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Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
BDoughtie wrote:
Is Lance going down though? Of course he's going down in the sense, that in order to be in the limelight, races/he have to jump through bigger hurdles now (race having to go non-sanctioning), but overall it's more of just an annoyance to him, or atleast that how it came across this weekend.

I just witnessed Lance at a triathlon this weekend. He was walking on water, and even when the event acknowledged his "controversy", the larger majority of people simply dont care. He had the collegiate crowd eating out of his hand when the conference our team races in had a meeting with him. And let me state it now, I choose not to attend anything that was with Lance, but told the team that it's up to them to make their own decision on that.

I was just trying to get the point across that as far as current young pro riders are concerned, this sanctioning of Lance is a big thing and does more to affect omerta than any new policy change.

No disagreement with you that this will have minimal impact on his adoring public or foundation.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [chemsmith] [ In reply to ]
This has been the main argument this year...but it has changed a lot over the years.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Chipmunk] [ In reply to ]

Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
Kay Serrar wrote:
Meanwhile, LA's lawyers are now blaming USADA for enlisting the services of a legal team with ties to big tobacco. Clearly a giant conspiracy then! It's getting laughable.

The funny thing about this is that Armstrong's DC lawyers/lobbyists have a long history of working for tobacco. They currently represent an association for chewing tobacco.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
BLeP wrote:
Correct, we don't all know this. But anyone with a brain knows this. George pretty much said it in his confession.

It's still a blanket accusation that anyone that won a stage or other race doped. It's that kind of thing that could possibly get the thread closed down. Admittedly there were no names mentioned, but I think Dan probably has a hair trigger lock finger on this.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [eganski] [ In reply to ]
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [TriBeer] [ In reply to ]
If you object to mass witness statements, and document evidence, I guess you object to anyone who has ever been convicted of anything.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
sdmike wrote:
BDoughtie wrote:
Is Lance going down though? Of course he's going down in the sense, that in order to be in the limelight, races/he have to jump through bigger hurdles now (race having to go non-sanctioning), but overall it's more of just an annoyance to him, or atleast that how it came across this weekend.

I just witnessed Lance at a triathlon this weekend. He was walking on water, and even when the event acknowledged his "controversy", the larger majority of people simply dont care. He had the collegiate crowd eating out of his hand when the conference our team races in had a meeting with him. And let me state it now, I choose not to attend anything that was with Lance, but told the team that it's up to them to make their own decision on that.

I was just trying to get the point across that as far as current young pro riders are concerned, this sanctioning of Lance is a big thing and does more to affect omerta than any new policy change.

No disagreement with you that this will have minimal impact on his adoring public or foundation.

No they will continue to dope. There was one suspended this week. No one is going to turn in anyone on their team. It has never happened it probably never will happen.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [TriBeer] [ In reply to ]
Yiiiipie more books to be written by former dopers in the near future. Tell all books. Can't wait. I have my iPad ready to go!
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
Pooks wrote:

Well, two of the three received doping suspensions.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Re: USADA/Lance Armstrong File Official Thread [mattreg3] [ In reply to ]
Does anyone else think that Tygart's statement sounds more like a political ad than a statement of fact, this is what we did, etc...? It seems like he is gleefully spiking the football.

Great Travis. You won. You finally got your white whale.

I hate to say this, I really do, but this looks like it was way more of an effort to get one guy rather than "clean up the sport."


Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
BDoughtie wrote:
Doesnt that support the statement that this whole thing really is about busting Lance though?

Not trying to get into a big debate, but if you are saying that the little fish always get off easier to nail the bigger fish, doesnt that support basically the whole idea that Lance really was the target the entire time?

Not at all. And partially.

There are two types of players in this who thing.

1) Those who used the PEDs and doped
2) Those who promoted, profited, organized, covered up, threatened, intimated, sued, harassed, etc.

Most of the riders who "got off" were #1 Players

Lance wore BOTH hats and not only was a user, but more importantly one of the key figures in supplying, organizing, intimidating, etc.

This was not a witch hunt to get Lance the rider... but a hunt to get those who really took doping to the next level... and Lance was one of those key figures.

This is the reason why all the other people in the USADA Letter were Doctors, Trainers, Managers, and Assistants. 80+% of the charges against Lance were in this capacity, and very little was for use.

Dopers suck. Pusher suck 100 times more. From what I see and hear, lance was both
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
Devlin wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Correct, we don't all know this. But anyone with a brain knows this. George pretty much said it in his confession.

It's still a blanket accusation that anyone that won a stage or other race doped. It's that kind of thing that could possibly get the thread closed down. Admittedly there were no names mentioned, but I think Dan probably has a hair trigger lock finger on this.


Hey, George Hincapie said it, not me.

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [TriBeer] [ In reply to ]
TriBeer wrote:
Bottom line, I object to the evidence used to snag LA -- still do!

Agreed. It doesn't matter whether he did or didn't. They didn't catch him fairly.

Imagine this: 2 people are caught drag racing on a city street. They tell the judge that they know another guy that has been drag racing for years. He's never been caught, but they have dates and times. So the judge hauls the guy into court and suspends his driver's license for life and all the 2 guys that got caught have to do is testify against him and they get a fine and 6 month suspension.

No one in their right mind would consider that fair (or legal), yet that is what we are being led to believe is happening to LA.

