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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [Crash Master] [ In reply to ]
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I've been running Conti GP4000S II 700 x 25 as my everyday tires now for two seasons - not one on-the-road flat yet in thousands of miles of riding over bad pavement, gravel and dirt. Used them at the GFNY riding over some brutal Paris-Roubaix like pavement that took both wheels out of true - no problem!

As an added bonus, although I've not had to do this yet, they go on/off my rims/wheels really well. Thus if I had to make a road-side change of tubes, it could be done very quickly.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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one butyl to latex tube is not 15w per ROT :)
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [rruff] [ In reply to ]
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Just for fun, what would your choice of wheels be to mount these Supersonics on?
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [shamerli] [ In reply to ]
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shamerli wrote:
Reading the above makes me wonder if I'm doing something special that makes them last as long as they do. My trainer-bike with ZIPP 202's (sometimes mount my race-wheels ZIPP 808 also with GP4000s-25mm) have GP4000s 25mm on them and have each covered >1500km (let's say well over 900mi) and still look to be in perfect shape. Not the least sign of wear or squaring or whatever. I've got a new tires laying around and just for sanity-check, I mounted it last week on 1 of the ZIPPs and tried feeling any difference between the new and any of the "old" tres, and I can't feel or see a difference.

I must admit though that I typically run them at reasonably low pressures (90-95PSI max). My disc has the GrandPrix TT tires mounted and I've covered something like 600km on that one and apart from a few little "gaps" from very small stones, that tires also looks to be in perfect shape.

All tires are mounted with butyl tubes, only for races I will mount latex ones for that special race feeling.


I could have sworn you were about to conclude you arent wearing out your Conti's on the trainer because your power is anemic. You might want to chase that down.
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [TPerry] [ In reply to ]
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Just for fun, what would your choice of wheels be to mount these Supersonics on?

Since this is just for fun, I assume money is no object?

Enve 8.9 with a carbon cover for the rear wheel. But the latest Zipp, Hed, Bontrager, Flo, etc wheels all look pretty good. Maybe even those funky looking Reynolds, though I'm skeptical.

Since money is an important object I actually use them on a 16h Flashpoint 80 front (old Zipp 808 mold) and Kinlin XR270 rear with a plastic cover.
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [jeffp] [ In reply to ]
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Uh oh. Looks like it's time for everyone to jump off the Conti bandwagon. Too bas I just got a pair of Attacks in the mail a couple weeks ago.

Thanks to TomA for doing the testing and putting some context around what the OVERALL fastest tire is combining CRR and aero data:


So it looks like the Schwalbe Ironman for tubulars and the new Specialized Turbo Cotton for clinchers.


Last edited by: kjmcawesome: Jul 15, 14 7:50
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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yeah, still not going there. comparing it to an aero dog(4000s) sorry , but it is what it is, for TTing there are faster options.

I am going to guess it is also no more puncture resistant than a supersonic and the rolling savings per tom's sheet still do not make up the aero penalty, for TTing.

ride what you feel comfy with for Tris and TTs. better yet, if racing against me, please use the 4000s or even the spec cotton 24
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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We'll see how the hold up from a puncture-resistance/durability stand-point too (also gp4000s tires are fairly economical). If we were always just going to slap the fastest tire on, Vittoria has always out-paced the Contis...but at a cost. They puncture like it's their job. Similarly, the Schwalbes side-walls fail prematurely. If riders of the Specialized tire have a favorable opinion of them after a couple years, then lets talk.

The beauty of the Contis is they are reliable and fast. I don't care how fast you are at changing a tube, you don't get back the 20 seconds saved over 40k if you puncture.
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Funny you mention that now, Steve.

I was running Conti GP400S 23mm front and back at the TTF on Sunday and had double flats. Ended my race then and there.

I will concede that there was giant waterlogged pothole involved, and both my tubes were Latex. Barely 100 miles on the tires/tubes. Im lucky I didnt go down!

Duathlete by choice?
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [blitzkrieg] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry to hear about that.

Catastrophic events like that will end the day for any tire.

Glad you are OK - double flats like that can be really bad.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [InWyo] [ In reply to ]
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however, in going for reliability, you essentially concede you are racing for 2nd or 3rd with no shot at 1at, unless you are so much faster than your completion that it doesn't matter, in a 40k TT.

as I said in a different thread, the reliable and fast 4000s, costs me about 1 min in 40k. around here I could give that up, but if I run into the really fast folks, it just makes my day that much worse.
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [blitzkrieg] [ In reply to ]
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blitzkrieg wrote:
Funny you mention that now, Steve.

I was running Conti GP400S 23mm front and back at the TTF on Sunday and had double flats. Ended my race then and there.

I will concede that there was giant waterlogged pothole involved, and both my tubes were Latex. Barely 100 miles on the tires/tubes. Im lucky I didnt go down!

Why would you "concede" that? In that case, if anything, they were a benefit. You just happened to ram into a big friggin' pothole that even they couldn't help prevent flatting ;-)

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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [kjmcawesome] [ In reply to ]
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They're close and I don't think you'll be able to get the Specialized cheaper online like the Conti's. Plus I can't even find a turbo with 320tpi cotton casing on the Specialized website. Is it not available yet?

ETA: Is it the 220tpi S-Works turbo?
Last edited by: link5485: Jul 15, 14 8:53
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [link5485] [ In reply to ]
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link5485 wrote:
They're close and I don't think you'll be able to get the Specialized cheaper online like the Conti's. Plus I can't even find a turbo with 320tpi cotton casing on the Specialized website. Is it not available yet?

ETA: Is it the 220tpi S-Works turbo?

