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Puerto Rico almost beats Mark Allen
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Have been lurking the forums for a long time but felt I needed to register to post this bit of news. The article was published in Puerto Rico's major newspaper. Link: http://www.elnuevodia.com/...cambron-1114491.html

Article in spanish:
El famoso triatleta Mark Allen, seis veces campeón del Full Ironman Kona de Hawai, sufrió un percance esta mañana en la playa de El Escambrón cuando su tabla de surf se rompió y tuvo que desafiar el fuerte oleaje para llegar a la orilla.
Su compañero triatleta Javier Bosque aclaró a El Nuevo Día que en ningún momento Allen estuvo desaparecido como se informó esta mañana.
"(Allen) está retirado de los tríalos y se dedica a surfear. Se le partió la tabla y salió nadando", dijo Bosque.
A juicio de Bosque la confusión de la desaparición del triatleta surgió luego que varios bañistas lo vieran sumergirse y no salir del agua, por lo que alertaron a la Policía.
"Mark Allen es un surfer de a diario, está acostumbrado a eso. Tuvo control de la situación", explicó Bosque.
Más temprano también se había informado que otro surfer había desaparecido y que podía haber estado con Allen. Sin embargo, Bosque aclaró que no estaban juntos.
Allen, residente en California, llegó a la Isla la semana pasada para ofrecer una serie de clínicas a jóvenes triatletas de la Selección Nacional así como al público en general.
Hoy se emitió una advertencia de oleaje fuerte en la zona debido a una vaguada que está afectando las condiciones del tiempo y que podría afectar las condiciones marítimas locales hasta el próximo miércoles.

Famous triathlete Mark Allen, six time Ironman Kona Champion suffered a mishap this morning in the El Escambrón beach when his surfboard broke and he had to battle the strong waves to reach the shore. His triathlete partner, Javier Bosque told the newspaper that never was Allen missing as was stated this morning.

"Allen is retired from triathlons and spends his time surfing. His board broke and he had to swim:, said Bosque.

To Bosque's judgement, the confusion of his disappearance happened because various bathers saw him submerge and not come up from the water, so they called the police.

"Mark is a daily surfer, he's used to this. He was in control of the situation."

Earlier it had been informed that another sufer was also missing and he could have been with Allen. Bosque said they weren't.

Allen, who resides in California, arrived to the island last week to offer a series of clinics to local triathletes from the national team and the general public.

There was an alert this morning about strong currents and high waves due to a storm that is affecting local weather conditions until Wednesday.

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Re: Puerto Rico almost beats Mark Allen [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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PS. All the commenters on the newspaper website are accusing him of smoking weed and being high as a kite.
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Re: Puerto Rico almost beats Mark Allen [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Puerto Rico almost beats Mark Allen [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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To be honest, if he was, it truly wouldn't be very smart at all. After all the busts that happened there with corrupt cops, and even daily busts, they wouldn't think twice to drag him to the prison in Guaynabo for questioning on where he got it. It's truly just not a smart thing to do there at this point in time with how they are cracking down on the drug trafficking, just a friendly warning...
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Re: Puerto Rico almost beats Mark Allen [TheRealHag] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know but I wouldn't put too much trust on those comments. Those newspaper comment sections are troll havens and it doesn't take 2 posts for someone to blabber and blame it on a local politician.
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Re: Puerto Rico almost beats Mark Allen [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah I see where they are blaming it on drugs, the one thing that bothered me when I lived there is because their J sounds like an H they always say jajajajaja instead of hahahaha, always was annoying in text messages. I have many friends there, so I will be reaching out to some people about this.
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Re: Puerto Rico almost beats Mark Allen [TheRealHag] [ In reply to ]
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TheRealHag wrote:
Yeah I see where they are blaming it on drugs, the one thing that bothered me when I lived there is because their J sounds like an H they always say jajajajaja instead of hahahaha, always was annoying in text messages. I have many friends there, so I will be reaching out to some people about this.

This is especially frustrating for us iPhone owners as I have to switch from spanish to english keyboard and back to be able to laugh properly when I text.
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Re: Puerto Rico almost beats Mark Allen [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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Still trying to find out where he was surfing because I can't imagine him being in Carolina or in Isla Verde really, even though the surf is starting to pick up around this time of year. He is having his training session in San Juan, which both beaches and areas are right there. I could understand him having a hard time swimming in Rincon though, but that's all the way on the West side of the country.
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Re: Puerto Rico almost beats Mark Allen [tovi] [ In reply to ]
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"His triathlete parter, Javier Bosque..."

Is this a business partner, or Life Partner?

Civilize the mind, but make savage the body.

- Chinese proverb
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