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Medial Knee Pain
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Couple months ago while riding seated up a steep hill felt medial area twinge in knee, went away soon after and rarely a problem when riding, but when running things start smoothly and usually between 1.5-2.0 miles in a matter of 4-5 strides flares up, becomes unstable on inside area of knee bad enough to bring me to a complete stop. A little swelling and stiffness for 24-48 hours, but usually ready to go again in 2 days but with same running result, not a problem when riding unless its right after injuring it after a run?
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Re: Medial Knee Pain [walth] [ In reply to ]
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Unstable as you mentioned could certainly be indicative of the medial meniscus, a fairly common issue for knee injuries.

Do you stretch hamstrings? do you find this pain increases with those stretches? It could be the hamstring is tweaked or the medial collateral ligament or meniscus...really any number of things. I'd advise finding a sports doc since this has been going on for a couple of months.

I'd also HIGHLY advise, should it find it's something that he wants to operate on, that you first give it time with physical therapy, if there is any chance whatsoever of that solving this. I almost got cut open this year and asked offhandidly for another MRI. The doc saw it and went from being "fairly sure" my problem was a torn meniscus to "pretty darn sure" that it wasn't. Your mileage may vary of course, but always go conservative first.
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Re: Medial Knee Pain [Skoorb] [ In reply to ]
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Stretching my quad except right after I have hurt the knee really inproves things to the point of feeling as good as new? guess Ill have to give in and see a Doc.
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