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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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jesus.....this thread is a train wreck.
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [saltman] [ In reply to ]
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It's like watching a retarded monkey orgy.

Big Eganski....OUT!
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [eganski] [ In reply to ]
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This is a funny post- PR people love the hiring of TH as Matty's new coach... Matty brags about his new coach... Matty feels TH has always been innocent (dumb statement even if you believe it)... Tons of views, tons or questioning, post evolves to Matty using him just as a motor pacer (can't any 17 year high school student do that) and feedback from some generic group rides... and now- Full on Damage Control comes in and completely nukes the new relationship- saying it was never a relationship. Maybe PR people/Matty finally woke up and smelled the coffee.

Bottom Line- probably more people on ST / lurkers who never knew Matty- now know him for better or worse. All I know is Rappstar said TH wouldn't be for him- and that cements it for me and my support for Jordan!
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Matt has to be happy with this response. It makes him seem more edgy to me. Tyler clearly knows cycling and MR has fine reasons to chose the guy as a coach. But more publicity is more publicity, and that is what MR needs more than anything. Reacting negatively to fans is probably a bad idea no matter how much they criticize him. It doesn't matter if Tyler is innocent or guilty, lol.
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [saltman] [ In reply to ]
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Wait...did I crash the train?

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [mlinenb] [ In reply to ]
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[..] post evolves to Matty using him just as a motor pacer (can't any 17 year high school student do that) [..] ?

No. Seriously. Motorpacing requires some important skills. It looks easy, but it is not. Actually it can be very dangerous if the pacer is inexperienced. I am sure that TH has those skills and I would rather motorpace behind him than behind any regular cyclist, but... we already talked about his problem.


Note: English is not my first language. Please read this translated post considering that.

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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [eganski] [ In reply to ]
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I got to ask: What does that look like?

In Reply To:
It's like watching a retarded monkey orgy.

Big Eganski....OUT!

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [AmericanPeople] [ In reply to ]
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good post, as far as goes Matty consulting his PR people, does he actually have any? Anyhow as far as goes negatively affecting hsi image, Matt gets advice from an awesome cyclist who regardless of his positive tests showed he knows his stuff and that he is super hard. Does it bother me, not in slightest Matt went out and got advice from Tyler smart move will probably make him even stronger on the bike.

Now in terms of Matt's value to his sponsors, matt is a big unit about my size rides a fuji, i thinks ah a big guy who fits well on his bike maybe I'll consider a Fuji which i would not have done before. Tyler gave him some advice will it impact my decision to consider Big matt's bike, no way.

Real world example of a consumer who will do something on the basis of Matt reeds sponsorship and I don't care about the tyler association, so i say go for it Matt
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [:D] [ In reply to ]
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Matt can work with Tyler to any extent he pleases, and not say anything about it. But he said something about it and created a huge amount of publicity not just for himself, but for his sponsors. A lot more people know Matt Reed now than before this thread started and people who were paying attention knows he rides a Fuji. The AmericanPeople are in the market for a new road bike. My new bike will be a Fuji, because that’s what Matt rides. One dude said he was going out to buy some new K-Swiss running shoes today because of Matt…..come to think of it: I need new running shoes too: I’ll pick up some K-Swiss.

One poster said this thread is a “Train Wreck” Maybe so, but it is a highly educational train wreck. So many different topics are covered: Fascinating. The AmericanPeople have determined it will end up being very beneficial for Matt.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [AmericanPeople] [ In reply to ]
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... The AmericanPeople are in the market... The AmericanPeople have determined...

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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [mlinenb] [ In reply to ]
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Just wow.

What a disaster in the PR "department".

Impulsiveness isn't any Professionals friend.

Lesson learned:

Either think twice before you tweet/blog; or hire a Pro to write for you (like Mr. A. does).

