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OWS and Swan encounter
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While swimming yesterday, in a typical inland lake in the Midwest, I came upon several swans. I stopped and waited for them to swim away. I'm curious though on what would of happened had I kept swimming. Would they swim away out of fear or attack? No babies, just seems like the lake is now getting more swans than usual.
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Re: OWS and Swan encounter [SWBK44] [ In reply to ]
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No personal experience, but my father who is a big golfer always said to take a drop if your ball got too close to a swan. Not worth attempting to retrieve it. Things are nasty and will attack.
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Re: OWS and Swan encounter [SWBK44] [ In reply to ]
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I worked at a marina in NY when I was a kid. In the spring the swans were used to having the whole place to themselves. You did not want to mess with them, babies or not. They are a BIG powerful animal. I saw 2 of them beat up a big Labrador that ran down onto the dock and try and chase them away.
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Re: OWS and Swan encounter [SWBK44] [ In reply to ]
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You made the smart move. Those swans would have fucked you up. They fear no man!

Long Chile was a silly place.
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Re: OWS and Swan encounter [SWBK44] [ In reply to ]
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A few years back, a swan actually killed a guy not too far from where I live. I believe what happened was he was in a kayak & got too close. The swan attacked him & knocked him out of the kayak. It kept attacking him every time he tried to swim to shore & he eventually drowned. So I would stay clear of them
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Re: OWS and Swan encounter [SWBK44] [ In reply to ]
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As a child a group of swans began to attack towards me. I can't recall if my parents swooped in and saved me or if I ran and they stopped but either way I've always been leery, but not afraid, of them. Reading the above posts tells me I need to remain leery of them and give them more distance than I do now.
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Re: OWS and Swan encounter [SWBK44] [ In reply to ]
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Inland sea gulls in the spring with chicks are a bitch as well. I used to do some flatwater kayaking and would hear the screams of a gull swooping down towards me from the top of a grain elevator some 200m away and dive bomb me flipping me over several times. Now I just wave my paddle at it as it swoops by or stay clear.

Birds have always freaked me out. Must be from reading the short story in HS.
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Re: OWS and Swan encounter [SWBK44] [ In reply to ]
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You would have been beaked. We don't have many swans but we do have big fat Canada geese. They've accosted me more than once.

Where I live we have a flock of feral domestic chicken that hang out near a popular trail. The alpha rooster is known to attack runners and cyclists. That's more funny than dangerous though.
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