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Fueling during a marathon
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I used to do cycling only, and only took up running a couple of years ago when I started triathlon. From cycling I'm used to fueling a lot on the bike - have had no trouble with this.

I have an open marathon in two days. I've run a few open marathons before, so its not my first, but not a whole lot of experience either. Previously I've eaten quite a lot during the marathon (banana/gel at about every aid station - which were approx every 3-4k around the course). I've never held up for the entire distance, but I attribute this to lack of run fitness / poor pacing and not really under-fueling. If anything - I've suspected I over-fueled!

So - how much fueling is required for a marathon - and what do you prefer in terms of liquid/solid etc? Do you fuel mostly during the first half and only take some drinks for the last half? Steady fueling through the entire marathon? Any input is appreciated.

I guess the fueling-strategy will vary quite a bit from a 2:10 marathoner to a 4:30, so for the record I'm aiming for somewhere around 3:10 (hopefully sub 3:10, but we'll se!)
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [lovegoat] [ In reply to ]
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I'm in the opposite side coming to cycling and multisport from running and for my marathons, I fueled with gels every 45 mins or so for the full duration.
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [lovegoat] [ In reply to ]
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It wasn’t until my last couple marathons that I realized I didn’t need as much fuel as I thought I did. I was consistently overdoing the gels and sports drink, resulting in GI cramping. I now take a gels every 45 minutes for the first half of the race and Gatorade during the 2nd half of the race. If you’re trying to go sub 3:10 to get into Boston, you probably need to pad that by a few minutes.
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [lovegoat] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [mauricemaher] [ In reply to ]
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mauricemaher wrote:


78-79 kg (about 172-173 lbs). Distributed on 180cm (on a good day - 179.5 cm on a bad day:D)
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [Andy007] [ In reply to ]
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Andy007 wrote:
It wasn’t until my last couple marathons that I realized I didn’t need as much fuel as I thought I did. I was consistently overdoing the gels and sports drink, resulting in GI cramping. I now take a gels every 45 minutes for the first half of the race and Gatorade during the 2nd half of the race. If you’re trying to go sub 3:10 to get into Boston, you probably need to pad that by a few minutes.

Thanks - I've never had cramping-issues etc from over-eating - but the first marathon I felt really sluggish towards the end - felt that it could have been from overfueling. Second attempt better - but still maybe to much fueling:) I definitely fuel more than gels every 45 min!

Edit to add: And about Boston - yeah I guess I would have to aim at 3:05 to be sure on that one, but I'm a long way from Boston and have no other ambition than beating myself (and maybe a few mates, ha!)
Last edited by: lovegoat: Apr 28, 16 5:35
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [lovegoat] [ In reply to ]
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Nothing for the 45-60min but water. Gels every 4-5 miles after that. A couple sips of gatorade toward the end. I'm low 170s and 2:50ish marathoner.

So that would approximately be a gel at mile 8-9, 13, 18, 22. Few sips of sports drink after that.
Last edited by: Bob S: Apr 28, 16 6:21
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [lovegoat] [ In reply to ]
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Metabolic factors limiting performance in marathon runners. provides some guidelines:

Last edited by: gregf83: Apr 28, 16 6:40
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [Bob S] [ In reply to ]
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I go with typically 2 gels I grab on course at about the 1 hour and 2 hour marks, and otherwise 1-2 cups of sports drink depending on temperature every mile starting at mile 4-5 to match thirst. Nothing the first 30 minutes or so.

It's a little lighter than 70.3 which is similar pace, but mainly because in a marathon, you're starting with 2000 calories of ready to use glycogen stores. In 70.3, your already 2-1/2 hours into the event when the run starts. You could go 90-120 minutes with nothing anyway without bonking if your well trained. What you consume simply extends that. I've done a 1/2 marathon in cool weather taking in nothing and didn't bonk at all. A marathon is slower so you'll burn a little fat.

Too much will screw you as much as too little. The real risk in a marathon is going out too fast and burning through glycogen too quickly early on, and creating a lot of leg fatigue your won't recover from. Start out easy and relaxed and your body will happily use more fat early and conserve glycogen stores.

TrainingBible Coaching
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [motoguy128] [ In reply to ]
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motoguy128 wrote:
I go with typically 2 gels I grab on course at about the 1 hour and 2 hour marks, and otherwise 1-2 cups of sports drink depending on temperature every mile starting at mile 4-5 to match thirst. Nothing the first 30 minutes or so.

It's a little lighter than 70.3 which is similar pace, but mainly because in a marathon, you're starting with 2000 calories of ready to use glycogen stores. In 70.3, your already 2-1/2 hours into the event when the run starts. You could go 90-120 minutes with nothing anyway without bonking if your well trained. What you consume simply extends that. I've done a 1/2 marathon in cool weather taking in nothing and didn't bonk at all. A marathon is slower so you'll burn a little fat.

Too much will screw you as much as too little. The real risk in a marathon is going out too fast and burning through glycogen too quickly early on, and creating a lot of leg fatigue your won't recover from. Start out easy and relaxed and your body will happily use more fat early and conserve glycogen stores.

Thanks for input - I realize I've been taking in way to much! Combined with going out way to fast! (last two attempts I've been hitting 92-93% of MHR only about 15-20 min into the marathon :D) I guess I should try for a more conservative approach this Saturday (both regarding fueling and pacing!)
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [lovegoat] [ In reply to ]
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Was there a nutrition strategy which worked for your PR? Congratulations.
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Re: Fueling during a marathon [lovegoat] [ In reply to ]
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You said you're aiming for 3:10, well I ran a 3:14 yesterday without taking in any calories or water at all.
No problem.
Less is definitely more. You carry plenty of calories around with you.
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