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Marathon and tri training
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I hope to do my first marathon 4th June. Currently doing around 25 miles per week and doing some 10 mile races over the next two months. First sprint tri three weeks before the marathon which might not be a good idea (not entered yet), sprint two weeks after marathon (low priority) and an olympic four weeks after marathon (B race). First half planned for Sept 1st. I am wondering how to manage the weeks leading into the marathon, I should be tapering for about 3 weeks but does this mean that I should cut back on the bike and swim as well, how early? I am aiming for a comfortable finish, ideally around 3.30. I am only in tri/running since last May but after shin splints most of last summer I am really enjoying the running since tri season finished. Appreciate any advice. I know it's quite a bit off but entries are starting to open so I have to make some decisions.
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Re: Marathon and tri training [finman] [ In reply to ]
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Unless you increase your running volume quite a bit you are going to be hurting. For me it is marathon training or tri training. I can't do both.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: Marathon and tri training [finman] [ In reply to ]
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which marathon is this?

I ran a marathon last year (June 4th as well) while training for Oly distance. I didn't hit comfortable 10 mile runs until february, so you are doing well. I was on target for a 3:30 as well.

You should be okay with a three week taper. I'd keep swimming and riding, but don't do speed work and keep the efforts light. Easy spinning is actually a fantastic way to recover your legs during the taper, just keep it short and keep it light. My plan included a final 8 mile run 2 weeks out, then two weeks of taper before the race. I had planned on using spinning and swimming during this time, but I ended up on bed rest following an apendectimy.

I'd say the sprint tri is okay as long as you don't do something stupid and hurt yourself. If you feel you have the fitness to easy complete it, then go for and just don't go balls to the wall.

The tri two weeks after may be a different story. I was still pretty sore after two weeks. I could climb stairs again, but running (and definately racing) was out of the question.

Only other thing to add is to not beat youtself up about goal time on your first marathon. After mile 20, strange things happen that only running 26.2 miles will prepare you for. My friend and I both trained for a 3:30. I came in with a 4:04 (due to said surgery) and he managed a 3:45 or so. I'd just shoot to run the first half comfortably, then worry about the rest of the race from there.

sometimes you just have to eat the cake
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Re: Marathon and tri training [vortmax] [ In reply to ]
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Vortmax gave you some good advice...so I would follow it...
The sprint should be no problem what-so-ever...it should be fun!

I don't have any trouble balancing marathon training and Ironman training given how I space my racing. I run a spring marathon and a fall Ironman. I am able to run BQ marathon times on less than 25M of week running...most people seem to need/do a lot more mileage.

Lar Dog
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Re: Marathon and tri training [finman] [ In reply to ]
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sounds like it's after the marathon I could have the problems! I am concentrating on a series of ten mile races that will take me to mid March, building the weekly total and long run slowly and getting the ten mile time down. Some easy spinning and swimming should help between run sessions later on, sounds good, and fingers crossed staying injury free. Thanks
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Re: Marathon and tri training [finman] [ In reply to ]
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As mentioned you are going to need to get in more mileage or you will be hurting. There is still lots of time though. The tri before the marathon should be no problem and shouldn't interfere with your marathon training. The tri after the marathon may be a different matter depending on how well you recover. A first marathon may put stresses on you that you can't anticipate until you've done it. After my first I was very sore for several weeks.

There is adaptation the more you run long. 6 days after my 4th marathon I did a sprint duathlon and won the overall. That was unthinkable after my first marathon. Another week later I ran a half marathon PR by over 11 minutes.

Your races after the marathon will likely depend on how well you are able to adapt to higher mileage. For me it took a couple of years.


Tri-ing to have fun. Anything else is just a bonus!
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Re: Marathon and tri training [finman] [ In reply to ]
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See ***********for my responses.

I hope to do my first marathon 4th June. Currently doing around 25 miles per week and doing some 10 mile races over the next two months. First sprint tri three weeks before the marathon which might not be a good idea (not entered yet)*********If you can't recover from a sprint tri in three days, the rest of this thread is a moot point.

, sprint two weeks after marathon (low priority) and an olympic four weeks after marathon (B race). First half planned for Sept 1st. I am wondering how to manage the weeks leading into the marathon, I should be tapering for about 3 weeks but does this mean that I should cut back on the bike and swim as well, how early?********You can reduce mileage ruinning about 2-3 weeks prior to the marathon but maintain intensity. You can reduce biking mileage about 10 days before and swimming yardage about 3-4 days before. Again intensity is important in any taper.

I am aiming for a comfortable finish, ideally around 3.30. I am only in tri/running since last May but after shin splints most of last summer I am really enjoying the running since tri season finished. Appreciate any advice. I know it's quite a bit off but entries are starting to open so I have to make some decisions. *******More easy miles now will make life easier later. Good luck.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

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Re: Marathon and tri training [finman] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks, I'm going to keep logging the miles. My best 5 mile time is 35min flat, and I did last weeks 10 in 1:14:20. First time at the distance so feeling my way a little and not burnt at the finish. Do these times make a 3.30 finish sound realistic? Much prefer the longer races, hate the 5k stampede!
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Re: Marathon and tri training [finman] [ In reply to ]
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Well folks the day of reckoning and a classic first timers marathon. Went out too fast and paid the price! 3:58.....I started way too quick, was sub 40 for the first 5 and 80 at 10, it was hot and things were hurting at about 16. Hills from 18 to 21 and I was walking through water stations with some walking breaks from mile 23-25. Decided that an all out effort was required to avoid going over four hours and threw the kitchen sink at it for the last mile to the finish. I learned a lot! The training went well and three weeks out I did a 21 miler on a max week of about 45 miles. I never ran more than three times a week but remained injury free and was logging 100-120 on the bike and three days swimming. I was really bursting to go for several days before the race, too much doing nothing was not going down well and I think that all this pent up tension was let loose at the start. Anyway it's done. I totally enjoyed it, had no issues with nutrition or blisters etc and we live to fight another day! Older and wiser...hopefully!
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Re: Marathon and tri training [finman] [ In reply to ]
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good job finman! great one for your 1st. i ran my first one in 4:03 without any training (= but after mile 20 i was sucking. that was the los angeles marathon back in march. but i loved it. and yesterday i ran the san diego marathon. with my pr of 3:18. that's 45 mins faster than my first. and i dont feel as sore or anything. i did train a little bit for this one my longest i logged was 16 miles. that was 2 weeks out. but i would run 3 times a week rangeing from 5 - 8 miles per run. i am also training for a tri come fall. we'll see how that comes out. well good luck on your tri.
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Re: Marathon and tri training [finman] [ In reply to ]
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congrats :) how do your legs feel today?

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
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disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Marathon and tri training [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Its the morning after here and the quads are pretty stiff but everything else is fine. Stairs should be a laugh!
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