No...it's NOT the S-Works Turbo. Totally different tire. Supposed to be announced/released today. I guess I'm the only tire geek interested enough to post something right away ;-)

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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [jeffp] [ In reply to ]
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NO WAY are you conceding a full minute in a 40k time trial by using the 4000s instead of a Vittoria or the Specialized rubber. If you are it's a manifestation of your own thoughts, or a placebo effect. If you are operating on those kinds of margins, there are at least a dozen things you can chance on your bike/kit that could make up the difference between those tires.
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [Tom A.] [ In reply to ]
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I worded it that way because I was under the impression that latex tubes are more susceptible to flats. Is that not the case?

I remember doing a quick Google search on that and it gave me mixed results.
Another anecdotal evidence of this is the fact in this last race... At least 50% went thru the same giant pothole and either crashed, lost their bottles or tilted their aero bars down...but very few actually punctured a tube ..forget BOTH tubes like I did!!

Duathlete by choice?
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [Tom A.] [ In reply to ]
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have you ever looked at the R4 Aero in a combo aero/CRR sense? They aren't far off in Crr, I'm just curious is there's anything out there to say they are (or aren't) more aero than other options and might be a good choice. I don't really know anything about them, but I mostly ask because I've got a set and am wondering if/when I should mount them and if for mass start or TT events.

Or thoughts on a 20mm 4000S? I run 404 FC for mass start and the front for TT, but a renn disc (so narrow) for TT. If it's close to the supersonic crr/drag wise, it seems like you could get more miles out of it.

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Last edited by: jsiege11: Jul 15, 14 9:34
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [Tom A.] [ In reply to ]
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Tom A. wrote:
link5485 wrote:
They're close and I don't think you'll be able to get the Specialized cheaper online like the Conti's. Plus I can't even find a turbo with 320tpi cotton casing on the Specialized website. Is it not available yet?

ETA: Is it the 220tpi S-Works turbo?

No...it's NOT the S-Works Turbo. Totally different tire. Supposed to be announced/released today. I guess I'm the only tire geek interested enough to post something right away ;-)

So first off I will say that again I appreciate your effort with this. Secondly, I will say that I thought of you as being kind of a short crank skeptic, so I am thrilled to see you took the Pepsi challenge, and validated further what many of us had already figured out. Which leads me to my third point. Why on earth have you not tested the 23mm SS. I know I have brought this up before and offered one to you, but I will offer it up again. Would be nice to see exactly how it rolls in your own setup.

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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [jsiege11] [ In reply to ]
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jsiege11 wrote:
have you ever looked at the R4 Aero in a combo aero/CRR sense? They aren't far off in Crr, I'm just curious is there's anything out there to say they are (or aren't) more aero than other options and might be a good choice. I don't really know anything about them, but I mostly ask because I've got a set and am wondering if/when I should mount them and if for mass start or TT events.

Or thoughts on a 20mm 4000S? I run 404 FC for mass start and the front for TT, but a renn disc (so narrow) for TT. If it's close to the supersonic crr/drag wise, it seems like you could get more miles out of it.

In regards to the R4, Flo tested it on their wheels - not the best choice.

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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [InWyo] [ In reply to ]
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have seen tunnel data for it as well, not placebo. narrower is faster(aerowise) even on wide rims, at least some wide rims. somehow I must have managed to go slower with the 23mm vs the 20mm. can't be real. this whole 4000s in 23 being a fast aero tire only applies when compared to other wide tires, ie 23mm+ that is not my racing tire size of choice
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks, I looked it up. Flo said the difference between a 4000s and R4 on a 40k based on aero alone was ~3 sec:


Serious question - is 3 sec a lot? How much of this is splitting hairs for seconds (where 3 sec is a lot) vs some really good and really bad choices among top tires (where 3 sec is basically nothing and maybe a minute would be a lot)?

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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [blitzkrieg] [ In reply to ]
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blitzkrieg wrote:
I worded it that way because I was under the impression that latex tubes are more susceptible to flats. Is that not the case?

That is not the case in regards to either punctures OR "snake-bite" flats due to their higher elasticity.

They are more susceptible to mis-installation failures and imperfect rim taping, however (because of the same high elasticity). But, that's easily avoided.

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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [Thomas Gerlach] [ In reply to ]
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Thomas Gerlach wrote:
So first off I will say that again I appreciate your effort with this.


Thomas Gerlach wrote:
Secondly, I will say that I thought of you as being kind of a short crank skeptic, so I am thrilled to see you took the Pepsi challenge, and validated further what many of us had already figured out.

I'm not sure how you would've gotten that impression. I've always said that crank length is a "fitting tool" more than anything...as long as you take care of the proper gain and the relationships between the leg and the crank in the power stroke, there's a fairly wide range of cranks that work just fine.

Thomas Gerlach wrote:
Which leads me to my third point. Why on earth have you not tested the 23mm SS. I know I have brought this up before and offered one to you, but I will offer it up again. Would be nice to see exactly how it rolls in your own setup.

Ummm...time and finances? ;-)

If you would like me to test one out...sure, I'll do it. Just send me a PM and I'll send you my address.

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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [jeffp] [ In reply to ]
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What do you run on the front (zipp 808, right)? SS 700x20? With a Vittoria latex tube?
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Re: Fastest Clincher Tire [Tom A.] [ In reply to ]
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Ok so the Turbo Cotton is on the market. I read the comparison you did between the Turbo Cotton and the GP4000S and it looks like the CRR trumps any aero benefits until you reach higher yaws:

Would you think the more narrow Attack would make it a faster overall front tire than the Cotton Turbo on a wide rim? I have a couple new Attacks and am trying to determine if I should just buy a Cotton Turbo for the rear or if it would be better to run them front and rear.


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