Ego numquam pronuncio mendacium,
sed sum homo salvaticus
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [Maui] [ In reply to ]
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"Jimmy doesn't like misunderstandings.......Jimmy and misunderstandings kinda clash"

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [mlinenb] [ In reply to ]
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I MADE A MISTAKE. this is no back pedal or coverup.

i realize that every word i say- whether twitter, facebook, or at training- is being watched and analzyed. But it not just the incorrect or misleading words i used. it is also that my actions i realize support something I am so against, doping.

tyler was giving me some advice after we ran into each other. he offered some advice and said if i wanted him to motor pace me. i did motor pace with him the last few weeks and it was really good. I am human and i made a big mistake. so you can say i am back tracking or i am covering something up.i realize that my actions, though the intention was to genuniely seek some knowledge, and ride my bike, portrayed much more than that and I am sorry.

i twittered what i did with words that were wrong or misleading as he was "coaching" the motorpacing workout and i liked it.

then when i used the wrong words of coach (as in coaching the workout) and said he was coaching me and i liked the workouts as he knows cycling and was looking forward to working with him as i transition to longer races/the next phase of my career...i meant i looked forward to doing more motor pacing workouts.

the first couple of posts i made i was a bit defensive, as tyler is a friend. i believe what i believe. but what i didnt think about was the FACTS.

no matter what i think or feel, he is serving an 8 year ban for drugs. for cheating. again that is the reality. no matter what i think about it.

i dont approve of cheating. i didnt think that he was motorpacing workouts and me being there was that big of a deal. after all, he was a friend and is really good at motorpacing. I now see that it is not the action, but what the action portrays. By doing cycling stuff and talking about workouts with Tyler, I was indirectly saying I dont respect my position in the sport and i dont respect the reality that he is banned for something I am so against and is wrong in sport.

I came to realize i made a mistake. by saying what i said in my posts it looked like i didnt respect our sports system and the facts of reality that he is banned for drugs. no PR person had to point that out to me. i am a smart man and hour by hour I started to see what I was expressing and by my actions, approving of. I respect this sport too much to do that.

I watched a sprint race today and saw our sport for exactly what it is. a healthy, active fun sport. I never want to jepordize that. I made my statement this morning to state that i am not working with or seeking advice from tyler anymore. I realize what that can mean and i am not willing to do that. No matter what I think of him as a friend. My business of triathlon and my status as a professional athlete has to remain separate from any friendship.

I hope this makes sense. i am trying to put into words what I feel and want to say. I guess I have to thank the forum and many close friends for making me see that I can not just do something though simple, but as a person who people look up to (and not just cause of my height), I must realize what those actions endorse or might support. I am not covering anything up. Havent since the beginning. At the beginning though, i was defending myself and my actions, cause i thought their were simple workouts and didnt realize that I was not respecting the reality of our sport system.

i hope you all read this. this is not in formal wording. this is simply me.

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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [mattyreed] [ In reply to ]
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I guess I have to thank the forum and many close friends for making me see that I can not just do something though simple, but as a person who people look up to (and not just cause of my height),

Okay i honestly just laughed out loud at that... that was great haha. BTW why didn't you race down in Sydney? We've got nothing but love for you, I think most people know you wouldn't do anything, but some people obviously would make the association.

Anyways good luck with your season, i'll be cheering for you at hy-vee, boulder and budapest.

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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [draketriathlon] [ In reply to ]
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most people would not have a clue what Matt or any other person would or would not do. some people on here cleary do as they know matt personally as for the other 99 % they know bugger all about what he would or would not do
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [mattyreed] [ In reply to ]
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Only Matt knows what he will do, but I am glad he made it very clear that:

1. He is against doping.

2. He does not want to be coached and be professionally involved with a doper.

3. He recognized he made a mistake.

4. He is willling to help a friend (and that speaks good of him), but not in a way that may send a bad message for the sport.

5. He respects the sports system.

I wish the best for Matt Reed in the future.


Note: English is not my first language. Please read this translated post considering that.

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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [Sergio Escutia] [ In reply to ]
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Big Matty Reed is copping it on a few other forums.
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [mattyreed] [ In reply to ]
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Very nice post.

