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French Media Sucks
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Take a look at what they say about Lance's departure...from L'Equipe, the nations leading sports daily paper. " Its not only the end of an era but also of a doubt." According to the French tastes Lance was too aloof, too controlling, too corporate, too good and despite never testing positive too good to be true.

While this was just one media outlet, its stuff like this that makes us hate the French even more.
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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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First of all, who the F is "us"?

Hopefully, when your righteous anger has cooled off, you will see what a moronic statement you just made.

As an aside, do you hate America b/c of the stupid editorial on LA by the ESPN guy yesterday? Come to think of it, why do you hate America?

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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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Did you read the original paper from l'Equipe?

Mind you, neither have I (see the other thread on the subject) but I am a bit tired about the French hating squad, which makes all of us Sters sound like a bunch of rednecks who cannot tell a f------ journalist's (either French or US, I do not care) rotten paper from a constructive debate.


Pardon my French.
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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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Seems I've heard people of other nationalities say the same thing, including some Americans. So I guess it is unpatriotic to think LA might be anything other than a modern-day saint?

Oh and yes those French, gosh they're just so fun to hate... I mean, questioning US foreign policy, the nerve of them!
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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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and you got that from the US media that suck as well (like UK media, german media, chinese media, you name it...)

But on behalf of the french people...thanks for hating us, if you liked us, we sure would feel we are doing something wrong ;-)
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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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it's interesting how it is ok to hate the french... people might agree or disagree, but it's ok to hate the french... as a whole... it's ok... if it was the pakistanis, or the afghans, or the iraquis, the asians, africans in general, it wouldn't be ok, but the french is ok... and why? Because they're "white"... "white" like "us"... if it was any other people, it could be seen as racist... but... they're "white"... like "us"...

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: French Media Sucks [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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who said it was ok?

Quite a generalization you are making but I suppose you need to stay with who you are.
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Re: French Media Sucks [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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Did you write a script that let's you know everytime I post here... gee...

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: French Media Sucks [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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you're saying it...by inaction...sorry but each time someone comes up with some anti-french bullshit, I don't see many saying anything about this...besides me, cyclingfrenchie and very few others. So I guess it's ok.

Note too that in France, when I hear anti-US BS (and it happens far less than what I've seen/heard here) I take the same stance and say something to try to 'educate'...
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Re: French Media Sucks [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]who said it was ok?

Quite a generalization you are making but I suppose you need to stay with who you are.[/reply]

It is ok. I come across it a lot in Toronto and it's way worse in small towns across Ontario.
A lot of it is hate towards Quebec, but a lot of people hate the French French and say it openly.
I come across it a lot because I have an accent that some people assume is French. Once they find out I'm not French I get quite a bit of "good, because I hate them". The best part is that the rednecks that say that have usually never been to France or had any real contact with French people.
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Re: French Media Sucks [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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I think SAC is just observing that it is interesting that it is acceptable to argue as to wheter or not we like 'The French'...but it is deemed unacceptable for us to even debate whether we like 'the Asians' or other nationalities. I don't think he is saying that it is or is not 'ok'....just that it is interesting that it is not consistant across the board.
Last edited by: trigoneroadie: Jul 26, 05 7:13
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Re: French Media Sucks [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]you're saying it...by inaction...sorry but each time someone comes up with some anti-french bullshit, I don't see many saying anything about this...besides me, cyclingfrenchie and very few others. So I guess it's ok.

My inaction is simply a case of knowing you can't change or discuss anything with the ignorant. And arguing with them is pointless. I don't hate any one group of people. I dislike some things they may do, however, i like to think I am smart enough to understand that the media is there to create controversy and paint these unbalanced portraits. I realize the world doesn't in fact work the way the media "reports".
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Re: French Media Sucks [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:

My inaction is simply a case of knowing you can't change or discuss anything with the ignorant. And arguing with them is pointless.
Finally we agree on something. And hopefully now you understand why I don't reply to your posts.

"Yeah, no one likes a smartass, but we all like stars" - Thom Yorke

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Re: French Media Sucks [smartasscoach] [ In reply to ]
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Just to clarify I didn't mean you as being ignorant.

In addition with insults like that I can understand why some people may be put off by you personally. Good thing I don't think everyone from your country has the same type of demeanor as you. :)
Last edited by: Markus Mucus: Jul 26, 05 8:05
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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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While this was just one media outlet, its stuff like this that makes us hate the French even more.[/reply]

Who exactly is this "us"? Another stupid American who has never been outside of the US? Or am I generalizing, like you are?

