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Paific Groves long decline.
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Talked to someone who won their age group at Pacific Grove and Tri california gave them a six inch plastic plaque and a certificate for a $100 off an X terra suit You could no doubt get the same suit at the end of the season for probably twice that discount if you looked around. The six inch plastic plaque was covered with fifty percent advertiser names. That is really crass since they cover your T shirt with the same garbage. You can't even discern what it was awarded for without glasses. An absolute piece of crap apparently. Meanwhile they gave away $25,000 in cash to the pros. They actually started the pro race before the age groupers were finished so many AGers didn't even get a chance to get to the start to watch. Apparently most didn't care as the report was that the spectator turnout was the lowest ever.

Now I don't do tri california races anymore but let me tell you what they use to do six or seven years back. All the age group winners were invited to a great buffet where they held an auction for various gear and art. Anyone else could buy a ticket to get in and chow down. Then we had a great award ceremony where you were handing a signed art print suitable for mounting, a classic engraved glass award and a certificate for two to one of a number of really great restraunts in town. You also got a free pass to the Monterey Bay aquarium down the street. It was a great event al the way around.

Now you pay twice as much get a quarter in return. There is no reason to stay in town or for that matter for the awards. I quit because I saw the handwritting on the wall with regards to the direction Tri-Cal was taking the event. I use to drop $500 in two days plus gas now its nothing but you know it probably doesn't matter because Team in Training practically buys out the whole race.

Were looking at the de eveloution of our sport into something less then what it started out as. People continue to ante up more for less. You can tell that most of the older age groups are thinning out as a lot of the ten year competitors are throwing in the towel. Where will end.
Last edited by: cavebear: Sep 11, 05 19:35
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Re: Paific Groves long decline. [cavebear] [ In reply to ]
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Its a real shame that these formerly great events (Pacific Grove, Wildflower) have gone from being examples of the best in the sport to examples of everything that is wrong with it. Wildflower is my absolute favorite race. I did it 8 times. I haven't been back the past 2 years and I might never go back unless things change. I have made the decision to vote with my feet and only support those races I feel give good value for my dollar and treat me with respect. Cramming me and 5,000 of my friends into every open spec of ground at 3 times the normal fee is not treating me with respect. It's giving my as little as possible because they can get away with it. I realize I'm probably just tilting at windmills, but until we the athletes (the customers) demand better treatment, we will continue to spend more and get less. All hope is not lost, however. There are plenty of small races offering a fun, safe event at a reasonable price. Look around, try something new and tell us all what you have found.

Here's a couple of my new favorite RDs in So Cal.

Mountain Multisport put on the Lake Arrowhead Tri and the Snow Valley Mtn Bike Tri. Both were about $50, well run, lots of fun, challenging courses, great awards, beautiful venues.

Prime Time is a timing company in So Cal. They put on an olympic and sprint the same weekend as Wildflower. The turn out was very small, but the race was a blast. It had a real nice, grassroots feel to it, but the organization was 1st rate. The results were posted quickly and we got a great Nike Dri-fit shirt. They've got another race coming up on 10/1 and I'm pretty sure I'll end my season with it.

Gary Mc

Gary Mc
Did I mention I did Kona
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Re: Paific Groves long decline. [cavebear] [ In reply to ]
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yes, there were some tnt AG women on the course when the pro races started at noon

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