"...the street finds its own uses for things"
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Hanaki] [ In reply to ]
Hanaki wrote:
No they will continue to dope. There was one suspended this week. No one is going to turn in anyone on their team. It has never happened it probably never will happen.

I thought there was more than one, but USADA's site is not responding ::snerk::


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [chemsmith] [ In reply to ]

chemsmith wrote:
Can't say I've been paying attention closely forever.

"look, I know I seemed like I loved Lance all these years, but I never REALLY cared"

chemsmith wrote:
but it seems to me that the overwhelming argument has been that yes he doped

"ok, busted... if GH says he doped, then I guess he did"

chemsmith wrote:
but so did everyone .

"Can I use this argument just one more time? puleeeease?"

chemsmith wrote:
Which is still the argument. .

"See above"

chemsmith wrote:
(Sure a few knuckleheads think he didn't dope.) .

"Just so we're clear, I'm not one of these (anymore)"

chemsmith wrote:
I'm not saying it's a good or bad argument

"I know it's a terrible argument"

chemsmith wrote:
but it seems it's been pretty consistent for quite awhile.

"...but everyone else is using it"

Sorry to pick on you, but your post just had so many classic hallmarks of an LA fan struggling to come to terms with all this.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Kay Serrar] [ In reply to ]
Here is the USADA reasoned decision-

Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Devlin] [ In reply to ]
Devlin wrote:
Hanaki wrote:
No they will continue to dope. There was one suspended this week. No one is going to turn in anyone on their team. It has never happened it probably never will happen.

I thought there was more than one, but USADA's site is not responding ::snerk::


This guy was from France. Nothing to do with the Lance probe.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [BLeP] [ In reply to ]
BLeP wrote:
Devlin wrote:
BLeP wrote:
Correct, we don't all know this. But anyone with a brain knows this. George pretty much said it in his confession.

It's still a blanket accusation that anyone that won a stage or other race doped. It's that kind of thing that could possibly get the thread closed down. Admittedly there were no names mentioned, but I think Dan probably has a hair trigger lock finger on this.


Hey, George Hincapie said it, not me.

No, Georgie said it was "widespread". Trigrrrrl or whoever said it was everyone.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
AutomaticJack wrote:
TriBeer wrote:
Bottom line, I object to the evidence used to snag LA -- still do!

Agreed. It doesn't matter whether he did or didn't. They didn't catch him fairly.

Imagine this: 2 people are caught drag racing on a city street. They tell the judge that they know another guy that has been drag racing for years. He's never been caught, but they have dates and times. So the judge hauls the guy into court and suspends his driver's license for life and all the 2 guys that got caught have to do is testify against him and they get a fine and 6 month suspension.

No one in their right mind would consider that fair (or legal), yet that is what we are being led to believe is happening to LA.

And yet that is exactly what happens every day in hundreds of courts across the US.


Top notch coaching: Francois and Accelerate3 | Follow on Twitter: LifetimeAthlete |
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Excellent analogy! Thank you.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Maui5150] [ In reply to ]
Maui5150 wrote:
ajthomas wrote:
Francois wrote:
Lance was offered the same opportunity and declined it.

That doesn't matter to me. If you cooperate you get X, but if you don't you get Y is inherently unjust. It increases the motivation to lie, exaggerate or down play your own guilt. You can only justify different treatment if your inherent view is that catching one particular individual is more important than another.

And so what is your point?

You don't think this happens 100x a day in America or almost every country in the world?

The people who talked were basically the the users and people down on the totem pole. The people the USADA really wanted was Ferrari, Marti, Brunyeel and maybe even show that the UCI knowingly allowed PEDs to be used to improve the "story and image" of the sport for profit.

The hookers generally get off turning in the pimps.
The drug dealers on the corner get off turning in the suppliers and importers
Get busted with some cocaine and you might do some jail time, provide evidence against the thug selling kilos of the junk weekly and you get spared.

Part of almost any plea deal is that you have to tell the whole truth and if you are caught fabricating evidence, etc., your deal is off and basically you have testified against yourself legally.

Do you really think you know what you are talking about, because it sounds to me that you are forming your opinion on what you saw on Law and Order?
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [AutomaticJack] [ In reply to ]
Read the report, the witness are supporting testimony just like in every other case where its applicable. You example is ridiculous.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [Matthew] [ In reply to ]
Matthew wrote:

Perhaps the most despicable thing that LA has been doing is lying to cancer victims and their families.

I disagree.

He gave hope to a LOT of people. And, Dude, the placebo effect can be amazing, even if that's all he gave the patients themselves. The actual aid and support to the families is maybe even a bigger thing. I can live with lies he may have been telling, if it helped people with this motherfucker of a disease. You watch people suffer, and DIE, and you realize you don't give a shit about doping or cheating.

To me, it's kinda like telling your wife that dress doesn't make her look fat. Good outweighs the bad. I can sleep comfortably at night.

To clarify - I am only addressing Matthew's ridiculous single statement.
Re: Daniel Coyle tweet [TravisT] [ In reply to ]
Travis I have to admit I'm a little confused on your "Lance Stance" if I can coin a cheesy new term... You often enthusiastically jump in on the trial-by-internet on anyone for whom the slightest bit of evidence of some sort of cheating may have occurred, but you seem to want to ignore that the most successful tour rider of all time cheated on a grand scale to get all of his victories. Why the inconsistency?

Ed O'Malley
Founder of VeloVetta Cycling Shoes
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