I think we all put down something in text where we have the full context and other's only have partial context and read different things into the text than what we mean. That's the hard part of the online world.

Those of you who have met Matty, can tell that what he posts here is right from the heart with no spin. In fairness to Matty, he does not need to come out here where we can have trial by internet and defend himself. He can choose to ignore, or even have his team post. Instead he comes out here, makes himself accessible and admits when he is right or wrong to people who he does not need to be accountable, but who he chooses to communicate to nevertheless....if you weren't a fan before, I am sure he's gained some fans now...not because of his speed in tri, not because of him marketability, but because he is genuine stand up guy.

We need more athletes like that in the sports world.

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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [mattyreed] [ In reply to ]
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It is what it is and people believe what they want to believe regardless of what people say. Good luck Matty, no doubt you'll have a good season.
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [mattyreed] [ In reply to ]
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Matt, just wanted to give you some big Kudos and making a real honest eatting crow post!! I really wanted to make some comments when this first started to happen that you needed to look at the big picture, but your posts we clear that you were very defensive. So for you to state in your last post "the first couple of posts i made i was a bit defensive, as tyler is a friend. i believe what i believe. but what i didnt think about was the FACTS.", was right on target. When I met you at worlds last year, it was clear you are a very strong minded person. I tried to make some talk with you but never could seem to engage you such that you might be interested in how my racing was going. (Before you get defensive on me, this is how I felt, right or wrong.) As you remember, I also tried to show you some GPS technology which I thought could help in the marketing of yourself. When you have gone after me for this in a number of posts, it was clear again to me that you can take things quickly very personally and become very defensive. I can totally relate since I have done these type of actions many times in the past, but after thinking, I have found it better to accept 100% ownership for my actions, even if I did not feel like I was wrong.

I still remember a post made where Pro's do not spend enough time thinking about what their goals are. If it is to just race and not worry about money or perception, then anything goes. But, if it is to try and also make some type of living out of this sport, then spending some quality time thinking how to market themselves might be worth the same focus as one puts into training.

One never knows when meeting a person what they might be able to do for them in the future. So always thinking about how they are marketing themselves in every movement they make, whether it is talking to a person, writing some type of post, etc., is critical.

Again, people can call what has happened backpedaling if they want. And before your last post, I would agree with them. But now it is clear you are 100% honest, understand how your actions and words can impact your "brand", and who cares if it took you and your team a little while to get here. Now, if Tyler is really your friend, maybe your honesty might rub off on him some and given him an idea on how to do things correctly when a mistake is made.

If you even need a place to stay near Auburn, always have a guest room available. Hope you exceed your racing goals this season and again, HUGE KUDO's for coming out and being 100% honest!!! Very few have the guts to do what you have just done.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [mattyreed] [ In reply to ]
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Matty, very well done. I truly admire how you, unlike many, come on here to post and give us a glimpse of your world. Now many will realize that it is not that easy at times to be a pro and be continuously scrutinized. You are a very principled and dedicated man and we all are so glad to see your successes grow. I am pleased you stepped back and saw the potential ramifications of the move with TH, and made moves to make it clear your standing with actions. It will be great to follow your move through the sport, and please use the forum to test the waters. There are a number of well meaning and bright minds here, as well as the negative ones. Your skills in weeding through the posts will give you another valuable avenue to determine how those in the sport will actually respond.
Hope to see you down the road, and continue to advance your game with legit "advisors".

Gary Geiger
http://www.geigerphoto.com Professional photographer

TEAM KiWAMi NORTH AMERICA http://www.kiwamitri.com, Rudy Project http://www.rudyprojectusa.com, GU https://guenergy.com/shop/ ; Salming World Ambassador; https://www.shopsalming.com
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Very nice post.

I think we all put down something in text where we have the full context and other's only have partial context and read different things into the text than what we mean. That's the hard part of the online world.

