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Mac and PowerTap
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Want to start training with power, but find there is little/no support for the Mac. I have an iMac w/ a 20" screen that I love and use a Windoze based PC at work. The new mac's don't have a serial port and I refuse to use Virtual PC due to cost, space and principle. So how do you other Mac types work around these little issues?

I'm specifically looking at a PowerTap SL and Saris is working on software that will be native to the Mac, but don't have a release date yet. I could probably use the PC at work to download and review rides, but that gets a little touch once in a while with "unauthorized" software being on the machine. Maybe if I wait until the wireless comes out the software would be avail, too.

Any ideas and solutions you have would be appreciated.


Don't be afraid to ride too long or too hard. That's what cell phones are for. Rich Strauss
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Re: Mac and PowerTap [letter] [ In reply to ]
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I've been a mac user for 2 years. I use virtual PC and a usb-serial cable. Works fine with Powertap, SRM and CyclingPeaks software. There is a swiss software package called powercoach (IIRC) that is mac native, however it is expensive. Virtual PC is the simplest route until mac native software is released, or perhaps once the Macintel units come out next year there might be a way to run windows programs in a "window" in the mac os.


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