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I'm hot, she's not...
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Does anyone fight the battle of the thermostat with their spouse or s.o.?? I live in a warmer climate but am always feeling warm while she complains of being chilled. Damn, maybe I'm going through the change:(
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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I keep my house max 64 in the winter. We just keep each other warm. :o)


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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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this is not uncommon, alot of women are chillier compared to men. just walk around naked for awhile, that might encourage her to dress warmer. (and if it doesn't then your problem is solved in a different way)
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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64! Wow that is cold!
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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64?!?! That's freezing! Well, I know that it's not actually freezing, but it seems really cold for a house in the winter.


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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [Mac] [ In reply to ]
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Na. Thats only between 6 and 8 am, and 4 and 7 pm. After that, the heaters go off, and it gets down in the 50's.
We just wear warm clothes in the house. When you have a multi story, 3400 square foot house, you can either wear clothes and be cool,
or boy fewer toys. :o) Luckily, my wife does like it cool, not cold.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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Great reply!

We keep it at 62 in the winter. I throw covers off and she adds.

When we first got married I talked her into buying an electric blanket with dual controls. The first night we used it was misery for both. I had accidentally reversed the controls such that by morning she had her side cut to off and was still burning up. And of course I was a bit cool despite having my setting on "9" out of 10..... Whatever happened to electric blankets anyway???

Coach at KonaCoach Multisport
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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Ahhhh, talk about a misleading teaser... I was expecting to see pics of Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovitt.

The worst is fighting the battle in the car. On longer drives she always falls asleep so I think it is the perfect opportunity to adjust the blasting heat. She instantly wakes up to slap my sneaky hand. No, I wear no pants in this relationship. "Touch that knob again, MFer, and see what happens." "Yes mam"
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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Does anyone fight the battle of the thermostat with their spouse or s.o.?? I live in a warmer climate but am always feeling warm while she complains of being chilled. Damn, maybe I'm going through the change:(
Constantly. But, not just in the house. My car has a dual temp feature -- driver and passenger can set their own temp. You should see us duke it out in the car! If we get it just right, we can actually form a tornado ...

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. - Will Rogers

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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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Our home temperature is 58 at night and 62 when we are home. If you wear a sweater and have good bed covers, it feels wonderful. It is tough to get up in the morning though.


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Casey, This is an astute observation. - Slowbern 11/17/2008
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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my gf is the opposite. She likes it cold.

The only "problem" we have is that I like going to sleep cold and waking up warm. Opposite for her, she likes it warm getting in and would prefer to have the window open in the morning. We're a cool 18C during the day, 16C at night. I made the mistake of turning down the thermostat one day before going out, came back to 13C. Woops.
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [Casey] [ In reply to ]
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You guys are insane if you can live in 62 degree house (or less!). We have ours set to 70 and I'm freezing half the time. My husband is even worse, so at least we're together on this issue. We have it go down to 64 at night and I shiver if I don't have a warm blanket on me at all times. I do wear warm clothes (I'm wearing wool socks, a turtleneck and warm sweatshirt on right now), but it's still too cold for me. I don't know how you do it.
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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Not thermostat wars, but window blind wars. We live in a house that's full of windows, but she liked to keep the blinds closed all the time. Some days I feel like I live in a freakin' cave.
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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Even worse is fighting the thermostat battle with co-workers. I had to supervise three employees (one larger gal who liked it cool and two skinny guys who liked it hot) who had an all out war over the temp. One of the skinny guys actually told the plumper woman to loose some blubber if she was cold all the time, she snapped back telling him to put a little meat on his bones. We ended up locking up the thermostat but found out employees were putting ice cubes on the cover to get the heater to kick on. Yes, managing employees and babysitting young children have a lot in common.
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [Sea Bass] [ In reply to ]
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I dont know about co-workers, but I fight with my roommate about it almost daily. I work all day (grad school) and I like it cold, 17 degrees C. But the only place where im allowed to touch the thermostat is in my room.
He sits at home ALL DAY EVERY DAY with the heat cranked and portable heaters surrounding him and then hands me a bill for half.
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [Sea Bass] [ In reply to ]
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funniest post of the day. priceless.

"ah-hem...the time is yours."
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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I'm a girl, but I've never 'battled' with the thermostat. My S.O's have always liked air conditioning in the summer, and in winter they seem to like it cool also... they usually stay warm.

I have no problem with adding layers or using a space heater in a particular room if needed: no battle at all. Last evening I wore 2 polar fleece sweaters, slippers, and a polar fleece hat - in the house. I keep the thermostat to 65 in the winter to keep the heating costs down. I will wear socks to bed and put on extra blankets... no problem.


Lauren Muney
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [Fitnesscoach] [ In reply to ]
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My wife has the heat cranked in our place every time I turn my back. She's gone on a business trip this week and I turned it off. Its been in the low 60s in the house and I've been wearing shorts.

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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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i design HVAC systems in buildings for a living and am damn sick and tired of hearin all y'alls complaints..

if youre cold wear a damn sweater!!
if youre hot take your shirt off!! (please feel free to run with this one.)

thank you for listening...i love you all.
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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i'm not married, but it seems every girl i've ever dated was always cold, and i was always hot. Led to quite a few "falling outs" lol

trying to get alittle more respect one day at a time
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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My wife is always hot when she sleeps so she opens the window at night.

The last few weeks have been so cold in our room that we switched sides of the bed so I could sleep away from the window.

I would think it gets below 45 degrees in our room, it's quite a meat locker!

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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [Iron Buckeye] [ In reply to ]
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Not thermostat wars, but window blind wars. We live in a house that's full of windows, but she liked to keep the blinds closed all the time. Some days I feel like I live in a freakin' cave.

it's the remote control in our house. granted, we only have 6 channels, given that my husband REFUSES to have cable. but we still watch some television, and i hate hearing commercials.

since my husband hordes the remote (and we have no space left in the house so i cannot get away from him and watch television or something in another room) i have to ask for the volume to be up or down and during commercials i end up saying, "please mute it honey."
a few minutes later when some other round of commercials are on he forgets to mute it, so again i have to ask, "honey, will you please mute it during commercials for me (bat my eyes and try to persuade him)".
inevitably, he forgets again, and another few moments later. "babe, we've seen the Honda commerical 8 times. seriously, please mute it or i'm going to have to kick your ass".

Finally, he'll remember to mute during commercials, but will then want a foot rub for being such a good husband. lol...
Last edited by: kittycat: Feb 7, 07 10:01
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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"just walk around naked for awhile, that might encourage her to dress warmer."

Reminds me of a CW song "I don't look good naked anymore"

Might encourage her to find a better looking guy!!

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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [plant] [ In reply to ]
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Home no worries as we have no control over the thermostat, it's just cold and drafty. Here at the store I keep it at 16c during the day and 13 at night. She doesn't know how to control it here;) However she knows all to well how to work the thermostat in the truck. I end up driving in a t-shirt while she blasts the heat.
As for Sea Bass and his blinds, I know how you feel. We live on the river, I always want them open. a bit of training is all it takes there. I do not however have control over the tv remote, that's all hers.

Scott McNamee
Cranks Bicycle Shoppe
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Re: I'm hot, she's not... [slammer] [ In reply to ]
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My wife is always hot when she sleeps so she opens the window at night.
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