game.
7. Don't do anything in the heat of the moment that you will regret after the game. Ask yourself, "Will this embarrass my child or the team?"
8. Remember to have fun! Enjoy the game.

After the Game:
1. Thank the umpires for doing a difficult job for little or no pay.
2. Thank the coaches for their commitment and effort.
3. Remind your children again that you are proud of them -- win or lose.

Methinks our sport needs to grow up a little.
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [AlwaysCurious] [ In reply to ]
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The OP seems to have handled it better then a lot of the posters on here. That has nothing to do with the fact that this official was/is over the line in how he officiates a race. Someone doesn't put on a striped shirt and suddenly become infallible. This guy is a bad official and should be removed from his position or be set down and told to change his attitude.
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman wrote:
" i don't drink and drive at all. my standard is a blood alcohol level of 0.00%. that's MY standard. for ME. this keeps me absolutely certain that i don't kill somebody because i was drinking, and so i won't get a DUI. i'm not saying that's THE standard, nor that it's what the legal limit should be. when you run alongside your buddy for 150 yards or 200 yards i think it's like having 2 16oz beers and jumping in your truck. you're tempting fate, even if you are certain you are not impaired. my advice: don't tiptoe up to the very edge of what you suspect is acceptability.


With much due respect, we are talking about heal striking gorillas and the men that pace off of them. Drunk driving is a much more serious matter not to be taken lightly. IMO that's not a fair comparison/analogy.
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [exstyle] [ In reply to ]
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exstyle wrote:
The OP seems to have handled it better then a lot of the posters on here. That has nothing to do with the fact that this official was/is over the line in how he officiates a race. Someone doesn't put on a striped shirt and suddenly become infallible. This guy is a bad official and should be removed from his position or be set down and told to change his attitude.

The rules are as black and white as their typical stripes. The rules were broken. Did this fact elude you?

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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [Jookie] [ In reply to ]
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Perhaps a review of the thread and a close reading of the posts by individuals who are actually race officials is in order for you.
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [exstyle] [ In reply to ]
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exstyle wrote:
The OP seems to have handled it better then a lot of the posters on here. That has nothing to do with the fact that this official was/is over the line in how he officiates a race. Someone doesn't put on a striped shirt and suddenly become infallible. This guy is a bad official and should be removed from his position or be set down and told to change his attitude.

Sweet! Thanks for the compliment! I'm shocked that this much attention has been given to this subject. It WAY more than the gorilla or I ever expected.

And I'm appreciative that its relatively clean without too many cases of name calling.. thanks ST..

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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [exstyle] [ In reply to ]
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I have read it all - and the rules - and officiated more than a race or two. By the context of the rules...this participant to his own admission broke the rules with outside assistance. Be it as minor as it is...the ref in question was able to somehow single out the offender and his friend from all of the others in the event. So, something was there. If not, the official would have given the penalty to others who did no know the ape...he/she didnt. That in and of itself adds further credence to the penalty.

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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [jxj] [ In reply to ]
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jxj wrote:
Can someone summarize what is going on? No way I'm going to get through over 400 comments?!

Nothing really. .. just another LA thread...

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Or @bsrtri
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Re: Got a penalty because a guy in a gorilla suit ran next to me. [cooterbrown96] [ In reply to ]
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LOL - best reply EVER

When in doubt - blame Lance!

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