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Re: Drop the Dough challenge is on [KatherineV] [ In reply to ]
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Checking in late, sorry

Down to 205

Thanks for doing this


When McDonald's first opened, what they considered a full meal for an adult, is now sold with a toy that poses a choking hazard to children under three!!!
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Re: Drop the Dough challenge is on [Perry Card] [ In reply to ]
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No worries. You are most welcome :-)

I would prefer everybody post Monday morning to minimize work disruption & therefore how often I have to update the web site. I am running a busy company & would appreciate the help of challengers in getting the results in before noon (western).

The site's been edited. Challengers that have missed weigh ins have been deleted, blog & photo gallery have been updated.


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Re: Drop the Dough challenge is on [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Grrr! Hopefully I'm not kicked out for being late (I've been on a business trip for almost 3 weeks!) - and I just gained some weight - ARGH!

205 lbs as of Monday AM (Hotel scale - hope it was wrong!)


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Re: Drop the Dough challenge is on [NamssoB] [ In reply to ]
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I'm late too, unfortunatley it appears thats not the only bad news 169, back to the beginning for me.


**Note above poster works for a retailer selling bikes and related gear*
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Diet traps
There are some mindsets that can derail even the best weight loss intentions. And while making over your body is a great goal, it's possible that to reach it, you also need a mental makeover - at least where your attitudes and beliefs about dieting are concerned.
Here are some commonly held beliefs about dieting, why they can lower your chances of success, and how to beat each obstacle.

Trap #1: Dieting has to be all or nothing.
The truth:
It may feel virtuous to turn down chocolate cake, french fries and every other treat that crosses your path, but in time, the temptation is likely to wear you down. And if you've been deprived of treats for a long time, you're all the more likely to load them on when you do cave in.
The fix: Make sure you indulge in the occasional treat. But make sure it's in moderation and only splurge on foods you really love.

Trap #2: Once you fall off the wagon, there's no point in getting back on.
The truth:
The road to weight loss isn't always smooth, and you are bound to encounter some pitfalls along the way. Whether you've gone on vacation or just had a heavy restaurant meal, going off the plan can make you feel like you've blown your whole diet. But you've really only blown it if you decide to give up altogether rather than resume your healthy eating habits at your next meal.
The fix: Pick yourself up and get right back on the plan. It's normal to feel disappointed in yourself if you slip up. But in the long run, one little slip-up doesn't make a difference if you get right back on the plan. Don't wait until tomorrow or after the weekend - do it at your next meal.

Trap #3: A serving is the amount of food you can fit in your bowl.
The truth:
The calories listed on the package are the amount contained in a specific amount of food, and that's not necessarily the amount you're eating. For example, your cereal may have 120 calories in a one-cup serving. But if your bowl holds 2 cups of cereal and you fill it right up, you're actually getting 240 calories. And extra calories from oversized portions add up!
The fix: Familiarize yourself with how big your portions should be, from a 3-ounce chicken breast that's about the size of a deck of cards to a half-cup serving of pasta that's the size of an ice-cream scooper. To start, weigh or measure out portions until you start to get a good idea of what different amounts look like.

Trap #4: Food doesn't count if it's fat-free.
The truth:
While this belief was popularized with the invasion of fat-free products in the 1990s, it couldn't be further from the truth. The amount of weight you gain or lose is determined by the number of calories you eat compared to the number you burn. Still, few of your calories should come from fat. Instead, focus on getting your calories from foods that will fill you up and help you gain muscle.
The fix: If you're trying to lose weight, keep an eye on your overall caloric intake,and try to get your energy from foods rich in fibre, protein, and other important nutrients.

Trap #5: Nighttime snacking turns directly into fat.
The truth:
Food you eat after dinner doesn't automatically land on your thighs, but if you've already had your fill of calories for the day, the extra snack could get the scales tipping in the wrong direction. But it's the extra calories that cause the problem, not the timing.
The fix: If you really enjoy a bedtime snack, then budget for the extra calories after dinner. But if you find you are getting hungry despite already having had your fill, consider adding a bowl of soup or some salad to your dinner, or swapping pasta or bread products for the whole-wheat version to help you fill up.

Trap #6: It's best to stick to the same foods.
The truth:
When you're dieting, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut. Maybe you've settled on a meal that exactly fits your caloric needs so you find yourself eating it again and again or you're afraid to veer outside of a select group of diet-friendly foods. But if you're bored with your meals, you're more likely to cave when temptation comes along.
The fix: Diet food doesn't have to be boring. Focus on high-quality ingredients, which tend to have more flavour, and really try to mix it up. Adding fresh herbs, balsamic vinegar, or even a small amount of good-quality olive oil or parmesan cheese to your meal can help keep things interesting without adding too many calories.
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Great tips Speeday. Trap #1 and #2 have gotten me many times in the past, with #2 being the worst. If you fall off the wagon get right back on!
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [tenacious_b] [ In reply to ]
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You are welcome. I hope it helps some of our fellow challengers as well as us :-)
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Dieter beware!
Think you've been pretty good about eating well but find you're still not losing weight? Beware these hidden sources of calories, which can mean diet sabotage despite your best intentions.
  • Oversized portions: The calories listed on the package are the amount contained in a specific amount of food, but that's not necessarily the amount you're eating. For example, your box of cereal may list a one-cup serving as having 120 calories. But if your bowl holds 2cups of cereal and you're filling it, you're actually getting 240 calories. Oversized restaurant servings are also a major culprit. So familiarize yourself with proper portion sizes by measuring and weighing out your food - and don't be afraid to ask for a doggie bag when you go out.