Those of you who have met Matty, can tell that what he posts here is right from the heart with no spin. In fairness to Matty, he does not need to come out here where we can have trial by internet and defend himself. He can choose to ignore, or even have his team post. Instead he comes out here, makes himself accessible and admits when he is right or wrong to people who he does not need to be accountable, but who he chooses to communicate to nevertheless....if you weren't a fan before, I am sure he's gained some fans now...not because of his speed in tri, not because of him marketability, but because he is genuine stand up guy.

We need more athletes like that in the sports world.


X2 - Lets now just read about him kicking a$$ and watch him defend at Rev3.
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Re: Matt Reed has lost his mind. [dongustav] [ In reply to ]
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I think the David Millar and Bjarne Riis examples are both pertinent here.

Let's say in a few years Millar retires and becomes a coach with Garmin. I suspect few here would have a problem with that, as Millar has confessed for his actions (after getting caught, noted) and truly seems committed to effecting a new era in cycling. I believe he might actually exert a small influence on keeping the youngsters on his team from doping. Maybe I'm a fool for thinking that, but I want to have hope and for that I'm willing to give him a chance.

With Riis, I think the situation is different and the parallel with Tyler is much closer. Riis didn't admit anything, he just tried to ignore it and have it go away. Eventually when it was about to ruin his business he said what he had to about giving the jersey back but still more or less keeps mum and hopes for all the talk to go away. Now his team is desperately looking for a sponsor and Cancellara wins Flanders and Paris-Roubaix going away. Cancellara talks about going for Amstel, and Riis says he thinks Cancellara can even win Liege. But suddenly Cancellara skips Amstel and the rest of the Ardennes classics because he's "tired." This when he's got the form of his life and has repeatedly stated his desire to win each of cycling's monuments and he may never have as good a chance to win Liege...

I want to believe Cancellara's clean, but I can't. Partly it's because he's on the team run by Mr. 60 Percent, which also just so happens to be Tyler's ex-team when he won Liege himself in 2003. The European papers published detailed histories of Tyler's doping (lots of substances and $50K from 2002-2004) with Eufemiano Fuentes. Basso was also on CSC and got two years for "attempted doping" with Fuentes in the Puerto Affair. Frank Schleck paid almost $7,000 to Dr. Fuentes (an obstretrician) but gets off the hook for doping due to lack of proof. All on Riis' team, and you'd have to think he is aware of what's happening there, if not managing it or tacitly approving it. How much rumor and circumstance can there be before one starts to suspect?

In a similar fashion, if Matt Reed does now improve his cycling and wins all three of the Rev3 events in a dominating fashion, the thought will certainly enter my head that maybe he's learned something "extra" from Tyler, rightly or wrongly. That's the danger of working with Tyler. I don't think that's why Matt Reed works (worked?) with Tyler, but it will affect my perceptions of his future results. You might say that's unfair, but I would argue that I can't close my eyes and ears or stop my brain from suggesting possible, even likely, conclusions. That's what Reed is risking by consulting with Tyler, and why I think it's a mistake.

I liked Tyler, even against my better judgment when I suspected when he was doping on a team of dopers with USPS. Lost all respect for him with the "I Believe Tyler" campaign, though. Probably Tyler didn't like the campaign either, but got caught up in a maelstrom out of his control. Like Riis, I think Tyler is a guy who, perhaps because of personality, won't come out, damn the system, and speak out for a clean sport. Unfortunately, I think that not speaking out and hoping for it all to blow over might be a warning sign that they don't view the offense as objectionable enough and might still fall back into it.

Would anyone here feel differently about Matt Reed working with Tyler if Cancellara ends up testing positive two years down the road? I like hearing Reed say he's working with Tyler for cycling workouts only, but if he truly believes Tyler's innocent then he's either naive or hasn't done his due diligence.

I'd like to see Tyler make a living at coaching, and applaud Matt Reed for taking the risk of consulting with him (too bad about the backpedaling, though). I personally would be surprised if Tyler was that great of a coach to be worth the risk, but then I'm clearly not acquainted with him.
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