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RAIN ride report
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Did the Ride Across Indiana (RAIN) yesterday. The garmin read 162.28 miles at the finish...my longest one day ride ever. Had absolutely perfect weather for the event...cloudy most of the day, with a quartering tail wind. Got caught in just a bit of rain, but was able to ride out of it fairly quickly after the lunch stop. Total time was 10:32 including stops; 9:04 moving time (15.4 mph / 17.9 mph). Was invited to go along with a buddy whose wife's firm does it in complete style...we drove from Dayton, Ohio, to Terre Haute in a "rock star" bus...easy chairs, kitchen, bathroom ,etc...it was awesome. And the bus was at every rest stop, although I outpaced the bus after stop 2 (they have 5 rest stops in all), although that wasn't a big deal, as the normal rest stops were stocked with everything you would want. I found that half a peanut butter and jelly sammich was awesome for riding! Completely locked up at the finish line with cramps, couldn't even swing my leg over my bike for about a minute, but recovered quickly. Figured this would be a great training ride for IM Moo later this year. Anyway, highly recommend this one day ride for anyone near the area, especially for IM training.


Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: RAIN ride report [spot] [ In reply to ]
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+ 1

Did this ride a few years ago - 163 miles like you. Did it as part of a run up to IM Moo as well. Still my longest 1 day ride of my life.
Good Luck at the Moo!

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Re: RAIN ride report [spot] [ In reply to ]
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I think it's a great fitness builder especially for something like IM Louisville which is coming up, however, don't be that guy. There was a stereotypical triathlete in the lead pack sporting a zip disc, riding in his aero bars, decked out in a tri-suit with compression leggings. He was in the middle of a fifty person peloton riding in his bars. Since I was the only other guy in the group with a tri bike, I actually had someone ask me if I 'knew the jackass.'

RAIN is a lot of fun, people are taken back by the distance, but it's honestly no worse, maybe even better then your typical century. Most everyone out there has a good deal of bike fitness and its super easy to find a pack to ride in. If you bring along a few friends, you'll create your own packs as you pass riders. We rode in the front pack this year until the 2nd rest stop at mile 64 and it was simply amazing. We averaged 24 mph mostly riding the flats around 25-28 mph. They hit every climb hard, I spiked above 400 watts on seven of the climbs just to hang onto the wheel in front of me. I was a bit taken back by how hard they were going considering the distance. Then again, these guys are single sport folks, so I guess that makes sense. The peloton was constantly trying to spit me out the back. I had to constantly hold my spot and once in awhile needed to make a move to get closer to the front. It was pretty cool watching the guys racing it.
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Re: RAIN ride report [ziggie204] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, I rode my road bike rather than my tri bike, as I would much rather ride that in a group. I also didn't deck myself out in any "Ironman" gear, although I saw a fair amount of that out there. One guy in his IM gear at the finish line was loudly talking saying, "let's go run a marathon now." Dork.


Taco cat spelled backwards is....taco cat.
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Re: RAIN ride report [spot] [ In reply to ]
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That sounds like fun!
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