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Forgive me, I've been bad
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I posted this on that other forum, but got no response so here it is for everyone here:

Quick question for you runners. I generally do my shorter (3-5 miles) runs in the morning on a treadmill, and my long runs once a week at night (8 miles right now). Last night I weighed before going out a 178.5. After running 8 miles and drinking two waterbottles of Powerade (thanks to my lovely wife tracking me down on the run to give me one, and keeping one cold in the fridge when I got home) I weighed in at 174. I finished my run around 8:30, showered, stretched ate a little bit and drank lots of fluids for 2 hours before bed. I weighed again before bed and was still only 177, leading me to believe I was slightly dehydrated. I slept worse last night than I ever have before, getting very little sleep until 4:30AM and drinking another full waterbottle sporadically through the night. Could dehydration cause my insomnia? My father tells me it was likely from excercising so soon before bed, but that seems odd to me as I have never had a problem with that. This winter I would ride the trainer for 2 hours, shower and go to bed and sleep fine. Any thoughts?
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Re: Forgive me, I've been bad [Jerrodg] [ In reply to ]
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Yes, fatigue, physical stress (dehydration being one factor) can disrupt sleep.

In fact, poor sleep quality is one of the earliest signs of being overreached or physically stretched.
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Re: Forgive me, I've been bad [Jerrodg] [ In reply to ]
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Back in July you asked about your Dad's knee pain. It was superficial over the patella and was greatest when he loaded up the musculature in and around the area. My first thought is patellar bursitis. If you tap the area with your fingertip and it is point tender this is a positive sign. The bursa is near the surface. It's job is to reduce friction over the bone so if it is inflammed you can imagine that loading up the common tendon and creating friction would be painful. I have had patients of mine refered out and successfully injected for this condition after more conservative measures failed. Hope it has resolved by now!

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Re: Forgive me, I've been bad [Kevin P.] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, what a memory. The pain for him unfortunately hasn't completely gone away. He runs every 3 days or so, never more than 2.5 miles or it returns. We tried new running shoes, and that hasn't helped. He also gets plantar fasciaitis on the same side. I'm trying to get him to go see a doc, but he is stubborn and won't do it...
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Re: Forgive me, I've been bad [Jerrodg] [ In reply to ]
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Must be the Ginkgo biloba :-)

Let your dad know that I have asked him to have somebody rule out pre-patellar bursitis. If they rule it in -- get ride of it. He needs more run frequency! He'll want to avoid thickening of the tissues of the bursa as it can take months -- sometimes years -- to be rid of this. From your description of him, rest is likely out of the question so cortisone may be the way to go.
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