  • Oversized products: It's not just the foods you dish out yourself that are big. Bagels, muffins, and other "single-serving" foods are also growing in size and making you do the same. Some pack four servings of bread into just one piece.

  • The salad bar: Think opting for salad for lunch is a diet-friendly choice? If you load up on veggies and a small amount of dressing, you're right. But if you pile on creamy coleslaw and pasta salads, creamy dressings or salads swimming with oil, you're loading up on extra calories. Toppings such as bacon bits, croutons, and Chinese noodles can also take your salad from a dieter's dream to a dieter's nightmare.

  • Liquid calories: Obviously regular pop and other soft drinks are loaded with sugar. But even if you are guzzling down juice and congratulating yourself for making a healthy choice, you are getting more calories than you need. Juice is a good source of vitamins, but it's also a great source of calories - 8 ounces of orange juice, for example, rings in at around 110 calories. The problem with drinking your calories, however, is that the body doesn't seem to register them the same way as it does food, so while a 100-calorie snack can make a dent on your appetite and reduce the number of calories you consume later, a drink won't. And if you are drinking soft drinks sweetened with fructose, there is some evidence that this sweetener causes changes in metabolism that promote the body to store more fat.
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Re: Drop the Dough challenge is on [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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I was not able to get to a scale untill Thursday of this week. My interpolation from the results is down 1 to 175 for Monday 1/22.


Everbody looks good at the starting line.
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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oh the frustration - gone from 219.3 to 218.9 so still 219 I suppose!!

Saving up to join the Felt Mafia! Crazy

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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [nich the d] [ In reply to ]
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Good Monday morning, Speedy - weight this morning is 156. That's +2; going in the wrong direction.
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [oldslowdoc] [ In reply to ]
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Muah muah muahahahahahahaha. Months of relative inactivity (that's right my relatives are out of shape too) and I finally get back on the trainer..two weeks later I am grinding out lung searing hour plus rides and my metabolism has decided it was time to wake back up. 195! Down two from last week. Die fat DIE you hear me! Almost tempted to put up and ab picture as further motivation. I feel like Richard Simmons...come on you people..start being better losers! If I can do it so can you!!!!!
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Kentiger] [ In reply to ]
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144 b!tches!!!

Back ion the right direction (although I'm just at my starting weight...meh)
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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after an "injury recovery week" of only 5 hrs of training, Monday AM weigh-in was 246lbs. Should be better next week....

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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Jan 29, 182lbs...............ahh back on the 1lb per week pace!

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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Jan 29th = 206.

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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Had a cold last week and everyone knows you have to feed a cold!
Up 1 pound to 176.
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Down 3 to 116

and the best part is- I ran for 2 hours yesterday with NO KNEE PAIN. That's what it's all about


Thanks Speedy!

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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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Up one pound to 226lbs.

Not a great eating weekend and my ITB is starting to bug me!

I need to tighten up this week

Thanks Speedy

C'mon legs run faster!
Being fast on a crappy bike is cool
Fueled by Guinness, Tuborg, Anchor Steam and Creemore Springs
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Jodi] [ In reply to ]
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Oooh, congratulations on both losing wt and on a painless run! You're inspiring (even if inciting some envy)!

I know my wt gain is simple thermodynamics: Cal in > Cal out. Cal in increased (good food, great wine) and cal out, I'm sure, decreased (no running for 8 days b/c of cursed plantar fasciitis). Hoping to be back to my abstemious rabbit food-rich, alcohol-poor diet + hoping to get out and resume running this week.
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Jodi] [ In reply to ]
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225, man I was worried I had 2 birthday parties this weekend, but made it through. No for thisweeks challenge, DA bearsin Da bowl
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Re: Drop the Dough challenge is on [ivansie] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, no more messing around. This baby weight needs to GO. Today starts detox. I did manage a 1 hour run yesterday (first one since my daughter was born 4 months ago) and felt GREAT.

Monday weigh in: 153
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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down 1 to 149 - slow and steady! :)
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Re: Drop the Dough / Blue's Battle of the Bulge [Speedy] [ In reply to ]
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I'm bouncing up and down from 158 to 160. Can't break that 158 barrier. Aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!

Put me down for 159 this week. Up 1 lb from last. :(
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