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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [BBLOEHR] [ In reply to ]
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Can anyone compare the run course to Racine?? I did racine and that was pretty brutal...how bad are we talking? Was considering it for next year...
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [bofferman] [ In reply to ]
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bofferman wrote:
I concur with most points. Everyone talked down about the bike course on this forum from last year, but I kept thinking how bad could it actually be?! The answer I found is: Yes, its freaking horrendous.

side note: 3 lap run was A+

The run course was great. I loved that it was almost always undulating in one direction. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it was bad. What was bad was the crappy park at the end point - running in gravel, rocks and a bit of mud. Maybe I'm soft, I expect good surfaces for a $300 entry fee.

Bike was worst. so many people with Flat tires, because the road was shot.

I'd still do it again because it's local and time of year. But my least favorite 70.3 I've ever done.
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [espejo09] [ In reply to ]
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Racine has the 2 climbs near the zoo which needs to be done twice. Otherwise most of it is flat. Austin just seemed to go up then down and the flat section at the park was gravel, mud and beat up pavement. So I would definitely say Austins run is much more difficult. The three loop course and some of the slim running lanes made it crowded compared to the the 2 loop Racine as well so lots of weaving in and out and avoiding other folks.
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [boilersmack] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry that was supposed to be bike course....can you or anyone compare the roads of the Racine bike course to Austin? Thanks
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [BBLOEHR] [ In reply to ]
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There have been serious complaints about the Austin 70.3 bike course since day one. At what point do they listen to the criticism and move the race to the other side of Austin? I see the finisher numbers were down almost 500 from 2015 to 2014 (2100 vs 2600) so maybe after seven years of bad rep that registrations are finally starting to be affected. Austin has some truly superb cycling, just nowhere near where the 70.3 is located.

My hypothesis is the Austin 70.3 has one of the lowest repeat customer percentages of all the 70.3's in the USA. Reviews of the race have been terrible since the race started and all of the negativity is focused on the bike course. The bike course just ruins the whole race experience.

Favorite Gear: Dimond | Cadex | Desoto Sport | Hoka One One
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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I raced M40-44 and ended up 10th in age group. I was in the neon yellow Team Banana Hammocks kit.

Drove the bike course on Friday and was horrified by the pavement conditions. Couldn't believe Ironman would sanction that course. Found out during the race it wasn't as bad as I thought because you could avoid many of the cracks, patches, and potholes I couldn't avoid in the car. But still horrible chip seal and overall conditions for an Ironman course. T1 was a mud pit. Can't believe they were int he middle of farm country and couldn't source some hay to put down in the worst areas of T1. Otherwise no real complaints about the race production.

Felt the onset of a chest cold for the few days leading up to the race. Developed a headache the night before and was going to judge myself when I woke up race morning. Woke up well rested and without the headache, so I decided to race. Still had a light cough and some breathing limitation, but I could manage.

Swim was fine for the way out, horrible into the sun for the middle leg, then really rough returning to shore. But I am a swimmer and was fine with that! 6th after the swim.

Took my time in T1 to make sure I made the right decision on gear for the bike. Probably cost me a spot or two overall, but glad I made the right gear decision to go with lighter weight sleeves and gloves.

I thought I was undertrained for the bike coming off of Olympic distance training for ITU Worlds in Chicago. Thought the bike would suffer and the run would be fine. Ended up the opposite! Kept the wattage low to start the bike and it paid off once I hit the flat portions about 6-7 miles in. Was patient on the uphills, didn't blow myself up, and powered when the conditions allowed. In T1 I decided to ditch the heavier arm sleeves and gloves and went with the lighter sleeves and gloves. Perfect for the temps. Was able to ride around many of the problem spots on the course, but the ride overall was severely slowed by the poor pavement conditions. couldn't safely bomb down some hills and actually had to bunny hop some pots holes. Also couldn't maintain a reasonable pace on some climbs due to the vibrations of the chip seal. However, I had a consistent effort and ride and managed to move up to 3rd place off the bike. (Not used to picking up that many spots at the front of a race on the bike.)

T2 was average. Not slow and not so fast as to forget something. Strpped the sleeves and gloves and the temps were perfect for the run.

The run started fine with a general downhill for the first mile+. Made it through the park fairly well maintaining my desired pace. Made it back up the hills towards the end of the first lap and noticed some restricted breathing due to the chest cold and my heart rate elevating above what I wanted up the hills, but made it through OK. On lap 2, I again was fine through the first mile+ then felt my heart rate elevating again on the first hill up to the park area. backed off a little and made it into the park. On the tough hills on the second lap I really had trouble with restricted air flow and high heart rate. Had to walk the crest of a couple of hills. Same on the third lap. Was able to get the pace up on the flats and downhills to make up for it, but probably lost 2 minutes or so overall from the chest cold.

Finished 10th in age group. Last race as a 40-44 year old!!! Will be the young guy in AG next year! :-)

Overall very happy with my race considering the breathing problems on the run.

Love Austin, but doubt I would go back to this race due to the ridiculous road conditions and the run conditions in the park.

