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I got hit! I could just tell this ride was...
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I could just tell this ride was going to be rough after the first turn.

Background: I finally got my P3C built up and fitted on Tuesday after it had come in a couple of weeks ago. So I take it out for a test ride and that bike is an absolute rocket. Nevermind what people say about the engine, that bike is freaking fast. I was a happy with my purchase right away ;-).

So fast forward to today and my first real ride. I have a launch ramp for a driveway so out I go and get up to speed right away and I am hauling down the road and happy as a kid in a candy store. I eventually get to a major intersection where I make a left turn and notice the bike started making a sound and I looked down to see if there was anything I could see but to no avail. I kept moving and the sound went away so no worries. Eventually I get to another quick right and left turn and the sound comes back and the bike slows down considerably. I get off the bike and try to adjust the QR several times as I see the tire is rubbing the seat tube (I had checked this before I left home and it was fine). I get on the bike and it happens again, adjust QR, rubs again. I then see that the adjustment screws are at completely different lengths. Therefore, the tire is settling up against the chain stay. I walk to a Kayak shop on Mission Bay called Windsport http://www.windsport.net/rentals/ The guys there let me barrow a phillips screwdriver and I make the adjustment.

After so many stops and starts I decide today isn't my day so I head straight home on Mission Blvd. which connects Mission Beach and Pacfic Beach. Soon as I get on Mission a girl from Minnesota (a ton of tourist this time of year) makes a U-Turn right in front of me and I have to take some defensive manuvering in order not to get hit. Woooh that was close but OK I'm on my way home...not a minute later a Fed Ex van turns right onto Mission right in front of me with barely enough room to be safe-"Geez this just isn't my day". About a block down from where he entered Mission he makes a right turn-no signal-right in front of me-this time he hits me as he is turning and keeps going with the turn. I managed to hit the van with my shoulder and manage to turn with the van. I yelled out to stop and eventually he does. I ofcourse was mad as hell but have had enough run ins with vehicles that I know that going RecordCarbon10 on him isn't an option (no offense Chip ;-) ). I pulled around to the driver side and ask him if he had seen me at all and ofcourse he did not. I explained that he had two chances to see me-when he turned right the first time as well as pulling into the driveway the second time. He asked if I was on the sidewalk-I say no ofcourse not as you are not allowed to ride on sidewalks in San Diego, though at you will see plenty of beach cruisers on the sidewalks at the beach. He then tried to say to me, "well there are just so many bikes", I told him that was ridiculous because if there were a million cyclist and you hit one than that's one to many. I go on to explain how careful he needs to be especially at the beach because there are so many people everywhere and so many distractions. I also explained that cyclist have no defenses from getting hit. The FedEx dude was very apologetic the whole time and by the end I could have gotten the him to get out and do dog tricks for me but I just tried to get across how dangerous it was for "us" and how careful he needed to be at every moment.

So all is well with me and more importantly the new P3C. If the bike had been hurt I must admit this might have ended differently, but it wasn't plus the guy was in his fifties and looked like baby-huey so violence wasn't necessary and hopefully it never is as it really doesn't accomplish anything, as I know from experience.

Folks, be careful out there and as usual expect the unexpected.
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Re: I got hit! I could just tell this ride was... [The Lemming] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry for my brethrens lack of attention to the bicyclist in your area, I am a Fedex driver in Napa Bay area and always am on the lookout for my peeps on thier bike. No excuse even if they drive us mad with all their time commits and other such demands, I'm glad that you are ok though and that new bike of yours is unscathed
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Re: I got hit! I could just tell this ride was... [The Lemming] [ In reply to ]
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christ, grow a sack and have it out with the guy in the van.

"now if you run me over, thats baddy bad, but if you say a naughty word again I will have to reprimand you my fine man"

if the guy cuts you off wrongly throw that book at him, apathy is shit
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Re: I got hit! I could just tell this ride was... [The Lemming] [ In reply to ]
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Most bad rides start with bad Minnesota drivers.
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Re: I got hit! I could just tell this ride was... [english muffin] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know Bro, I've had it out with people in the past, as I use to think with my fist first and I found out that it just doesn't work fro me. When you beat someone down for something that you feel they deserve, it feels good for about five seconds but then knowing that you have put someone in that much pain feels like shit afterwards.

I grew up boxing and I use to handle any and all problems as a young guy with my fists. I just feel that I have matured now to see that violence rarely gets the results you want. If you reason, therefore use your head, you tend to be able to help the other party think through their actions.

I don't feel it's a matter of having enough "sac" or not. I just feel it's better to use rationale then violence, but maybe you're right and you can try your type of justice with the next guy that hits you. I sincerely hope it works for you.

Thanks for your response.

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Re: I got hit! I could just tell this ride was... [The Lemming] [ In reply to ]
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Let me see if I have this straight... The FedEx truck makes a RIGHT turn in front of you... That means he's traveling in the same direction as you. He then makes a right turn and hits you...

I guess I'm having a little trouble seeing where this is his fault. He had to slow before the turn, correct? Did you try to pass him on the right? About the only scenarios I can come up with put the culpability on you...

Clear this up for me, okay?

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: I got hit! I could just tell this ride was... [brider] [ In reply to ]
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Sorry if I'm not explaining the scenario that well. He took a right turn onto a main thoroughfare from a driveway he almost hit me as I was riding on the right side of the abovementioned street and he almost hit as he was entering that street. Then he proceeded on that street and without a turn signal made a right turn into another driveway. I was behind him and to the right. Up a head there was traffic and all cars ahead were stopped due to a red light. He made the right as I was starting to slow and out of the aero bars. He made the turn quickly and again without notice.

I wish I could draw a picture for you but I assure you he was at fault. Would or could I say 100%, probably not, though he certainly was significantly at fault.

I hope that clears it up for you a bit.

Basically I just had a bad day and I needed to vent-no whining or cry babying meant ;-).
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Re: I got hit! I could just tell this ride was... [caleb] [ In reply to ]
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ahhh haa ;-) well it certainly wasn't meant as a specific stab at Minnesota but the wonderfully horrible tourist drivers we have here especially during the summer months. No doubt she just moved here to go to school and it was probably her first time on Mission Blvd. which is just distractions galore.

A couple of guys from Minnesota named Jay Guthrie and Steve Hed helped me out with a bike component problem I was having today-so Minnesota people are still in the positive column as for as I am concerned. ;-)

I should just mention this for the record by the way, the only reason I took Mission home, especially at this time of day, was because it was the quickest route home. Obviously not the safest though ;-). Lesson learned!
Last edited by: The Lemming: Sep 1, 05 22:48
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Re: I got hit! I could just tell this ride was... [The Lemming] [ In reply to ]
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Nice post to read.

Personal Training and Sports Conditioning
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Re: I got hit! I could just tell this ride was... [The Lemming] [ In reply to ]
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I feel for you...that was a close one for sure.

The lesson learned here, I think, is don't draft FedEx trucks or any delivery vehicle for that matter. Get back at least fifty feet or so and stay left out in traffic if the prevailing speed is less than 25 or so mph.

When you have trained and commuted in metro traffic as long as I have you develop a sixth sense about certain drivers and vehicles. I don't begin to relax on a training ride until I'm well clear of the city limits and out on the country roads; 'til then it's "treat every vehicle like it's a bomb about to go off."

Mr. Uncaptured External Costs

Fossil carbon is planetary poison.
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