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Great Floridian
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Is any one familiar with the Great floridian down in Clermont, Fl.? Specifically, I'm wondering if the swim is typically wet-suit legal or not and how challenging are the hills on the bike and run? Also, I've heard it can be quite windy--is that true?



Randy Christofferson(http://www.rcmioga.blogspot.com

Insert Doubt. Erase Hope. Crush Dreams.
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Re: Great Floridian [rcmioga] [ In reply to ]
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Typically, it is wetsuit legal. Usually it's very close and doesn't get cool enough until the first cold front of the season drops down in the middle of October.

Both the bike and run course have changed this year so my only experience is with the old courses, though they are similar this year. There are some challenging sections on both courses but tend to be short and steep rather than long. The last 20 miles on the run are very flat around the lake, until that last uphill to the finish(very short but steep). Wind does typically come into play.

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Re: Great Floridian [rcmioga] [ In reply to ]
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It can be very hot and muggy in October in Cen Fla, or it can be absolutely balmy. You just never know. Most of the time, wetsuits are legal. However, a full suit may be a little too warm. There are some rolling hills in the area that you don't see anywhere else in Florida. They keep things interesting.
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Re: Great Floridian [rcmioga] [ In reply to ]
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Clermont has a monopoly on the Florida hills...one in particular on Sugarloaf? is nasty, and I think is done twice in the GF? The best 2 people to ask are KJGrog because he lives there and I think is the mayor, and SupportCrew, whose husband usually does it as a post-Hawaii recovery Ironman....and wins.

crazy bastard.
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Re: Great Floridian [rcmioga] [ In reply to ]
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More than likely it will be a wet suit swim, we always get a teaser cold front blowing through in the last weeks leading up to it. Last yr I did the half and it was no problem with overheating, was very windy last yr and got hot as day progressed, tough tough day to do the full last yr. Hope for better condition this yr as I am also doing the full. The course changes but it always has the same hills and is suprisingly hard. Good news about change on run course, no hospital hill.
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Re: Great Floridian [rcmioga] [ In reply to ]
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Don't let anyone fool you -- the course is hilly. There aren't any big mountain passes or anything like that, but some of the hills are quite steep. Sugarloaf is extremely nasty. It can also be hot later in the day, and the wind does pick up as well. All in all, it's a difficult course. The hills in that part of Florida will definitely surprise you.

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Re: Great Floridian [rcmioga] [ In reply to ]
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is this a good location to do my first 1/2 IM or should i pick a different race?
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Re: Great Floridian [newtrigirl] [ In reply to ]
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The location is fine but it's hilly and can be very hot which could make for a very long day so many first timers look for flater/cooler races.


Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein
Last edited by: El Kabong: Aug 31, 05 17:04
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Re: Great Floridian [newtrigirl] [ In reply to ]
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I chose the Great Floridian Half last year as my first half, and I lived to tell! It was tough, and when I signed up I didnt' do my homework or I perhaps may have felt "scared". The one hill on the bike is tough. It helped to drive the bike course beforehand to know what you would be up against and when. When all was said and done, (6:42), I was very proud, and have since done another half in July, (Musselman) (6:02), and will do another in October, (Montauk). I plan to do two HIMs a year until my joints wear away. I'm hooked, and I'm glad Clermont was my first! Good Luck to you!


"If you hold on tight to what you think is your thing, you might find you're missing all the rest"

Dave Matthews
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Re: Great Floridian [Sweet Pink] [ In reply to ]
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thanks. just wondering if i'm in over my head. i'm starting to hesitate and second guess myself.
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Re: Great Floridian [newtrigirl] [ In reply to ]
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Very tough race for your first 1/2 - lots of hills, heat and humidity. Z
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Re: Great Floridian [newtrigirl] [ In reply to ]
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Then I think you're probably right where you're supposed to be;)

You're following a program...yes? Just go out there and race your own race...to finish. Then, you'll see what's next! Also, the people that run the GF are just so nice. Get there early and do the organized pre-race parties and bikes/runs/swims. You'll find plenty of "newbie" company. Go to their website and read the chat...you'll feel like you know people before you even get there. I met an experienced triathlete at the hotel where I was staying, and he was most happy to share his competitive knowledge with me. It helped sooo much!

"If you hold on tight to what you think is your thing, you might find you're missing all the rest"

Dave Matthews
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Re: Great Floridian [Sweet Pink] [ In reply to ]
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how many races/how much experience had you had prior to doing this 1/2?
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Re: Great Floridian [newtrigirl] [ In reply to ]
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Don't worry about doing this if it's your first 1/2.