Personally, I love the French, would love to live there part time, and in all my trips there I have never had a bad experience. In fact, I have made some great friends who took great care of me and my friend and went out of their way to show us fantastic hospitality. The only bad thing I've seen is the boorish behavior by some American tourists.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: French Media Sucks [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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pfff...with all your trips to France, Cathy you are already living there part time ;-)
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Re: French Media Sucks [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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I'm having serious withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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To a certain degree, I can see their frustration - and that's all I suspect that it is. It's not fair to be critical and accuse without hard evidence, but people do this all the time. Look, recently the french have been not doing to well in their own national bike tour. This year was almost a complete wash-out for them. No French riders in the top 10. No french riders in any of the key jerseys for any length of time, if at all. Can't recall, but I think only a couple of french riders winning stages and or factoring in the results. They used to OWN this race. Recall last year how nutty the French were going when Voekler was in the Yellow jersey for 10 days. They were going crazy. Or the cheers for Virenque when he was in the Mountains jersey.


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Take a look at what they say about Lance's departure...from L'Equipe, the nations leading sports daily paper. " Its not only the end of an era but also of a doubt." According to the French tastes Lance was too aloof, too controlling, too corporate, too good and despite never testing positive too good to be true.

While this was just one media outlet, its stuff like this that makes us hate the French even more.[/reply]

There are a lot of US journalist that are writing the same stuff about Lance. I think journalist in general suck.


Kestrel Syndicate
Macca Fan Club
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Re: French Media Sucks [cyclingfrenchie] [ In reply to ]
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I dont like France...not sure why...same reason I dont like eating pig brains, never tried them...but I know I wont like them....



What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: French Media Sucks [Francois] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Francois

Maybe it’s a good thing that people in the US “think” they don’t like the French, if we all liked the French and spent a lot of time Vacationing in France, The place would be over run! And all the good cheese and food would be gone, and the roads would be full of people in rented cars! So lets just save France for the people that can appreciate it!

I for one had the best vacation I have ever had on a 3-week trip to France, it changed my life!

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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
...its stuff like this that makes us hate the French even more

when people suck (like) mike hawk i find the best way to deal with their ig'nance is to not write anything back.

how do you feel when someone responds to something you've written? yay! people care what i say, let's open up a can o' debatin'. and if no one replies? ahh feck! nobody give a shite what i write. i might as well keep these stupid comments in me heed!

but what the feck am i doing? i'm responding. i guess i don't heed my own advice. most off the time when i see threads digress so much i just tune out. i usually have much more important things to do than get into a debate about race or nationality with someone whose opins are already ingrained and are not very likely to change.

fwiw - it's not okay to make personal attacks on people or broad biggoted statements either. those kinds of things really detract from the quality of this forum, which is, on the whole is a great place for healthy debate. if you want to act like an ass, there are plenty of other venues...
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Re: French Media Sucks [empty] [ In reply to ]
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I HATE Nazis, Stanisits, puppy killers, and child molesters!!! I wish death on them all....

Oh wait, that was just a hateful biggoted needless attack on certain people...sorry for detracting from the forum...

(why is it only a bad thing when someone thinks it is...but it is all good when we agree something is bad...so much for free thought, and freedom of speach....fuckit...we all need to agree 110% on everything going forward)


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: French Media Sucks [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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we don't need to agree on everything. that's the good part of a debate and free speech.

who decides what everyone thinks is ok? certainly not me. i see your point about the puppy killers and such, even if it is a little extreme. but the difference between hating child molesters and such is based a general consensus that the action is wrong. if someone has committed an action that is grievous, there is at least a reason for the hate.

but hating making a generalization that french people = bad because of the thoughts of one reporter. or islamic people = bad because some extremist groups decided they know the way to righteousness. or communists = bad because they represent the opposite of our free democracy. or black people = bad because... why did/do people hate black people? i don't know, but perhaps that's the point.

oh i've got another one... you americans all go on about free speech means i can say anything i want; i'm allowed to carry a gun so i will. that's why all us canadians hate americans. wow! 3 ignorant, uninformed comments in 1 paragraph. i could probably go on, but it would just make me look like an ass an seriously detract from any valid points i'm trying to make. (for the "record", i don't hate american's i just thought it would make the point more salient.)

why is there a need to talk smack and make generalizations that turn a good debate into a school yard spitting match? i have no idea, but whenever that happens in a thread that's having a good discussion i usually just tune out and miss out on any good points that people have to offer.

btw - i slept with jo.

jo who?

jo momma!


Apathy doesn't really matter. Anon.
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Re: French Media Sucks [mike hawk] [ In reply to ]
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