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Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power
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I have Trainerroad setup with my Quarq PM going to an ANT+ dongle. And I'm using the latest Sufferfest videos, trainerroad style, with high-def and a good soundsystem. Using CycleOps rollers.

Everything seems to knd of work, but after a few minutes I get the feeling I'm still just sitting in my garage on a fucking trainer and want to reach over to my workbench for the hammer and start pounding nails through my eyeballs.

I thought this Trainerroad stuff was supposed to be cool and fun and different. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a firmware update?
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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You seat is too high
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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Buy a projector. You don't go to the movies on your cell phone, and you shouldn't ride a trainer with a laptop. Best $80 I ever spent was for an older NEC VT670 on eBay. We now have 3 projectors running and when the video rider goes around a corner, you will be tempted to lean on the trainer with him. Bigger video is better....
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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I use netflix on the TV and just watch my TR workout on my laptop. Let's me zone out to The Walking Dead while TR tells me when it's time to hammer. I have started craving my bike workouts much more with TR because of how much I enjoy the different workouts. Plus, tracking your FTP growth is like crack. "IT MIGHT GO UP TODAY. OMG OMG OMG'
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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New Training/Racing Log - http://www.earthdaykid.com/blog --- Old Training/Racing Log - http://colinlaughery.blogspot.com
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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1) Do you know your FTP?
2) If not, either use TR's 2x8 or 20-min test or Rubber Glove

Michael Hebert
Supported by: EnduroPacks | TrainerRoad | Asylum Cycles
I support: Team RWB
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [colinlaughery] [ In reply to ]
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I do. I bundle up and take my bike outside.
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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Give it a few weeks. It takes more than a few workouts to get used to the 'shock' of going outdoors to indoors. It takes a pretty different mindset, even though the power and motions are the same.

After a few weeks of dedicated indoor training, you might actually find that you actually will like a lot of aspects of indoor training, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that it will ever become more fun than riding outdoors in beautiful scenery.

I think I like indoor training as much as you could reasonably expect to (I have no choice, given it's either indoors or no cycling for my schedule), and I'll say that the fun factor for a group hammerfest outdoor ride is like 10x that of even my best indoor training session, although the quality/consistency of my indoor workouts exceeds my outdoor workouts (as a whole - can meticuluosly track TSS, train in the correct power zones all the time, etc.), and I'm sure I'm making better progress indoors than outdoors as a result.
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [hebert.mike] [ In reply to ]
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>1) Do you know your FTP?
>2) If not, either use TR's 2x8 or 20-min test or Rubber Glove
>3) HTFU

Do I know my FTP? Please. This is the one use where I can stick with it. But when I'm FTP testing (biweekly) I turn off all the music, turn off the videos where I'm pretending to race Spartacus and Wiggins, put my 5s power right in front of my face, peg it to my goal, and dig in for 20 minutes. I can do that. The rest of it, I just can't. On the road I have no problem "zoning out" for 4 hours at 60% FTP. In my garage I just start climbing the walls.
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah, I feel ya. It's a lot easier to zone when you're outside and scenery changes. I find it best to catch up on movies I haven't seen or to watch shows that I haven't seen yet. It's a good way to get some alone time from the business of the rest of my life.

Michael Hebert
Supported by: EnduroPacks | TrainerRoad | Asylum Cycles
I support: Team RWB
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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Maybe zoning out is the problem???
I find the sufferfest videos help me engage the workout prescribed by getting into the moment with them. Watching the video even for the 20th time still gets me to go where I do not want to go staring at a wall and my power tap. Btw the Italian gal on the Pinarello in the revolver is just plain hawt. I don't know who or what she looks like off of the bike, but on the bike yep she makes that minute go by fast.
Oh sorry any way back to my point.
I guess it is similar to going to masters and doing a workout versus swimming alone. 10 x 100 is still a thousand yards. Solo it sucks ass in a group with someone tapping and your toes and you trying to do the same it goes by much faster.

2017 Cervelo P2
2017 Cervelo S2
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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trail wrote:
Do I know my FTP? Please. This is the one use where I can stick with it. But when I'm FTP testing (biweekly) I turn off all the music, turn off the videos where I'm pretending to race Spartacus and Wiggins, put my 5s power right in front of my face, peg it to my goal, and dig in for 20 minutes. I can do that. The rest of it, I just can't. On the road I have no problem "zoning out" for 4 hours at 60% FTP. In my garage I just start climbing the walls.

I hear you. you're good at nailing that 20 minutes for the FTP test, so you need focus or you're bored

Perhaps you need to choose workouts on trainerroad that keep your focus and push you.

This one kills me... 5 minutes at 120% FTP, 6 minutes at 117% FTP & 7 minutes at 114% FTP.

or 4x10's at FTP

This is what i like about trainer time, its 100% focus for me, and nailing that target of the day.

I cannot do 3 hour endurance rides on the trainer, its gotta be work.
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Re: Help - problem with Trainerroad and ANT+ power [trail] [ In reply to ]
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I would go through a plan, starting with an FTP test.

There's something about ticking off workouts that is motivating.

I also would watch TV/netflix. That's how I watch all my shows.

I take it one notch higher now and play xbox one while on my TT bike :). I've just started doing it for endurance rides on the kickr and it makes the time fly by.

CEO at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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