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Questions about peroneal tendonitist
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I have been struggling with peroneal tendonitist for about a year now. It started last May and continues today. I let it go through the summer getting ready for a fall marathon, but then took a full month off in October to try and let it rest. It came back strong in December when I finally decided to see a sports medicine doctor. 2 months off from running and physical therapy for January and February. It seemed better until the middle of March when it came back. At this point I can run for about an hour with out any sort of pain or problems. Anything more than that and I get the pull or burning feeling for a second or two, a few times during the run. This usually only happens on runs over an hour. Biking seems to affect this as well, but not nearly so. So my questions for those that have had this problem, or those that know about it (doctors and such).

1. How long does it take for this injury to fully heal?
2. Are there any exercises I can do to help fix this?
3. Do I need to stop running for a longer period of time to let this heal?
4. If I keep running, will it ever heal?
5. What is the best course of action to get over this? I've been through PT, and have been doing my exercises and stretching. It seems to help, but not to the point where it is 100 percent.

Background info:

Life long runner, 6 years or so in triathlon. 15 marathons, 5 IM finishes, etc. 6' 1" 185 pound when the injury happened last year- but a good 10 pounds heavier now. IMWI coming up this year and I need to start running.....

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: Questions about peroneal tendonitist [tjs] [ In reply to ]
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Hmmm ... a 1 year history with sports doc visit (to hopefully rule out chronic compartment syndrome) and PT with 1 month out. Not good. I'm assuming a negative MRI/ultrasound with no intratendinous tears, etc? If so, then your biomechanics need to seriously be addressed (although this seems unlikely if it hurts both cycling and running/jogging on/off and you are still racing)

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: Questions about peroneal tendonitist [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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Saw both a sports doc and orthopedist. MRI was negative, for all but peroneal tendonitist. IIRC, no achilles problems or anything else. Both doctors told me I couldn't make it worse, but I am not sure if that means it will ever get better if I keep running and biking on it or not. Orthopedist that my biomechanics were good. Neutral foot strike, etc. Nothing that showed up for her when I walked around an ways.

So where do I go from here? Doesn't seem like rest will actually fix this problem by itself.

I should have added int eh original post- I have never really been hurt in the last 5 years prior. I watch my mileage carefully and never ramp up fast. Logged 70 miles a week the winter before I got hurt. Dropped down to 40 miles a week for several weeks before my injury. No increase in intensity either. Just an odd way to get hurt *shrug*
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