Once you get to these long distances, the events are going to be tough. I'm an Iron Virgin and GFT Full is my first Full one and I'm more excited than anything else. Think of the experience as an adventure about finding about yourself. There is no time limit, people won't know if you did well or didn't. It's ok to second-guess yourself if you can complete the race, I get nervous thinking we have to do Wall, Hospital Hill, Sugarloaf, and the other hills TWICE but it's what makes the experience & journey so worthwhile...
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Re: Great Floridian [nycnewbie] [ In reply to ]
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thanks. i'm nervous/excited. i'm just worried that i don't have enough base mileage for this. i'm a total newbie to all of this, so i appreciate the advice. do many people run/walk the run portion? i just don't want to be that person out on the course that others are wondering, what is she doing here?!
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Re: Great Floridian [Digger262] [ In reply to ]
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I rode the new bike course 2 weeks ago. Initial thought was that it was going to be much easier than last year (my first 1/2 IM and thrilled to have done it in Clermont in 5:57), but I was mistaken, it's just as challenging, with a lot of deceptively steep climbs. The run will be easier, as no crawl up Hospital Hill at the 1 mile mark. This is a great race, but if you are not used to riding any hills (and those of us from S. Florida aren't), I suggest planning some training rides on the course if you can. There is a great 3-day Mt. Dora biking weekend 2 weeks prior that rides all over the area.

See y'all in Clermont in October. BTW, rooms are pretty much sold out nearby. If you don't have reservations, find them quick. Next closest is Holiday Inn Express or Summer Bay Resort on 192 S. on 27 about 15-20 miles from the race.
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Re: Great Floridian [newtrigirl] [ In reply to ]
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Over the course of the previous, (to my half), two tri seasons, I'd done a few sprints, a couple of olys, many running races,(up to half marathon distance), ( one marathon, but 10 years previous, so it didn't really count towards my tri training except for the the experience of knowing what it was like to be out racing for a loooong time).

And as for the run portion...you will definitely be in the company of many run/walkers. I ran and then walked thru water stops, walked up tough hills, made deals with myself, like "if I just run one mile, I can walk two minutes, then I'll run again". Relax and enjoy it. At mile 11, you can curse all of us who told you to have fun:)

"If you hold on tight to what you think is your thing, you might find you're missing all the rest"

Dave Matthews
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Re: Great Floridian [newtrigirl] [ In reply to ]
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Don't sweat it. Just keep preparing consistently for the event. Try to train some hills. I highly suggest you put on a 12-27 cassette. That will facilitate the way you ride this challenging course, and might save your legs for the run stretch. Don't worry about how you race it - i.e., whether you are fast, slow, run, walk, whatever. This is your race, enjoy it. The crowd support is very good. The aide stations are cool, some with themes. Even though this is a tough evnue, it is a very good first-timers venue. You made a good choice . . . now just get back to trainig instead of worrying. Have a great time!

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Re: Great Floridian [Sweet Pink] [ In reply to ]
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Hey NewTriGirl,

Florida Challenge is going to be my first 1/2 as well so it should be interesting. My friends who have done it before tell me that you should definitely get some hill work under your belt beforehand. Is that possible in your neck of the woods?
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Re: Great Floridian [Sweet Pink] [ In reply to ]
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Yes it is a tough first 1/2. I actually did it as my first 1/2 back when it was a separate event as the Florida Challenge in September, so it was even a little hotter back then. The great thing is you feel a sense of accomplishment with a tough, hot & hilly course and your next 1/2 will be a lot easier more than likely. As has been said the people running the event and volunteers are real nice people. Also, the waterstops on the run course are themed & entertaining, especially The St. Pete Mad Dogs Waterstop who stay until the last finisher finishes and are a fun crazy crew, who dress up and encourage everyone enthusiastically (and you can go back to their waterstop & hang out for beer and burgers after you finish & watch the other finishers! They make a weekend out of it with RV's/Tents/Grills. It's just about a mile from the finish line) . I would definitely recommend doing it.
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Re: Great Floridian [SinkCrashBonk] [ In reply to ]
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yeah, i can definitely get some hill training in. pretty much only possible on weekends when i can get out of the city, but i'll get some in for sure. alright, you guys have set my mind at ease a lot. while i don't expect this to be easy by any means and expect this to be quite challenging, i'm glad that this is a newbie friendly race. if anyone has any other advice i would GREATLY appreciate it. i think it is more the fear of the unknown right now!
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Re: Great Floridian [newtrigirl] [ In reply to ]
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you will have a great time - I did this race last year as my first half and my 4th overall tri - it was a blast - the people are great and the course - while tough it is not unfair.

I rode the new course the last two weeks and I think it is faster than last year - the new loop they added to dump 19 is flat and fast - although last weekend there was at least a 15mph headwind on part (leftover from Katrina). Most Buckhill has been taken out but Grassy Lake added so that is basically a wash but you have less climbing before Sugarloaf.

The new run will be a ton better - no Cardiac/Hospital Hill at mile 2 - but the first 5 miles of the run will be rolly on the paved trail.

Good luck and have fun - I will be spectating this year and cheering for you since my Ironman is 2 weeks before GFT
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Re: Great Floridian [runhappy] [ In reply to ]
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Cool. Thanks. I really appreciate all the advice/thoughts on the race.
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Re: Great Floridian [RA] [ In reply to ]
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Probably the best weekend we have ever had here (since I have lived here; 2 years) in Clermont as far as weather goes. Couldnt of asked for better conditions or weather. Probably..85, clear sunny skies with a slight breeze. Hope some of you all will get the chance to come visit us here so you can do the course and what not.

Looking forward to race day!
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Re: Great Floridian [rcmioga] [ In reply to ]
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I attempted the full last year. It was hot, humid, and hilly. The swim was nice though. A little toasty in the wetsuit, but not too bad. (note: I DNF'd a 1/2 mile into the run).
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