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I apologize IMNA...
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I guess no matter what you do some of us will never be happy...

I on the other hand am thankful that you have added another race and hopefully see this as a step in the right direction.

At very least maybe another race will take some of the pressure off of the other, apparently more desireable, races. If enough people sign up for IMKY instead of the other races maybe they won't sell out in 22.3215 seconds.

Also to those in the area what is this area like. Have driven thru Lousiville several times and isn't that area near some fairly scenic hilly areas? Or is that futher South in TN?

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Re: I apologize IMNA... [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, there are some fairly scenic hilly areas. Louisville has an extensive urban park system, designed by Frederick Olmstead after he finished Central Park in NYC. I hope that the run course will utilize at least one of these parks, maybe two. Louisville is a great city, it is amazing how many people move back here after being away. I worry a bit about the support the people of this city will give, but the venue should be really beautiful. There are so many great options for the ride and run.

Oh, and word is it is WTC, not IMNA running the race.
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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I've seen some major asskissing but this tops them all.

nope still your not getting a free slot!
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [bluemonkeytri] [ In reply to ]
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Wow - why would WTC run a race in North America? That's interesting that IMNA didn't get the opportunity.
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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I'm just pumped there is a race named Ironman-KY
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [NJSteve] [ In reply to ]
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When you think about it though, I don't know if IMNA can handle another race at their current size. I can't imagine you can run more than one of these a month, and April, June, July, August, Sept, and Nov are already booked, with Oct being Kona. Plus, supposedly the discussions started out as a 70.3, which is WTC.
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [bluemonkeytri] [ In reply to ]
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Again going merely on memory, I always thought the area was a bit scenic...but compared to flatland Illinois...

Kinda surprising WTC would step in and set up a race. I thought they would have some sort of agreement about territory or something.

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Re: I apologize IMNA... [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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Kentucky is gorgeous. it offers rolling hills, lush green landscapes, beautiful old southern homes, etc. the people are friendly, and the event will no doubt be a smashing success.

shame on those who bitch about and mock Kentucky. they really have no idea about the state--how beautiful it is and all that it offers. frankly, they come off as ignorant jerks.
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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"Kinda surprising WTC would step in and set up a race. I thought they would have some sort of agreement about territory or something."

I think they own the rights, and license them to IMNA. I guess it isn't an exclusive license. Again, I think it may be because IMNA couldn't add another race without drastically increasing staff, just my guess though.
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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I agree 100% Kitty - but, until I moved to Cincy, I had no idea either and I sure knew a whole host of Kentucky jokes (still do) :)

Hey, Daniel Boone could live anywhere he wanted, but picked KY! Must be OK ;) Not exactly where I would want to live, but very a very beautiful place none the less. Should make for a great IM. Lake Placid is basically the same. Even more redneck there in the outlying areas, but because it is NY state, the "assumptions" made are very different. I would not want to live in LP either, but I sure love the destination and the race. I'm not sure why they picked Louisville over other areas either (say, NC, Virginia, OH, whatever) - but I'm looking forward to it!

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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shame on those who bitch about and mock Kentucky.

let'm bitch, the fewer SF and NE folks that show up at our WI, KY, TTT races, the better. if you can't ride a bike (or m/c) through WI dairyland or KY horse country and see beauty, then the glitz of city life in NY or LA must have burned your retinas.

kangaroo -- please do not read or respond to any of my posts
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [GJS] [ In reply to ]
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LOL--i love that, you're so right!
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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Quote: "shame on those who bitch about and mock Kentucky. they really have no idea about the state--how beautiful it is and all that it offers. frankly, they come off as ignorant jerks."


Kittycat: Are you serious? Mock Kentucky? They refer to the glorious race up here in God's Country as "IMMoo." ;-) I can understand poking fun at Kentucky (like they do with Wisconsin), but, why bitch? It is beautiful country.

I love the idea. IM-KY. Hope I can "slide in" sometime. Hee hee ...

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

Emery's Third Coast Triathlon | Tri Wisconsin Triathlon Team | Push Endurance | GLWR
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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actually, KY drove him so deep into debt that he moved out of the US to MO, where he remained for the last 20 or so years of his life.

kangaroo -- please do not read or respond to any of my posts
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [Martin C] [ In reply to ]
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shame on those who bitch about and mock Kentucky. they really have no idea about the state-- [/reply]

What about the folks who have been there numerous times and still have an opinion you might disagree with. What then?[/reply]

Oh no, you are wrong Martin. Just get over it. ;-)

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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The Desoto American Triple T is only a few hours from Louisville and also next to the Ohio River. That is one of the most beautiful and tough race locations in the country.

Justin in Austin, get it? :)

Cool races:
- Redman
- Desoto American Triple T
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [swimfan] [ In reply to ]
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Ass kissing? Earlier I posted a "What would you change" thread. I had only 2 suggestions. A cap on the number of participants and additional races to ease the pressure on the the other races...one out of two ain't bad. Seems a bit hypocritical of me to bitch about things and then not praise when they fix or attempt to fix what I was bitching about.

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Re: I apologize IMNA... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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I'm trying not to get too excited about this. If it is an August IM in KY in '07 then the year is looking pretty good for me. I have driven through KY many times, but never rode there. I'm guessing the hills aren't quite as rolling they are in WI, and not quite as steep as the hills around the Missouri Ozarks. In any case, the area certainly is beautiful.
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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"Lake Placid is basically the same."

Oddly enough that's what I was thinking. Never been to Lake Placid but the description of the course seems to match what I have in my head of KY and TN area. Not sure how IMLP could be so great and a similar terrain area like KY is so bad.

Seems some, maybe alot of people but more emphasis on the area than on the race itself.

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Re: I apologize IMNA... [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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do you know for sure that it is a full IM distance?

The article I read said it was a 'qualifier'.....
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [Justin in OK] [ In reply to ]
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I was thinking the same thing. Those were tough courses.
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [MJuric] [ In reply to ]
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>>Seems some, maybe alot of people but more emphasis on the area than on the race itself. <<

True, for some of us, especially if one is spending a week to 5 days (or more). 140.6 is 140.6. I'd rather go somewhere I want to visit otherwise, or, somewhere my friends and/or training partners are going (such as Matt has mentioned).


Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: I apologize IMNA... [Martin C] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not in the "Shame on those" group as much as WTF!? It's not like they are putting on a race thru the south side of Chicago where you're dodging bullets and swerving around drug deals and burnt out cars. I guess I just don't put as much emphasis on the venue as apparently alot of people do...besides what are you doing sight seeing while you're raceing?

The other part that surprised me was the amount that were saying IMLP yes IMKY no. Seems like similar terrain to me and thus the reason I asked for a comparions.

Hey if you don't like the area fine. I just don't understand the how the location of race, with in reason, would automatically put it on the "I will not do" list.

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