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Nausea After Long Workouts
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My wife has had issues with nausea after long workouts for a number of years now.

She gave up on running marathons several years ago because after running more than two hours or so, she would feel terrible the rest of the day. Not during the run, but after.

Lately, she has started riding again and the same thing happens. Anything up to a couple of hours, she's okay, but if she tries to go longer, she is miserable the rest of the day.

The intensity of the workout does not seem to be the issue, more the duration.

Has anyone had this issue before? Any ideas on how to keep it from happening?

(And no, she's not pregnant. And, yes, I know she wouldn't have the problem if she would keep her workouts shorter than two hours.)

Thanks for your input.

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Re: Nausea After Long Workouts [shaymike2014] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not a nutritionist, so take this as you see fit. On occasion, I'll have similar problems; however, after a bit of experimentation, I think that it was due to nutrition. Is she taking in too little fluids or calories on these longer workouts? Have you tried different brands nutrition? I've found that I can only handle either Infinit or Hammer Gel.
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Re: Nausea After Long Workouts [shaymike2014] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Nausea After Long Workouts [shaymike2014] [ In reply to ]
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I can only speak from personal experience but in my case the solution was to get more calories in during the workout. I would always get nausious after rides of longer than 3 hours. I would feel fine until about 15 minutes after. Now I will usually put down more calories than I was before and feel much better post ride/workout. A liquid drink such as perpetuem works best for me.

If I do feel the nausea after my workout the best thing for me to remedy to situation is to down a 16oz bottle of coca cola. Has to be coke not pepsi. Makes me feel like a new man.
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