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Crazy woman reduced to tears
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Alright I'm not proud to admit it - but my week has been so bad and I'm in such a crappy mood that I just let two men on bikes really upset me. Did I overreact to their making fun of me for absolutely no good reason as they passed me ? Absolutely - totally, over-the-top lost it! But still, why would two grown men pick on another cyclist on a BIKE PATH when she's just trying to enjoy a short leisurely ride to work? And all just because a few minutes earlier she had the nerve to say "excuse me" when one of them was blocking the entire path while he stopped to take a cell phone call. That's it -- just a bright, friendly "'scuse me!" (I might add that he merely sneered at me and refused to move - but that's kinda beside the point.)

Pretty sure they were triathletes - or at least one of them - because he was wearing an Ironman jersey and had an aero rig. Since I've already given them the satisfaction of complelety losing it once I caught up to them (an inappropriate string of epithets - again, totally wrong, and pretty out of character), I might as well really make their day, and admit that their final comments to me - clearly in lieu of any sort of apology - were sufficient to actually bring me to tears. Good job guys!! I took the parkway path this morning to avoid assholes in cars - and instead had my day started off right by assholes on tribikes. Thanks!
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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The world is full of jerks in all aspects of life .... can't let it get you down or upset you .... that's their problem don't make it yours.
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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Record10 would like to tell you that you ROCK! ;-)
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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You know - I was kind of hoping he would!
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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Triathlon is like everything else. There are good people and bad people involved. Unfortunately, you met an A-hole.
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Record10 would like to tell you that you ROCK! ;-)
Yes, but Record10 would also have tried to fight them. We don't especially condone fighting, but you could have taken the high road and merely stuck a stick in the spokes of theiir front wheel when they passed you.
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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You Rock. Don't take it personal. Not only jerks, but they were posers, what with stopping training to answer cell phone. You are going to get over it and have a great weekend, while karma will get them.


It doesn't really matter what Phil is saying, the music of his voice is the appropriate soundtrack for a bicycle race. HTupolev
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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Bad Karma for them!
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Jason D] [ In reply to ]
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What did they say to you?

You really shouldn't let it phase you, what do you care what they think or say? Just give them a big smile next time.
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [husun] [ In reply to ]
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Yea, what did they initially say to make fun of you, when you said "excuse me".
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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well if i had seen this going on i would have been right there chewing out them(my favorite sport)And you can belive i would have gotten the last word,maybe you should try the same thing
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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You can't control someone else, but you can control yourself. Don't let them get to you.
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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Sometime's it's difficult to remember that total strangers should not be able to make you cry - only those who you love can.

Hope you're feeling better.

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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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Gee, this sounds like something that would happen to me. Just feel sorry for them that they are rude MF'ers and will never know any better and their kids will grow up the same way with no chance at being a decent human being. It's sad, really. Then curse them out the rest of the ride and let it make you faster :)
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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Sounds like you are upset with yourself for letting some jerk's get you so upset. Don't get me wrong I would have been pissed. (at the least) I'm sure if you were on the cell phone and blocking the path they would of been pissed too. Also if you were 200 lb. guy. I don't think the same thing would of happened. I get upset when riders WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER do stupid shit! I ride on the bike path two time a week the crap I see......I think we can all learn from this post. As rodies & triathlete's we should set an example. There have been lots of post winning about people on bike paths, cars etc. Maybe we need to look at our own actions?

Sorry you had to deal with some ASSHOLES! Just remember most riders are nice people.

Train safe & smart

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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [husun] [ In reply to ]
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That's the thing, they really didn't initially say much, but it was just enough to piss me off. They simply mimicked me as they passed by me - like in a really nasty way. So I caught up to them to say, "hey, wtf, I was just asking you to please move out of the way. You don't need to be an asshole about it." And then it just escalated - I called them names, they insulted me. Really, I was kinda thinking, what kind of MAN makes a nasty smart-ass comment to a woman he doesn't know, and then just rides off (or at least, tries to). I know I should have dropped it - but I just got that thought in my head: WHO THE HELL DO THESE JACKASSES THINK THEY ARE??!" I know of course the right answer to that question is: who the hell cares?

Now if they've even given this a second thought today, it's along the lines of, "how 'bout that crazy lady on Rock Creek Parkway this morning?" rather than, "wow, we acted like true adoloescents this morning - it's too bad we're such complete morons."

But you all are right - who cares what they think? I'm just having a really bad day. Sorry - this is not in keeping with Record10carbon's proposition for positive ph*&%ing phriday.
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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Sometime what we think might be a polite, friendly "'scuse me" comes across as something else. (I find that even when I'm running or riding significantly below my limit, anything I say often sounds short.) Given that they were blocking the path for a cell phone call, a definite taboo, their "guilt" may also have clouded how they interpreted your gesture. Thus, the snide mimicking.

I'm not trying to justify their behavior, but it's a possible explanation. Sounds like you were equally responsible for it's excalation from there.
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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Look at it this way - if those two are riding road/tri/tt bikes at training pace or higher on a paved multi-use recreational trail, then pull over and block the path to answer a call on a cell - then they are obviously not worth your time. Let it go - they are bozo posers for trying to ride fast on a multi-use path and obviously do not have the cahones to hit the streets and mix it up with traffic as most likely they would end up being road kill when one or the other swerves into traffic while trying to answer their cell phones. Stuff happens - let it happen to them as life is too short to sweat the small stuff!

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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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Get used to the fact that know one ever does anything wrong anymore.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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Get used to the fact that know one ever does anything wrong anymore.

My ex-wife would beg to differ with you on that one. ;)
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Paulo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Record10 would like to tell you that you ROCK! ;-)

Of course she ROCKS! What is odd - no matter how big a guy is they never ever want to go toe to toe with a skinny dude in spandex....weird.

Sometime we just need to vent. Oh, being as it is still Phreaky Phriday - that was a great post Paulo, let there be no question that you are a genius and a hero to all hetrosexual men (and many not so Hetro men)


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Record10Carbon] [ In reply to ]
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There we go - that's what I needed!

Thanks for letting me vent all - I appreciate the feedback (and yes, I am wholly responsible for unnecessarily escalating a seriously minor slight in the grand scale of things - but they're still jackasses anyway)

I'm off for a swim - and nobody better piss me off!
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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awww, that sucks. (((hugs)))

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [Orbito] [ In reply to ]
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I am serious about that. Some days are like Michael Douglas in that movie "Falling Down". If you always look the other way and just steam about things - one day the cork will pop. Seems your cork poped.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Crazy woman reduced to tears [HH] [ In reply to ]
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"""""""""""Not only jerks, but they were posers, what with stopping training to answer cell phone."""""""""

No shit, if you can carry on a conversation while riding you should not be riding, mush less own a mobile phone. Intervals are the one time I won't answer my phone while riding, but I'll call back on the recoveries.

Common manners dictate getting off the path or at least allowing space for others to get around. But not riding and talking..shame on them.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

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