Rock Chalk!
Last edited by: Jayhox: Nov 12, 15 17:17
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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Nope this race sells out every year. I seriously doubt the race will ever do anything different as long as we all keep signing up.
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [GMAN19030] [ In reply to ]
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At what point do you put yourself in an RD's shoes and figure out the logistics of a course west of Austin? I was on KJ's crew when the Longhorn was first run. He and I had many talks about how the race would be much more pleasing out west, but that the logistics of what roads to close/block lanes, athlete safety, parking, etc would be pretty much impossible, or at best, incredibly expensive with permits and such. Not to mention, we haven't even had much water in Lake Travis for a few years running until this past May.

We don't even have sprint races out west anymore.

And to the OP: if you hit your BRAKES before a pothole, you are less likely to BREAK a wheel.
Last edited by: bt: Nov 12, 15 8:53
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [Jayhox] [ In reply to ]
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Just do it again when the UT-KU schedule lines up again with race weekend! Hook em :) !

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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [mungub50] [ In reply to ]
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mungub50 wrote:
Just do it again when the UT-KU schedule lines up again with race weekend! Hook em :) !

Need an earlier game with better weather. When I am not coming down with a cold.

And we have a better team. :-)

Rock Chalk!
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [Jayhox] [ In reply to ]
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I think the bike was manageable as long as you really strategist. The sure unevenness of the roads fatigue your legs a bid. For example, while I was preparing for the bike, I rode the course multiple times leading up to the race. Over the 6-7 times I rode it I found there to be nearly an 8watt difference on 1734 if you rode on the chip and seal or if you rode foot over deeper into the road where the right vehicle tire usually is that smoothed the chip seal. I think people also neglect how technical the course is as well.

I agree that West Austin seems more logistically difficult. However, how much? Has a cost analysis been done or a think tank? Would love to make a proposal (I work in sport event management and facility).

Anyway, here's my race report, stolen from one of my favorite pros, Trevor Wuertele. If you've never watched his reports, go watch them! They are hilarious.

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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [bt] [ In reply to ]
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bt wrote:
At what point do you put yourself in an RD's shoes and figure out the logistics of a course west of Austin? I was on KJ's crew when the Longhorn was first run. He and I had many talks about how the race would be much more pleasing out west, but that the logistics of what roads to close/block lanes, athlete safety, parking, etc would be pretty much impossible, or at best, incredibly expensive with permits and such. Not to mention, we haven't even had much water in Lake Travis for a few years running until this past May.

We don't even have sprint races out west anymore.

And to the OP: if you hit your BRAKES before a pothole, you are less likely to BREAK a wheel.

---- I don't brake in races! Lol.........they did fill in some of the worst ones from the week before at least.

2024: Bevoman, Galveston, Alcatraz, Marble Falls, Santa Cruz
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [mvenneta] [ In reply to ]
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mvenneta wrote:
bofferman wrote:
I concur with most points. Everyone talked down about the bike course on this forum from last year, but I kept thinking how bad could it actually be?! The answer I found is: Yes, its freaking horrendous.

side note: 3 lap run was A+

The run course was great. I loved that it was almost always undulating in one direction. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it was bad. What was bad was the crappy park at the end point - running in gravel, rocks and a bit of mud. Maybe I'm soft, I expect good surfaces for a $300 entry fee.

Bike was worst. so many people with Flat tires, because the road was shot.

I'd still do it again because it's local and time of year. But my least favorite 70.3 I've ever done.

I quite liked the change of running texture. Being able to not run on pavement the entire time was a treat! I do understand where you are coming from as the ground was torn up in a few sections. Having a bit of a cross country background I felt that I enjoyed it.

The beauty of the Austin run course is that it kept changing and you weren't ever running towards a certain location for longer than a mile. Your view was constantly changing as was the terrain. The course had its 'hill' but it wasn't terrible.

You can easily split the run into 3 sections:
1. Loop turn around near the stadium, crowd, with the hill
2. Straight on the road, bit rolly
3. Path to turn around.

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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [GreenPlease] [ In reply to ]
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GreenPlease wrote:
BBLOEHR wrote:

I age up next year. The only thing I'm looking forward to in Men 30-34 is that they're usually the first wave after the pros :)

Don't get too excited. I raced Austin this year as Men 30-34 and I was wave #16.
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [fitzkickjr] [ In reply to ]
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fitzkickjr wrote:
GreenPlease wrote:
BBLOEHR wrote:

I age up next year. The only thing I'm looking forward to in Men 30-34 is that they're usually the first wave after the pros :)

Don't get too excited. I raced Austin this year as Men 30-34 and I was wave #16.

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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [GreenPlease] [ In reply to ]
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Hmm. I am looking for a 70.3 in early November, 16 and Austin was my first choice. But after this post I have huge doubts.
Could you guys please recommend other November races? Preferably IM-branded, but not necessary. Ideally in a place where I can bring family for a couple of days trip.
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Re: Impression of Austin 70.3 course. [ask77nl] [ In reply to ]
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70.3Mia? Think thats end of oct/nov, ran into some guys from Miami that had come to race Austin bc the said Miami was not so great either, but hey your in mia at least!

2024: Bevoman, Galveston, Alcatraz, Marble Falls, Santa Cruz
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