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Guest Carbo Meal...
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Is an Ironman $25 Guest Carbo meal appropriate for kids (ages 11 & 13)...??

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Re: Guest Carbo Meal... [NamssoB] [ In reply to ]
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I don't know, but my 12 year old was only charged $15 at Wisconsin.

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Re: Guest Carbo Meal... [NamssoB] [ In reply to ]
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If they'll eat pasta with sauce, salad, & cooked vegetables. I thought the food was good, but my kids probably wouldn't have been thrilled. $25 or $15 is steep for kids, but if they don't go you probably won't go either.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Guest Carbo Meal... [sc3826] [ In reply to ]
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Thx! What's the atmosphere like - a big mess hall with people just eating off paper plates, or a little more festive? $25 is a little steep for a plate of spaghetti ($100 for my whole family).

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Re: Guest Carbo Meal... [NamssoB] [ In reply to ]
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Not much of an atmosphere if you ask me. If i were u, at most, take your wife there (is she is at least curious on what goes on), then save the rest of the money and take the family to a nice restaurant.

To let u in on what goes on.. there is usually a speech by the committee, Mike Reilly, blah, blah.. then u eat out of a plastic plate with plasticware and drink pop out of a can. How much do u think that meal actually cost them to make..?

If i had to pay for it, and if they charged me anything more than $5, i'd skip the meal and just go get something from the local restaurants. I know some of u may argue that "Oh, that not the sprit of things.." but whatever... I don't have a money printing machine in my basement.

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